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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, A declaration of the places from whence the goods subscribed doe come. (search)
and Maldiva. Ruvia to die withall, from Chalangi. Alumme di Rocca, from China , and Constantinople. Chopra, from Cochin and Malabar. Oppopanax, from Persia. Lignum Aloes, from Cochin, China , and Malacca. Demnar, from Siacca and Blinton. Galangae, from China , Chaul, Goa, & Cochin. Laccha, from Pegu , and Balagvate. Carabbe, from Almanie. Coloquintida, from Cyprus . Agaricum, from Alemania . Scamonea, from Syria , and Persia. Bdellium, from Arabia felix, and Mecca . Cardamomum small, from Barcelona . Cardamomum great, from Bengala. Tamarinda, from Balsara. Aloe Secutrina, from Secutra. Aloe Epatica, from Pat. Safran, from Balsara, and Persia. Lignum de China, from China . Rhaponticum, from Persia, and Pugia. Thus, from Secutra. Turbith, from Diu, and Cambaia. Nuts of India, from Goa, and other places of India. Nux vomica, from Malabar. Sanguis Draconis, from Secutra. Armoniago, from Persia. Spodio di Cana , from Cochin. Margaratina, from Balagvate. Muske from Tartarie, by way of China
iards, offered violently to arrest, and was defeated of his purpose, and brought prisoner into England. Whereunto is added the Kings Commission for a generall imbargment or arrest of all English, Netherlandish, and Easterlings ships, written in Barcelona the 19 of May 1585. IT is not unknowen unto the world what danger our English shippes have lately escaped, how sharpely they have beene intreated, and howe hardly they have beene assaulted: so that the valiancie of those that mannaged them i there come thither any more ships, you shall also cause them to be stayed and arrested after the same order, using therein such care and diligence, as may answere the trust that I repose in you, wherein you shall doe me great service. Dated at Barcelona the 29 of May. 1585. And thus have you heard the trueth and manner thereof, wherein is to be noted the great courage of the maister, and the loving hearts of the servants to save their master from the daunger of death: yea, and the care whi