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C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Divus Augustus (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 21 (search)
He conquered, however, partly in person, and partly by his lieutenants, Cantabria,Cantabria, in the north of Spain, now the Basque province. Aquitania and Pannonia,The ancient Pannonia includes Hungary and part of Austria, Styria and Carniola. Dalmatia, with all Illyricum and Rhaetia,The Rhaetian Alps are that part of the chain bordering on the Tyrol. besides the two Alpine nations, the Vindelici and the Salassii.The Vindelici principally occupied the country which is now the kingdom of Bavaria; and the Salassii, that part of Piedmont which includes the valley of Aost. He also checked the incursions of the Dacians, by cutting off three of their generals with vast armies, and drove the Germans beyond the river Elbe; removing two other tribes who submitted, the Ubii and Sicambri, into Gaul, and settling them in the country bordering on the Rhine. Other nations also, which broke into revolt, he reduced to submission. But he never made war upon any nation without just and necessary cause
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The voyage of the Lord John of Holland, Earle of Huntington, brother by the mothers side to King Richard the second, to Jerusalem and Saint Katherins mount. (search)
The voyage of the Lord John of Holland, Earle of Huntington, brother by the mothers side to King Richard the second, to Jerusalem and Saint Katherins mount. THE Lord John of Holland, Earle of Huntington, was as then on his way to Jerusalem, and to Saint Katherins mount, and purposed to returne by the Realme of Hungarie. For as he passed through France (where he had great cheere of the king, and of his brother and uncles) hee heard how the king of Hungary and the great Turke should have battell together: therefore he thought surely to be at that journey.
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, A description of a Voiage to Constantinople and Syria , begun the 21. of March 1593. and ended the 9. of August, 1595. wherein is shewed the order of delivering the second Present by Master Edward Barton her majesties Ambassador, which was sent from her Majestie to Sultan Murad Can, Emperour of Turkie. (search)
nus than to Mars, he stayed at home. Yet a great army was dispatched this yere; who, as they came out of Asia to goe for Hungary , did so pester the streets of Constantinople for the space of two moneths in the spring time, as scarse either Christianise and godly a prince professing the true religion of Christ. The number of souldiours which went to the warres of Hungary this yere were 470000, as by the particulars given by the Admirall to the Ambassadour hereunder doe appeare. Although al the way thither left their Captaines and stole away. The number of Turkish souldiers which were appointed to goe into Hungary against the Christian Emperour. May 1594. SINAN Bassa generall, with the Sanjacke masould, that is, out of office, witht the great Turke maketh warre with no small numbers. And in anno 1597, when Sultan Mahomet himselfe went in person into Hungary , if a man may beleeve reports, he had an army of 600000. For the city of Constantinople you shall understand that i
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Flight and capture of Jefferson Davis. (search)
whoever or whatever he pleased to take with him, his reply was that he would do no act which would place him under obligations to the Federal Government, and that he would not leave Confederate soil while there was a Confederate regiment on it. I referred to this afterward in conversation with Mr. Davis, and he told me I would remember that he was one of the Senators who refused to vote the honors of the United States Senate to General Kossuth, and that his reason was that Kossuth abandoned Hungary, and left an army behind him. I may also mention that after this General Breckenridge and myself proposed that we should take what troops we had with us and go westward, crossing the Chattahoochie between Atlanta and Chattanooga, and get as many of them across the Mississippi as we could, and in the meantime keep up the impression that Mr. Davis was with us, and for him to go to the coast of Florida and cross to Cuba, and charter a vessel under the English flag and go to Brownsville, Texas,
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 17: military character. (search)
n Havelock died, thirteen years before Lee, at about the same age, that did not feel it to be a subject for private as well as public mourning ; and so the South felt toward Lee. It is stated that it was impossible to gauge the full measure of Moltke's potentialities as a strategist and organizer, but perhaps Lee with the same opportunities would have been equally as skillful and far-seeing. The success of the former and failure of the latter does not prevent comparison. Kossuth failed in Hungary, but the close of his long life has been strewn with flowers. Scotland may never become an independent country, but Scotchmen everywhere cherish with pride the fame of Wallace and Bruce. If given an opportunity, said General Scott, who commanded the army of the United States in 1861, Lee will prove himself the greatest captain of history. He had the swift intuition to discern the purpose of his opponent, and the power of rapid combination to oppose to it prompt resistance. The very esse
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, chapter 2 (search)
of governing; it is as easy to govern a regiment as a school or a factory, and needs like qualities,--system, promptness, patience, tact; moreover, in a regiment one has the aid of the admirable machinery of the army, so that I see very ordinary men who succeed very tolerably. Reports of a six months armistice are rife here, and the thought is deplored by all. I cannot believe it yet sometimes one feels very anxious about the ultimate fate of these poor people. After the experience of Hungary, one sees that revolutions may go backward; and the habit of injustice seems so deeply impressed upon the whites, that it is hard to believe in the possibility of anything better. I dare not yet hope that the promise of the President's Proclamation will be kept. For myself I can be indifferent, for the experience here has been its own daily and hourly reward; and the adaptedness of the freed slaves for drill and discipline is now thoroughly demonstrated, and must soon be universally ackno
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 16: (search)
rvening years. From there we went to Vienna, to my mind one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. We were greatly interested in the grand Ring Strasse, the magnificent buildings, fine parks, and, best of all, the superb-looking people. The court is said to be the most exclusive and at the same time the most demoralized in the world. This may be true, but certain it is that the people you see at the assembling-places bear no marks of degeneracy. From Vienna we went to Budapesth, in Hungary, where the peasant class seemed to predominate. One of their annual festivals was at its height when we were there, and we saw the young girls sitting on their highly colored and decorated boxes or chests, which contained their treasures, waiting for swains to sue for their hands in marriage. Their costumes and handiwork were all of very bright colors. Returning to Vienna we passed through the Austrian Tyrol to Trieste and thence to Florence, Rome, the Riviera, and to Nice, where Mrs. Pu
date of our return to Paris; and deciding to visit eastern Europe, we made Vienna our first objective, going there by way of Dresden. At Vienna our Minister, Mr. John Jay, took charge of us-Forsyth was still with me-and the few days' sojourn was full of interest. The Emperor being absent from the capital, we missed seeing him; but the Prime Minister, Count von Beust, was very polite to his, and at his house we had the pleasure of meeting at dinner Count Andrassy, the Prime Minister of Hungary. From Vienna we went to Buda-Pesth, the Hungarian capital; and thence, in a small, crowded, and uncomfortable steamboat, down the Danube to Rustchuck, whence we visited Bucharest-all who travel in eastern Europe do so-and then directing our course southward, we went first to Varna, and from that city by steamer through the Black Sea to Constantinople. We reached the Turkish capital at the time of Ramadan, the period of the year (about a month) during which the Mohammedans are comman
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 25: Potpourri (search)
wars in 1815. It states that 2,320,272 men served an average of three years during our war; that no other war of the century has lasted so long or been filled with such continuous and sanguinary fighting; that 2,261 battles and skirmishes were fought, many of them more destructive of human life than any other battles in modern history; that over 400,000 men lost their lives in the struggle — that is, double the number of the entire army of Great Britain, 143,000 more than that of Austro-Hungary; more than Napoleon arrayed against the coalition of England, Russia, Prussia, Sweden and Spain; and twice as many as he had when he began his Waterloo campaign. The article closes with these words: Our war lasted nearly seven times as long as the Franco-Prussian struggle, and we lost over six times as many killed on the field of battle as the Germans lost in overrunning the whole of France. As I understand, the above figures represent the number and losses of the Federal armie
other specimen of that wild and ferocious fanaticism which has seized on the Northern mind since the war began — a fanaticism which neither thinks, nor hears, nor sees, but feels, and raves, and burns. If Congress passes the measure, which is a more violent form of the bill introduced by Senator Baker, last fall, in the upper house of that body, the world may well regard it as an imitation of the vile and unmitigated iron despotism which Russia once maintained over Poland, and Austria over Hungary. But, happily for the South, the issue is not now one of legislation, but of the sword — not one of the ballot, but of the bayonet. The more violent and ultra the measures introduced into the Lincoln Congress, the deeper the gulf between the Northern and Southern people for all future time. The Ninth German regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers, commanded by Colonel Solomon, who so greatly distinguished himself under General Sigel at Springfield, Mo., left Milwaukee to-day for Fort Leavenw