Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 20, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Argentine (Argentina) or search for Argentine (Argentina) in all documents.

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n hand, added to the crop your planters will soon put in the ground, even if only port of a crop, will swell the quantity to be thrown on our markets, and produce very low prices. Our people almost universally sympathize with your Confederacy. We all believe that you cannot be conquered, if you are united and determined. Our Government no doubt entertains the same view, but appears resolved to act the part of neutrals, and thus leave you to fight it out. Mason and Slidell arrived on the La Plata. All England and France are indignant at the cowardly act of blockading Charleston with a stone fleet. You have a glorious future before you. If your people are true to themselves, you will be triumphant and command the acknowledgment of all nations." Spirit of the Nashville ladies. The Knoxville Register procures the following from a reliable source: When Gen. McCook, of the Lincoln army, arrived in Nashville, he sent up his card with the request that he might renew his fo