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M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 6 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 2 0 Browse Search
John Conington, Commentary on Vergil's Aeneid, Volume 2 2 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Georgics (ed. J. B. Greenough) 2 0 Browse Search
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, The Lives of the Caesars (ed. Alexander Thomson) 2 0 Browse Search
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 2 0 Browse Search
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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 7, line 1 (search)
as convinced that he was not a mortal. And her eyes were fascinated; and she could not turn away from him. But when he spoke to her, and promised marriage, grasping her right hand: she answered, as her eyes suffused with tears; “I see what I will do, and ignorance of truth will not be my undoing now, but love itself. By my assistance you shall be preserved; but when preserved fulfill your promise.” He swore that she could trust in him. Then by the goddess of the triple form, Diana, Trivia, or Luna called, and by her sacred groves and fanes, he vowed, and by the hallowed Sun that sees all things, and by his own adventures, and his life,— on these the youthful Jason took his oath.— With this she was assured and quickly gave to him the magic herbs: he learnt their use and full of joy withdrew into his house. Now when the dawn had dimmed the glittering stars, the people hastened to the sacred field of Mars, and on the hills expectant stood.— Arrayed in purple, and in majesty distinguish
John Conington, Commentary on Vergil's Aeneid, Volume 2, P. VERGILI MARONIS, line 720 (search)
We can hardly suppose that more than one stage of the triumph was portrayed: so we must conclude that Augustus is represented as in the present line, sitting in the temple he dedicated on the Palatine, Invectus then, v. 714, will refer to what had already taken place, and sacrabat will be used generally, the act here described being the culmination of the whole. Niveo refers to the marble of the temple, which was brought, as Serv. tells us, from the bay of Luna. So candentis, though there is also a reference to the dazzling brightness of the young sun-god, as in Hor. 1 Od. 2. 31, comp. by Forb.
P. Vergilius Maro, Georgics (ed. J. B. Greenough), Book 3, line 384 (search)
If wool delight thee, first, be far removed All prickly boskage, burrs and caltrops; shun Luxuriant pastures; at the outset choose White flocks with downy fleeces. For the ram, How white soe'er himself, be but the tongue 'Neath his moist palate black, reject him, lest He sully with dark spots his offspring's fleece, And seek some other o'er the teeming plain. Even with such snowy bribe of wool, if ear May trust the tale, Pan, God of Arcady, Snared and beguiled thee, Luna, calling thee To the deep woods; nor thou didst spurn his call.
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Nero (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 50 (search)
the lower empire. In the time of the Caesars it was occupied by the gardens and villas of the wealthy and luxurious; amongst which those of Sallust are celebrated. Some of the finest statues have been found in the ruins; among others, that of the " Dying Gladiator." The situation was airy and healthful, commanding fine views, and it is still the most agreeable neighbourhood in Rome. and is to be seen from the Campus Martius. In that monument, a coffin of porphyry, with an altar of marble of Luna over it, is enclosed by a wall built of stone brought from Thasos.Antiquarians suppose that some relics of the sepulchre of the Domitian family, in which the ashes of Nero were deposited, are preserved in the city wall which Aurelian, when he extended its circuit, carried across the "Collis Hortulorum." Those ancient remains, declining from the perpendicular, are called the Muro Torto.-The Lunan marble was brought from quarries near a town of that name, in Etruria. It no longer exists, but
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 1, line 523 (search)
g in the silent night: And from the earth arising Sulla's Sulla was buried in the Campus Martius. (Plutarch, ' Sulla,'38.) The corpse of Marius was dragged from his tomb by Sulla's order, and thrown into the Anio. ghost Sang gloomy oracles, and by Anio's wave All fled the homesteads, frighted by the shade Of Marius waking from his broken tomb. In such dismay they summon, as of yore, The Tuscan sages to the nation's aid. Aruns, the eldest, leaving his abode In desolate Luca,It would seem that Luna is the better reading. (Dante, ' Inferno,'xx. 46. came, well versed in all The lore of omens; knowing what may mean The flight of hovering bird, the pulse that beats In offered victims, and the levin bolt. All monsters first, by most unnatural birth Brought into being, in accursed flames He bids consume. Then round the walls of RomeSuch a ceremonial took place in A.D. 56 under Nero, after the temples of Jupiter and Minerva had been struck by lightning, and was probably witnessed by Lucan him
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 2, line 326 (search)
he sought the Scythian main Unhelped upon his journey through the world By tributary waters not his own. But on the right hand Tiber has his source, Deep-flowing Rutuba, Vulturnus swift, And Sarnus breathing vapours of the nightSarnus, site of the battle in which Narses defeated Teias, the last of the Ostrogoths, in 553 A.D. Rise there, and Liris with Vestinian wave Still gliding through Marica's shady grove, And Siler flowing through Salernian meads: And Macra's swift unnavigable stream Near Luna rests in Ocean. On the Alps Whose spurs strike plainwards, and on fields of Gaul The cloudy heights of Apennine look down In further distance: on his nearer slopes The Sabine turns the ploughshare; Umbrian kine And Marsian fatten; with his pineclad rocks He girds the tribes of Latium, nor leaves Hesperia's soil until the waves that beat On Scylla's cave compel. His southern spurs Extend to Juno's temple, and of old Stretched further than Italia, till the main O'erstepped his limits and the la
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 6, line 624 (search)
he thunder peal. Such was her voice; but soon in clearer tones Reaching to Tartarus, she raised her song: ' Ye awful goddesses, avenging power ' Of Hell upon the damned, and Chaos huge ' Who striv'st to mix innumerable worlds, ' And Pluto, king of earth, whose weary soul ' Grieves at his godhead; Styx; and plains of bliss ' We may not enter: and thou, Proserpine, ' Hating thy mother and the skies above, ' My patron goddess, last and lowest formThe mysterious goddess Hecate was identified with Luna in heaven, Diana on earth, and Proserpine in the lower regions. The text is doubtful. ' Of Hecate, through whom the shades and I ' Hold silent converse; warder of the gate ' Who castest human offal to the dog: ' Ye sisters who shall spin the threads again; That is, for the second life of her victim. ' And thou, O boatman of the burning wave, ' Now wearied of the shades from hell to me ' Returning, hear me if with voice I cry ' Abhorred, polluted; if the flesh of man ' Hath ne'er been absent f
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The second voyage to Guinea set out by Sir George Barne, Sir John Yorke, Thomas Lok, Anthonie Hickman and Edward Castelin, in the yere 1554. The Captaine whereof was M. John Lok. (search)
range and insensible to us that inhabite cold regions, yet doeth it stand with good reason that it may so be, forasmuch as the nature of starres and planets (as writeth Plinie) consisteth of fire, and conteineth in it a spirit of life, which cannot be without heat. And, that the Moone giveth heate upon the earth the Prophet David seemeth to confirme in his 121. Psalme, where speaking of such men as are defended from evils by Gods protection, hee saith thus: Per diem Sol non exuret te, nec Luna per noctem. That is to say, In the day the Sunne shall not burne thee, nor the Moone by night. They say furthermore, that in certaine places of the sea they saw certaine streames of water, which they call spouts, falling out of the aire into the sea, & that some of these are as bigge as the great pillars of Churches: insomuch that sometimes they fall into shippes, and put them in great danger of drowning. Some faine that these should be the Cataracts of heaven, which were all opened at No