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lundered from loyal houses by the rebels, and carefully preserved for the use of their own offspring. Hived in your thieving camp, Black Zollicoffer! Straight through Tennessee The flag is flapping free-- Ay, nothing shorter! But first, with shot and shell, The road was cleared right well-- Ye made each muzzle tell, Brave Foote and Porter I! Shear the old Stripes and Stars Short, for the bloody bars? No, not an atom! How, 'neath yon cannon-smoke, Volley and charge and stroke, Roar around Roanoke! Burnside is at 'em! O brave lads of the West! Joy to each valiant breast! Three days of steady fight-- Three shades of stormy night-- Donelson tumbles. Surrender out of hand! “Unchivalrous demand!” (So Buckner grumbles.) March in, stout Grant and Smith, (Ah! souls of pluck and pith,) Haul down, for the Old Flag, That black and bloody.rag-- Twelve thousand in a bag! True hearts are overjoyed-- But half as many scamper, (Ah! there's the only damper,) Through the very worst of weathers, Af
48. Roanoke. by Geo. Alfred Townsend. Fair island by the calm, blue Sound, Where high thy pines their branches sway, And make low melodiesr from the oak; For desolation sere and dumb, Sits in the homes of Roanoke. There first my pale and sanguine race A birthplace found-perhaps clash and croak The requiem of the golden corn That never came to Roanoke. Thrice ploughed thy sand the English keel-- They turned their hel Briton broke, And murdered in a single night, The native Lords of Roanoke. The wild duck flocked the sound astir, The bear looked out from S ruthly broke, And wandered vainly after gold Far up the stream of Roanoke. Those savage times have waned apace, The piney isle no red men troke, The spangled flag we worship yet, Curled all its stripes o'er Roanoke. The corpse half buried in the sand, The far-off friends that wait. My God! this curse of blood revoke, May every loyal Northern spear Be nerved with news from Roanoke. Philadelphia, February 16, 1862.
Major D. H. Hill, who was captured at Roanoke, is rather a remarkable character. He has written one or two theological works of some note. He is also a mathematician. The youthful rebels are allowed to regale themselves at school with Hill's Elements of Algebra, a work which is conceived in the true spirit of a gallant Southron. One would think it rather difficult to give mathematical instruction such a form as to imbue pupils with contempt and hatred for the North. But Hill has attempted the work, and has displayed no little ingenuity in the effort. He has framed problems beginning in the following style: A Yankee mixes a certain quantity of wooden nutmegs, which cost him one fourth cent apiece, with a quantity of real nutmegs, worth four cents apiece, etc. A Northern railroad is assessed one hundred and twenty thousand dollars damages for contusions and broken limbs caused by a collision of cars. The years in which the Governors of Massachusetts and Connectic
52. Wisdom at Roanoke. A couplet slightly changed will show Why Burnside lost his boastful foe; “He that is Wise can run away, And live to fight another day.
1. on the victories Gained by the Ninth regiment of New-Jersey Volunteers, at Roanoke and Newbern, N. C. Composed in German by A. Loewe. Translated by L. F. Kampmame the foe. In the west the sun sinks glorious, And our work is fully wrought; Roanoke sees us victorious, Quicker than we erst had thought. Bolder grew the fearlessfate. “Jersey men have come to fight you: Know ye the Ninth regiment, That at Roanoke did fright you? That is now upon your scent.” “Never quailing at your forcesd glorious, Raise on high thy flag unstained; Write upon it, twice victorious, Roanoke and Newbern gained! Bethlehem, May 15, 1862. Mr. Frank Moore: Sir: Thehe Ninth regiment of New-Jersey volunteers. He participated in the battles of Roanoke and Newbern. He was wounded in the latter engagement, and when lying in the hn lying in the hospital (where he soon after died) he dictated this ode on the victories at Roanoke and Newbern to one of his companions. Yours, L. P. Hamp
not all she had done. The Minnesota lay there riddled like a sieve. What damage she sustained will never be known, but it must have been frightful. And within eight and forty hours she had successfully encountered — encountered, defied, and beaten — a force equal to two thousand eight hundred and ninety men and two hundred and thirty guns, as will be seen by the following table: Congress, (burnt,)480men,50guns. Cumberland, (sunk,)360men,22guns. Minnesota, (riddled,)550men,40guns. Roanoke, (scared off,)550men,40guns. St. Lawrence, (peppered,)480men,50guns. Gunboats, (two or three dis'd,)120men,6guns. Forts, (silenced,)200men,20guns. Ericsson,150men,2guns.     2890men,230guns. Here, perhaps, in this short table is a better picture of what she did and what she dared than any word-painter, though he were a Vernet, could ever give. That some of the makers of this great piece of history may be known to the public we append a list of her officers: Action of the Eig
tly in the dun, A thousand spectres stalk by Arlington; The fires are lurid on the haunted hill Where Lyon's lordly name brings tears and terrors still. How sank the right! how treason flushed and vaunted! We had no country and the slave no hope! Where slept the sword that in the erst could cope With grander tyrannies, whose banners flaunted Over the empires where its chieftains led? A deep reply came up from Hilton Head; From stormy Hatteras the answer broke, And echoed down the strand of Roanoke, And broke in thunder on the Cumberland! And vengeance trembled on the lips of law, Where Tennessee raised her ungyved hand, And Sigel broke the chains of Arkansaw! We have made history! ourselves have done it, And begged no help from emperors and peers; Thrown our own gauntlet down, crossed swords and won it, Called from our own sweet vales these volunteers, And fed them with our golden sheaves and ears. The rills obscure, that sang the livelong year, So lonesomely that none were known to
Doc. 148.-capture of Hamilton, N. C. Newbern, N. C., July 15. An engagement of no little importance took place on the morning of the ninth instant, on Roanoke River, some sixty miles from its mouth, between three of our gunboats, the Commodore Perry, Ceres, and Shawsheen, and a company of Hawkins's Zouaves, under Capt. Hammell, on our side, and a regiment of rebel cavalry, supported by a strong force of infantry and artillery, and a rebel fort which commanded the river. The partiction and collecting a large force, with the intention of resisting all approaches to Weldon by the river. After taking on board Captain Hammell's company of Zouaves, which are stationed at Plymouth, (a very important point at the mouth of the Roanoke, and also the headquarters of the naval force in the Albemarle Sound,) the fleet proceeded up the river at a rapid rate, meeting with no difficulties until they arrived at a point some six miles above Williamston, where a barricade of rafts and
e lost. To defend the town there was one company (F) of Hawkins's Zouaves, one company of regularly enlisted loyal North-Carolinians, with such other loyal fighting civilians as the town could furnish. All hands were quickly at their post. Half of the Zouaves were sick with the fever which prevails there at this season of the year, and all of the commissioned officers were sick, except Lieutenant Green, of the Zouaves, who was disabled by a wound received in a former engagement up the Roanoke River. The command of about three hundred men devolved upon Orderly Sergeant Green, of company F, of the Zouaves. At the approach of so vast a force, some generals would say, Surrender; but this was not the Sergeant's motto. He took his brave men, went out on Tuesday, the second instant, and met the enemy three miles from the town. The enemy consisted of infantry and cavalry, the former under Col. Garrett, (who, in fact, was in command of the whole force,) and the latter in command of Ca
nt and Secretary of War to delegate to the commanding general so much of the discretionary power vested in them by law as the exigencies of the service shall require. The Navy. The report of the Secretary of the Navy gives in detail the operations of that department since January last, embracing information of the disposition and employment of the vessels, officers, and men, and the construction of vessels at Richmond, Wilmington, Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, Selma, and on the rivers Roanoke, Neuse, Pedee, Chattahoochee, and Tombigbee; the accumulation of ship-timber and supplies; and the manufacture of ordnance, ordnance stores, and equipments. The foundries and workshops have been greatly improved, and their capacity to supply all demands for heavy ordnance for coast and harbor defences is only limited by our deficiency in the requisite skilled labor. The want of such labor and of seamen seriously affects the operations of the department. The skill, courage, and activity
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