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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, Advertisements and reports of the 6. voyage into the parts of Persia and Media, for the companie of English merchants for the discoverie of new trades, in the yeeres 1579. 1580. and 1581. gathered out of sundrie letters written by Christopher Burrough, servant to the saide companies, and sent to his uncle Master William Burrough. (search)
sent to his uncle Master William Burrough. FIRST it is to be understood, that the ships for the voiage to S. Nicholas in Russia , in which the factors and merchandise for the Persian voiage were transported, departed from Gravesend the 19. of June, 1579. which arrived at S. Nicholas in Russia the 22. of July, where the factors and merchants landed, and the merchandise were discharged & laden into doshnikes, that is, barkes of the countrey, to be caried from thence up by river unto Vologda. up the river Volga to Yeraslave, with letters of advise to be sent for England, and had order for staying the goods in Russia that should come that yeere out of England for mainteining the trade purposed for Persia, untill further triall were mad knew the certainety. He made very much of them, placing M. Garrard next to himselfe, and Christopher Burrough, with the Russie interpretour for the Turkie tongue hard by. There was a Gillan merchant with him at that present, of whom he seemed to m
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, Observations of the latitudes and meridian altitudes of divers places in Russia , from the North to the South: Anno 1581. (search)
Observations of the latitudes and meridian altitudes of divers places in Russia , from the North to the South: Anno 1581. Michael Archangel. Meridian altitude observed at Michael the Archangel, 42. degrees, 30. minuts. The true latitude, 64. degrees, 54. minuts. The English house in Colmogro. The English house in Colmogro, in latitude, 64. d. 25. m. The meridian altitude there observed, the 29 of July, 42. d. 15. m. Recola. Meridian altitude the 30 of July, 41. d. 40. m. Declination, 16. d. 6. m. 64. d. 20. m. Yeegris. Meridian, 4 of August, 41. d. 50. m. Declination Northerly, 14. d. 49. m. 62. d. 59. m. Towlma. Meridian altitude, the 15 of August, 40. d. 45. m. Declination Northerly, 11. d. 2. m. 60. d. 17. m. Vologda. Meridian altitude, the 20 of August, 40. d. Declination Northerly, 9. d. 17. m. 59. d. 17. m. Vologda. Meridian altitude, 21 of August, 39. d. 36. m. Declination, 8. d. 56. m. 59. d. 20. m. Yeraslave. Lat
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, Certaine directions given by M. Richard Hackluit of the Middle Temple, to M. Morgan Hubblethorne, Dier, sent into Persia, 1579. (search)
he same: but withall learne you the making of the Anile, and if you can get the herbe, you may send the same dry into England, for possibly it groweth here already. Returne home with you all the materials and substances that they die withall in Russia , and also in Persia, that your company may see all. In some litle pot in your lodging, I wish you to make daily trials in your arte, as you shall from time to time learne ought among them. Set downe in writing whatsoever you shall learne from ng. In any wise set downe in writing a true note from whence every of them doe come, and where, and in what countrey ech of them doth grow, I meane where the naturall place of ech of them is, as how neere to such a city, or to such a sea, or to such a portable river in Russia , Persia, or elsewhere. If before you returne you could procure a singular good workeman in the arte of Turkish carpet making, you should bring the arte into this Realme, and also thereby increase worke to your company.
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, Instructions made by the company of English merchants for discovery of new trades, unto Richard Gibs, William Biggat, John Backhouse, William Freeman, John Haly, and James Woodcock, &c. masters of the 9 ships, and one barke that we had freighted for a voiage with them to be made (by the grace of God) from hence to S. Nicholas in Russia , and backe againe: which ships being now in the river of Thames are presently ready to depart upon the said voyage, with the next apt winds that may serve thereunto: and with this Fleet afterwards was joined M. Christopher Carlisle with the Tyger. The 1 of June 1582. (search)
to Richard Gibs, William Biggat, John Backhouse, William Freeman, John Haly, and James Woodcock, &c. masters of the 9 ships, and one barke that we had freighted for a voiage with them to be made (by the grace of God) from hence to S. Nicholas in Russia , and backe againe: which ships being now in the river of Thames are presently ready to depart upon the said voyage, with the next apt winds that may serve thereunto: and with this Fleet afterwards was joined M. Christopher Carlisle with the Tyger. The 1 of June 1582. FORASMUCH as the number of shippes which we purpose to send in this Fleete together for Saint Nicholas in Russia is greater then at any time heretofore wee have sent thither, as also for that some speeches are given out that you shall be met withall by such as with force & violence will assault you as enemies, to the end that good order may be established among you for keeping together in company, and uniting your forces, as well for the better direction to be had
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The opinion of Master William Burrough sent to a friend, requiring his judgement for the fittest time of the departure of our ships towards S. Nicholas in Russia . (search)
The opinion of Master William Burrough sent to a friend, requiring his judgement for the fittest time of the departure of our ships towards S. Nicholas in Russia . WHEREAS you request me to perswade the company not to send their shippes from hence before the fine of May, I do not thinke the same so good a course for them to observe: for you know that the sooner wee sende them hence, the sooner we may looke for their returne. If wee sende them in the beginning of May, then may they be at Saint Nicholas by the fine of the same moneth: and by that time the greatest parte of your lading of necessitie must bee come downe, especially the flaxe: but if it should fall out so lateward a breaking up of the river of Duyna, that by the ende of May the goods cannot be brought to Saint Nicholas, yet this is alwayes to be accounted for certaine, that before our ships can come thither, the goods may be brought downe to that place: and if through ice the shippes be kept backe any time, the losse and c
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, A copie of the Commission given to Sir Jerome Bowes, authorizing him her Majesties Ambassadour unto the Emperour of Russia, Anno 1583. (search)
A copie of the Commission given to Sir Jerome Bowes, authorizing him her Majesties Ambassadour unto the Emperour of Russia, Anno 1583. ELIZABETH by the grace of God, Queene of England, France and Ireland , defender of the faith, &c. to al and singular, to whom these presents shal come to be seen and red, greeting. Whereas the most excellent prince John Basiliwich king, and great duke of all Russia , Volodomer, Moscovie, and Novogrod, king of Cazan and Astracan, lord of Plesco, and great duke of Smolensco, of Tuer, Ugor, and Permia, Valca, Bolhar and others, lord great duke of Novogrod in the low country, of Cherniga, Rezan, Polotsco, Rostove, Yeraslave, Bealozera, Liefland, Oudor, Obdor and Condensa, and governour of al the land of Siberia , and of the North parts and other, our most deare brother and friend did of late send unto us one Feodor Andrewich Spisemsky, a noble man of his, to deale with us in certaine speciall businesses, respecting very neerely the honour of either of us,
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, A Letter sent from her Highnesse to the sayd great Duke of Russia, by sir Hierome Bowes aforesayd, her Majesties Ambassadour. (search)
A Letter sent from her Highnesse to the sayd great Duke of Russia, by sir Hierome Bowes aforesayd, her Majesties Ambassadour. ELIZABETH by the grace of God, Queene of England, France, and Ireland , defender of the faith, &c. to the most excellent Prince and Lord, John Basiliwich, by the same grace of God, King and great Duke of all Russia , Volodomer, Moscovie, and Novogrod, King of Cazan and Astracan, Lord of Plesco, and great Duke of Smolensco, of Tuer, Ugor, and Permie, Viatsca, Bolhar, and others, Lord and great Duke of Novogrod in the lowe countrey, of Cherniga, Rezan, Polotsko, Rostove, Jaroslave, Bealozera, Lifland, Oudor, Obdor, and Condensa, and Governour of all the land of Siberia , and of the North parts and others, her dearest brother and friend, Salutations. Most excellent Prince, most deare brother and friend, by those things which the worthy ambassador of your excellency declared unto us, we have understood how kindly it would be taken, if we should send to your ex
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, A briefe discourse of the voyage of Sir Jerome Bowes knight, her Majesties ambassadour to Ivan Vasilivich the Emperour of Muscovia, in the yeere 1583. (search)
t from S. Nicholas. You must here understand that before the English ambassadors going into Russia , there were divers strangers, but especially certeine Dutch merchants, who had intruded themselkewise the payment of five hundred marks, which was payd for ten yeeres before his going into Russia (into the Emperours receit) for a rent of a house that they had at Vologda. He also got graions from her Majesty. He obteined that all strangers were forbidden to trade any more into Russia , and that the passage and trade to all the Emperors Northren coasts and countries, from the Warand a man upon it, after the maner of the Samoeds, a people that inhabite in the Northeast from Russia , and were that yeere come over the sea in the winter season upon the yce, in their sleds, drawe come over the sea in the winter season upon the yce, in their sleds, drawen with these deere into Russia , where the ambassadour bought of them seventeene, whereof he brought nine alive into Kent .
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, These following he obteined for the behoofe of the merchants. (search)
Volga . He obtained likewise the payment of five hundred marks, which was payd for ten yeeres before his going into Russia (into the Emperours receit) for a rent of a house that they had at Vologda. He also got granted for them the repayme left out of his instructions from her Majesty. He obteined that all strangers were forbidden to trade any more into Russia , and that the passage and trade to all the Emperors Northren coasts and countries, from the Wardhouse to the river of Obies presence drew a sled and a man upon it, after the maner of the Samoeds, a people that inhabite in the Northeast from Russia , and were that yeere come over the sea in the winter season upon the yce, in their sleds, drawen with these deere into Rin the Northeast from Russia , and were that yeere come over the sea in the winter season upon the yce, in their sleds, drawen with these deere into Russia , where the ambassadour bought of them seventeene, whereof he brought nine alive into Kent .
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The maner of the preferring of sutes in Russia , by the example of our English merchants bill, exhibited to the Emperour. (search)
The maner of the preferring of sutes in Russia , by the example of our English merchants bill, exhibited to the Emperour. JOHN BASILIWICH, Lord, King, and great Duke of all Russia , the English merchants, William, sonne of Thomas, with his company sue unto. Lord, in the 7082. yeere of the worlds creation, thy Majesties treasurer, named Gregorie Mekitowich Borozden, tooke of us for thy use 12. poods of loafe sugar, prised at 8. robles the pood, which sugar was sent to the Sloboda. More, the Russia , the English merchants, William, sonne of Thomas, with his company sue unto. Lord, in the 7082. yeere of the worlds creation, thy Majesties treasurer, named Gregorie Mekitowich Borozden, tooke of us for thy use 12. poods of loafe sugar, prised at 8. robles the pood, which sugar was sent to the Sloboda. More, the sayd Gregorie treasurer, tooke of us for thy Majestie 200. reames of paper, prised at 20. altines the reame, for all which the money hath not bene payd which amounteth to 216. robles. And in the 84. yeere thy diake Stephan Lighachdo tooke of us for thy Majesty copper plates, for the summe of 1032. robles and one fourth part unpayd for. Also in the said 84. yeere thy Majesties diakes called Ivan Blasghoy, and Ivan Sobakin tooke of us for thy use, sundry commodities, and have not payd 630
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