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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Alexander vi., Pope. (search)
children by his mistress, Rosa Vanozza. His death, some historians say, was caused by his accidentally taking a poisoned draught intended for a large party of cardinals whom he had invited to a banquet. On the return of Columbus from his first voyage of discovery, the Portuguese, who had previously explored the Azores and other Atlantic islands, instantly claimed a title to the newly discovered lands, to the exclusion of the Spaniards. Simultaneous with the order given to Columbus at Barcelona to return to Hispaniola, an ambassador was sent to Rome to obtain the Pope's sanction of their claims to the regions discovered, and to make a conquest of the West Indies. Alexander assented without much hesitation to the proposal, and, on May 3, 1493, he issued a bull, in which the lofty pretensions of the Bishop of Rome to be the sole arbiter of the world were fully set forth, and a grant given to Ferdinand and Isabella of all the countries inhabited by infidels which they had discovere
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Columbus, Christopher 1435-1536 (search)
niola, or Little Spain. On its northern shores the Santa Maria was wrecked. With her timbers he built a fort, and leaving thirty-nine men there to defend it and the interests of Castile, he sailed in the Nina for Spain in January, 1493, taking with him several natives of both sexes. On the voyage he encountered a fearful tempest, but he arrived safely in the Tagus early in March, where the King of Portugal kindly received him. On the 15th he reached Palos, and hastened to the Court at Barcelona, with his natives, specimens of precious metals, beautiful birds, and other products of the newly found regions. There he was received with great honors; all his dignities were reaffirmed, and on Sept. 25, 1493, he sailed from Cadiz with a fleet of seventeen ships and 1,500 men. Most of these were merely adventurers, and by quarrels and mutinies gave the admiral a great deal of trouble. After discovering the Windward Islands, Ja- Landing of Columbus (from an ancient manuscript). Ba
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Metric system, (search)
Metric system, A uniform decimal system of weights and measures, originated in France with a committee of eminent scientists, named by the Academy of Sciences by order of the Constituent Assembly, May 8, 1790. The basis of the system is the metre, which is 3.37 inches longer than the American yard. This base, determined by Delambre and Mechain, is the 1-40,000,000 part of the circumference of the earth on the meridian extending through France from Dunkirk to Barcelona. It was made the unit of length and the base of the system by law, April 7, 1795. A prototype metre was constructed in platinum by an international commission, representing the governments of France, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Savoy, and the Roman, Cisalpine, and Ligurian republics, in 1799. The unit of weight is the gramme, the weight of a cubic centimetre of water at 4° centigrade (the temperature of greatest density). The unit of measure of surface is the are, which is the square of the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Philippine Islands, (search)
Singapore, as well as a direct cable from Manila to Hong-Kong. The land telegraph lines are owned by the government, and the cables all belong to an English company, which receives a large subsidy. In Manila there is a narrow-gauge railway operated by horse-power, about 11 miles in total length; also a telephone system and electric lights. Communications with Europe are maintained by the Spanish Transatlantic Company (subsidized), which sends a steamer every four weeks from Manila and Barcelona, making the trip in about twenty-seven days; the same company also sends an intermediate steamer from Manila to Singapore, meeting the French Messageries steamer each way. There is also a non-subsidized line running from Manila to Hong-Kong every two weeks, and connecting there with the English, French, and German mails for Europe, and with the Pacific Mail and Canadian Pacific steamers for Japan and America. There has been no considerable development of manufacturing industries in the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Solberg, Thorvald 1852- (search)
Solberg, Thorvald 1852- Author; born in Manitowoc, Wis., April 22, 1852; received a common school education; was on the staff of the librarian of Congress in 1876-89; manager of the literary department of the Boston Book Company in 1889-97. He was largely instrumental in securing international copyright, being present at the international copyright congresses in Barcelona, 1893; Antwerp, 1894; and Paris, in 1900; and was appointed register of copyrights July 15, 1897. He is the author of International copyright in the Congress of the United States, 1837-86; International copyright; The copyright; The copyright law of the United States in force; Directions for the registration of copyrights under the laws of the United States; Copyright enactments, 1783-1900 and Copyright, its law and its Literature (with R. R. Bowker).
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
e he builds a fort, La Navidad......Dec. 6, 1492 Columbus sails for Spain in the Niña, the Santa Maria having been abandoned......Jan. 4, 1493 Reaches Palos......March 15, 1493 Received with distinguished honors by the Spanish Court at Barcelona......April, 1493 Bull of demarcation between Spain and Portugal issued by Pope Alexander VI.,......May 3-4, 1493 The letter of Columbus to Ferdinand and Isabella describing his voyage first printed in Latin......1493 He sails from Cadi of the Treasury calls for bids for $100,000,000 in bonds as a popular loan......Jan. 6, 1896 The American ship St. Paul goes ashore off Long Branch, N. J.......Jan. 24, 1896 [She was released Feb. 4.] The United States consulate at Barcelona, Spain, mobbed......March 2, 1896 American college athletes win many victories in the Olympian games in Greece......April 6, 1896 International Arbitration Congress meets at Washington......April 22, 1896 John Hays Hammond and other Americ