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Epictetus, Works (ed. Thomas Wentworth Higginson) 26 0 Browse Search
Plato, Republic 16 0 Browse Search
Epictetus, Works (ed. George Long) 16 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 21-30 12 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 6 0 Browse Search
Dinarchus, Speeches 6 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 41-50 6 0 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 4 0 Browse Search
Plato, Parmenides, Philebus, Symposium, Phaedrus 4 0 Browse Search
Aristotle, Politics 4 0 Browse Search
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Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 3 (search)
harmony with the statement of Paus. 7.4.5 “that Daedalus came of the royal house of Athens, the Metionids.” Compare J. Toepffer, Attische Genealogie, pp. 165ff. Through the clouds of fable which gathered round his life and adventures we may dimly discern the figure of a vagabond artist as versatile as Leonardo da Vinci and as unscrupulous as Benvenuto Cellini. for he was an excellent architect and the first inventor of images. He had fled from Athens, because he had thrown down from the acropolis Talos, the son of his sister Perdix;As to Daedalus's murder of his nephew, his trial, and flight, compare Diod. 4.76.4-7; Paus. 1.21.4; Paus. 1.26.4; Paus. 7.4.5; Tzetzes, Chiliades i.490ff.; Suidas and Photius, Lexicon, s.v. *pe/rdikos i(ero/n; Apostolius, Cent. xiv.17; Scholiast on Eur. Or. 1648; Ov. Met. 8.236-259; Hyginus, Fab. 39, 244; Serv. Verg. G. 1.143 and Serv. Verg. A.
Aristotle, Eudemian Ethics, Book 7, section 1242b (search)
ns; and this means is honor,which belongs by nature to a ruler and god in relation to a subject. But the profiti.e. the advantage in the shape of protection, guidance, etc., that the inferior party derives from the friendship. must be made equal to the honor.Friendship on a footing of equality is civic friendship. Civic friendship is, it is true, based on utility, and fellow-citizens are one another's friends in the same way as different cities are, and "Athens no longer knoweth Megara,"Lit. 'the Athenians no longer recognize the Megarians.' Author unknown Fr. Eleg. Adespota 6 (Bergk). nor similarly do citizens know one another, when they are not useful to one another; their friendship is a ready-money transaction.Cf. Aristot. Nic. Eth. 1262b 26. Nevertheless there is present here a ruling factor and a ruled—not a natural ruler or a royal one, but one that rules in his turn, and not for
Aristotle, Politics, Book 8, section 1341a (search)
her. Because of this they even included flute-playing among their studies; for in Sparta a certain chorus-leader played the flute to his chorus himself,A wealthy citizen who undertook the duty of equipping and training a chorus for a religious celebration (especially the production of a drama at Athens) usually had an assistant of lower station to supply the instrumental music. The office of choregus is not elsewhere referred to as existing at Sparta. and at Athens it became so fashionable that almost the majority of freemen went in for flute-playing, as is shown by the tablet erected by Thrasippus after having provided the chorus for Ecphantides.Ecphantides was one of the earliest comic poets; Thrasippus is not elsewhere recorded. Who the flute-player was is unknown. But later on it came to be disapproved of as a result of actual experience, when men were more capable of judging what music conduced to virtue and what did
Aristotle, Politics, Book 8, section 1342b (search)
ruments—both are violently exciting and emotional. This is shown by poetry; for all Bacchiac versification and all movement of that sortOr perhaps bakxei/a and ki/nhsis denote bodily movement accompanying the song; or they may denote the emotional frenzy expressed and stimulated by it. The dithyramb was a form of poetry of this class, originally celebrating the birth of Dionysus. Philoxenus, one of the most famous dithyrambic poets, 435-380 B.C., lived at Athens, and later at the court of Dionysius of Syracuse. belongs particularly to the flute among the instruments, and these meters find their suitable accompaniment in tunes in the Phrygian mode among the harmonies: for example the dithyramb is admittedly held to be a Phrygian meter, and the experts on this subject adduce many instances to prove this, particularly the fact that Philoxenus when he attempted to compose a dithyramb, The Mysians, in the Dorian mode
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese), book 2, chapter 23 (search)
n the passage in Aristot. Top. 1.15). A suggested reading is peri\ tou/tou o)rqw=s ei)/rhtai. Another, from division. For example, “There are always three motives for wrongdoing; two are excluded from consideration as impossible; as for the third, not even the accusers assert it.” Another, from induction. For instance, from the case of the woman of Peparethus, it is argued that in matters of parentage women always discern the truth; similarly, at Athens, when Mantias the orator was litigating with his son, the mother declared the truth;Mantias had one legitimate son Mantitheus and two illegitimate by a certain Plangon. Mantias at first refused to acknowledge the latter as his sons, until the mother declared they were. and again, at Thebes, when Ismenias and Stilbon were disputing about a child, DodonisThe name of the mother; or simply, “the woman of Dodona,” like “the woman of Peparethus.” decl
Demosthenes, Against Midias, section 80 (search)
All this is ancient history, though I expect some of you remember it, for all Athens heard of the challenge and of the plot they then hatched and of their brutal behavior. As for me, being quite alone in the world and a mere lad, I did not want to lose the property that was still in the hands of my guardians, and I expected to obtain, not the trifle that I was actually able to recover, but all that I knew I had been robbed of; so I gave them twenty minas, the sum which they had paid for the performance of their trierarchy by deputy. Such was the scandalous treatment that I received at their hands.
Demosthenes, Against Midias, section 83 (search)
Hear now what he has done, men of Athens, in the matter of the legal action and observe his insolent and overbearing conduct on each occasion. In that action—I mean the one in which I obtained a verdict against him—the arbitrator assigned to me was Strato of Phalerum, a man of small means and no experience, but in other respects quite a good fellow; but his appointment proved the unhappy man's ruin—a ruin undeserved, unjust, and in every way scanda
Demosthenes, Against Midias, section 87 (search)
he induced the presiding arbitrator to put it to the vote contrary to all the laws, because Meidias had not appended the name of a single witness to the summons; he denounces Strato in his absence and in the absence of witnesses, and gets him struck off the roll of arbitrators and disfranchised. And so a citizen of Athens, because Meidias lost his suit by default, has been deprived of all his civic rights, and has been irrevocably disfranchised; and it is unsafe for him to bring an action against Meidias when wronged, or to act as arbitrator for him, or even, it seems, to walk the same street with him.
Demosthenes, Against Midias, section 90 (search)
But of course he could have moved for a fresh trial on the ground of nullity, and so made me the object of his litigation as at the first. But no; that was not his game. To save him from defending a suit in which the penalty was fixed by law at ten minas—the suit in which he neglected to apppear—to save him from paying the penalty if guilty or if innocent, a citizen of Athens must needs be disfranchised, and must obtain neither pardon nor right of defence nor any sort of equitable treatment, privileges extended even to those whose guilt is establish
Demosthenes, Against Midias, section 98 (search)
If not, what have you to say, gentlemen of the jury? What fair and honorable excuse, in heaven's name, can you find for him? Is it because he is a ruffian and a blackguard? That is true enough, but surely, men of Athens, your duty is to hate such creatures, not to screen them. Is it because he is wealthy? But you will find that his wealth was the main cause of his insolence, so that your duty is to cut off the resources from which his insolence springs, rather than spare him for the sake of those resources; for to allow such a reckless and abominable creature to have such wealth at his command is to supply him with resources to use against yourselves.
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