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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, chapter 10 (search)
on. He believed in the strength of the party, saw no necessity for a step which was a confession of its weakness and a reflection on its civil administrative patriotism, and predicted that such a programme, if carried out, would bring about its gradual disintegration. D. C. Forney, the narrator, believes that General Grant's knowledge of what took place,—probably obtained through Babcock, —planted in his mind a permanent dislike of the senator, which was revealed some years later in the San Domingo controversy. This account, which seems to be truthful, was, however, not given to the public till twenty-four years after the transaction, and is not corroborated by any other statements known to the writer. He took the best view of the General's qualities,—writing to Lieber, November 1: Grant will be our President, with infinite opportunities. I hope and believe he will be true to them. Sumner wrote to the Duchess of Argyll, July 28:— The duke's letter came to sustain the rep
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 54: President Grant's cabinet.—A. T. Stewart's disability.—Mr. Fish, Secretary of State.—Motley, minister to England.—the Alabama claims.—the Johnson-Clarendon convention.— the senator's speech: its reception in this country and in England.—the British proclamation of belligerency.— national claims.—instructions to Motley.—consultations with Fish.—political address in the autumn.— lecture on caste.—1869. (search)
Massachusetts,—a circumstance which led to Judge Hoar's retirement a few months later. The San Domingo controversy appears to have had some connection with this change. See Gen. J. D. Cox's noticay be necessary to go? Very faithfully yours, Hamilton Fish. From that time until the San Domingo controversy the relations of the senator and the secretary were confidential to a remarkable department. The relations of the President and of the senator were, up to the time of the San Domingo controversy, altogether agreeable. An associate of the senator on the committee on foreign rp to the recognition of Cuban independence; and his subsequent urgency for the acquisition of San Domingo gives reason to suppose that the acquisition of Cuba was in his mind as an ultimate result. en well for his reputation and to the advantage of the Administration if in the later case of San Domingo he had proved as sturdy in the maintenance of his convictions. Sumner wrote to Cushing, Ju
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 55: Fessenden's death.—the public debt.—reduction of postage.— Mrs. Lincoln's pension.—end of reconstruction.—race discriminations in naturalization.—the Chinese.—the senator's record.—the Cuban Civil War.—annexation of San Domingo.—the treaties.—their use of the navy.—interview with the presedent.—opposition to the annexation; its defeat.—Mr. Fish.—removal of Motley.—lecture on Franco-Prussian War.—1869-1870. (search)
e ambition for the former unity prevailed. San Domingo occupied two-thirds of the island, but had ad for some years alternately held power in San Domingo, each obtaining it with violence. It is haesolution for a protectorate over Hayti and San Domingo, which after debate was laid on the table b island did not prosper. Next he turned to San Domingo, which was brought to his attention soon af3, two treaties,—one for the annexation of San Domingo, and another for the lease of the Bay of Sa them monitors — were kept in the waters of San Domingo with positive orders to repel any attack fr the United States which the acquisition of San Domingo promised; but when he came to the serious cand inspiration, and that the extinction of San Domingo was sure to involve at the next step the exn account of Mr. Sumner's opposition to the San Domingo treaty. His removal will be regarded by thight and duty as a senator in resisting the San Domingo scheme,—a right and duty equal to the Presi[22 more...
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 56: San Domingo again.—the senator's first speech.—return of the angina pectoris.—Fish's insult in the Motley Papers.— the senator's removal from the foreign relations committee.—pretexts for the remioval.—second speech against the San Domingo scheme.—the treaty of Washington.—Sumner and Wilson against Butler for governor.—1870-1871. (search)
e a joint resolution for the acquisition of San Domingo. Such a measure from such a quarter was noaters. Though predicting the annexation of San Domingo and also of Cuba and Porto Rico at some futmmitting Congress to the policy of annexing San Domingo. This declaration, showing the judgment ofrom the newspapers accounts of civil war in San Domingo, and said that the whole scheme was nothingit is utterly incredible that the people of San Domingo wish to part with their independence, and tal on account of Sumner's opposition to the San Domingo treaty. Fish in his reply said that the ru of the fact—that many senators opposed the San Domingo treaty openly, generously, and with as muchnst the removal, ascribing it wholly to the San Domingo controversy. He said:— Sir, the trutsion that at the bottom of it all lies this San Domingo annexation question. He denied that it the President, though not agreeing with his San Domingo scheme. He wrote from Ashfield, Mass., Jul[40 more...]<
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 57: attempts to reconcile the President and the senator.—ineligibility of the President for a second term.—the Civil-rights Bill.—sale of arms to France.—the liberal Republican party: Horace Greeley its candidate adopted by the Democrats.—Sumner's reserve.—his relations with Republican friends and his colleague.—speech against the President.—support of Greeley.—last journey to Europe.—a meeting with Motley.—a night with John Bright.—the President's re-election.—1871-1872. (search)
is association with the Democrats in opposing the San Domingo scheme-had not, as was observed, affected his loy3. His arbitrary methods in attempting to acquire San Domingo and the removal of Sumner from the foreign relatire the use of the navy in the waters of Hayti and San Domingo, his methods adopted or proposed for effecting thr's tirade, though at the same time regarding the San Domingo plot as a nefarious business of both national andest tributes to his fidelity, particularly in the San Domingo controversy. He had gone so far as to justify a ut the object is worthy of any effort. As the San Domingo scheme was without favor among the people, Republt 9. Works, vol. XV. pp. 202-204. To one of the San Domingo commissioners he wrote an open letter concerning ible sense of duty than in that opposition to the San Domingo business, which brought on me the anger of the Prdent and of the estrangement between them; of the San Domingo scheme, and of the offer to him of the mission to
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 58: the battle-flag resolution.—the censure by the Massachusetts Legislature.—the return of the angina pectoris. —absence from the senate.—proofs of popular favor.— last meetings with friends and constituents.—the Virginius case.—European friends recalled.—1872-1873. (search)
mplete account being drawn up by the author for his published history. The first was given to Sumner in 1872 by Mrs. Grote. Among Sumner's published papers during the year were open letters on civil rights to the colored people; Dec. 19, 1872. Boston Journal, Dec. 20. 1872; April 16, 1873. Works, vol. XV. pp. 266, 267. June 22, Ibid., pp. 268, 269. July 29, Ibid., pp. 275-278. a reply to the President of Hayti, who had testified gratefully to his resistance to the annexation of San Domingo; July 4, 1873. Works, vol. XV. pp 270-272. a note of congratulation to Henry Richard on the success of his motion in Parliament for international arbitration; July 10. Works, vol. XV. pp. 273, 274. a letter commending the scheme for the extension of the territory of Boston by the inclusion of suburban municipalities; October 4. Works, vol. XV. pp. 279, 280. and a bibliographical memorandum on Archdeacon Walter Mapes, an English writer of the time of Henry II. July 23. Ne
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 59: cordiality of senators.—last appeal for the Civil-rights bill. —death of Agassiz.—guest of the New England Society in New York.—the nomination of Caleb Cushing as chief-justice.—an appointment for the Boston custom-house.— the rescinding of the legislative censure.—last effort in debate.—last day in the senate.—illness, death, funeral, and memorial tributes.—Dec. 1, 1873March 11, 1874. (search)
. Their friendship was formed in 1846, when the naturalist arrived in the country, and it had been of late years more intimate than ever. Sumner had been tenderly affected by Agassiz's refusal to have his name count against his friend in the San Domingo controversy. Mrs. Agassiz, in her reply to Sumner's letter of condolence, recalled his letter of congratulation on their engagement twenty years before. Sumner wrote to the Duchess of Argyll, Dec. 16, 1873:— I am sure that you and thss, however, repealed the Bankruptcy Act. has lost as a legislator by the ill-considered haste with which, without the support of the committee, He rushed through the repeal. Baez has Again in the United States to promote the annexation of San Domingo. from the beginning been a mercenary, looking out for himself, and a usurper sustained for years by the navy of the United States, illicitly employed at immense cost. Millions! Read my sketch of him, and see how it is verified by the result
tograph, by Allen and Rowell of Boston, the last ever taken, made late in 1873; is reproduced in the Memorial volume printed by the State in 1874, and in this Memoir (vol. IV.), and has been engraved by the treasury department at Washington. The photographers have also issued it enlarged. 21. Full-length portrait, by Henry Ulke, for which sittings were given in Washington in 1873-1874; last likeness from life. It was ordered by Hayti in recognition of the senator's opposition to the San Domingo annexation, and now hangs in the Senate chamber in the Haytian capitol. The artist painted two other portraits at the same time, all three alike representing Sumner speaking in the Senate,—one full-length and owned by John B. Alley, of Lynn; and the other three-quarters in length, and given by James Wormley to the State of Massachusetts. This last hangs in the State Library (Senate Doc., 1884, Nos. 272, 323; Boston Transcript, Sept. 27, 1883). 22. Various busts and statues in plaster
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, chapter 18 (search)
f its people are continental. There has been among us a healthy resistance to going farther southward than we have now reached, or seeking islands either in the Atlantic or the Pacific,—an instinctive reluctance, as shown in the later case of San Domingo, to enter on a career of tropical extension, with dangers and embarrassments to free institutions which could not be measured in advance. The underlying thought of A Diplomatic Episode is that the Senate of the United States, in withholdinge right to abdicate in favor of the other. This discretion of the Senate has been freely exercised in dealing with strong as well as with weak nations,—for instance, in the rejection of the Johnson-Clarendon treaty on the one hand, and of the San Domingo treaty on the other. All publicists are agreed (among our own the authors of the Federalist, as well as Story and Wheaton) that treaties bind neither party in law or in honor, until finally ratified by all the bodies in which the authority is
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, chapter 19 (search)
. its points are given briefly ante, vol. IV. pp. 478-481. The defeated attempt to annex San Domingo to the United States, the recall of Mr. Motley from the mission to England, the removal of Mrg question. Mr. Sumner, in 1870, resisted in the Senate with all his power the annexation of San Domingo as fraught with evil to the colored race, and as promoted by measures which violated internatrs who promoted the removal were sorely pressed for reasons which should be distinct from the San Domingo issue, and they would have seized upon an argument calculated to carry public opinion with that the controlling motive for it is to be found in Mr. Sumner's unflinching opposition to the San Domingo job. This was the understanding at the time among all of us Democrats in the Senate, and not leaders, paragraphs, and correspondence, pointed to Mr. Sumner's determined opposition to the San Domingo scheme and his exposure of the proceedings of its leading promoters as the motive or justific