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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A book of American explorers, chapter 1 (search)
t could not be Greenland. They asked him whether he would sail to the land, or not. This is my counsel, to sail nigh to the land, said he. And so they did, and soon saw that the land was without fells, Mountains. This has been supposed to be Cape Cod. and wooded, and small heights on the land; and they left the land to larboard, and let the foot of the sail look towards land. i.e., sailed away from the land. After that, they sailed two days before they saw another land. They asked if Bind drove them up there, and broke the keel under the ship; and they dwelt there long, and mended their ship. Then said Thorvald to his companions, Now will I that we raise up here the keel on the ness, Cape. and call it Keelness; Possibly Cape Cod. and so they did. After that, they sailed thence, and coasted to the eastward, and into the mouths of the firths Bays. that were nearest to them, and to a headland that stretched out This was all covered with wood: here they brought the s
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A book of American explorers, chapter 10 (search)
gns they made, that some Basques, or of St. John de Luz, A port in the Bay of Biscay. have fished or traded in this place, being in the latitude of forty-three degrees. But riding here, in no very good harbor, and withal doubting the weather, about three of the clock the same day, in the afternoon, we weighed, and standing southerly off into sea the rest of that day and the night following, with a fresh gale of wind, in the morning we found ourselves embayed with a mighty headland. Cape Cod. But coming to an anchor about nine of the clock the same day, within a league of the shore, we hoisted out the one-half of our shallop; and Captain Bartholomew Gosnold, myself, and three others, went ashore, being a white, sandy, and bold shore; and marching all that afternoon, with our muskets on our necks, on the highest hills which we saw,—the weather very hot,—at length we perceived this headland to be parcel of the main, and sundry islands lying almost round about it. So returning to
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A book of American explorers, chapter 12 (search)
w. The Indians told me it was there we were to go to meet their enemies, and that they were thickly inhabited, and that we must pass by a waterfall, Ticonderoga. which I afterwards saw, and thence enter another lake Lake George. three or four leagues long; and, having arrived at its head, there were four leagues overland to be travelled to pass to a river Hudson River. which flows towards the coast of the Almouchiquois, tending towards that of the Almouchiquois, Indians east of Cape Cod. and they were only two days going there in their canoes, as I understood since from some prisoners we took, who, by means of some Algonquin interpreters who were acquainted with the Iroquois language, conversed freely with me about all they had noticed. Now, on coming within about two or three days journey of the enemy's quarters, we travelled only by night, and rested by day. Nevertheless, they never omitted their usual superstitions to ascertain whether their enterprise would be succe
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A book of American explorers, Book XIV: the Pilgrims at Plymouth (A. D. 1620-1621.) (search)
h's Haven preserve the memory of it to this day, and will inform them. Ii.-miles Standish at Cape Cod. Some of our people, impatient of delay, desired for our better furtherance to travel by lan the rather, because, as we sailed into the harbor, there seemed to be a river Pamet River, Cape Cod. opening itself into the mainland. The willingness of the persons was liked; but the thing itsarbor. without either river or creek coming into it. Yet we deemed it to be as good a harbor as Cape Cod; for they that sounded it found a ship might ride in five fathom water. We on the land found i round about. From thence we may see into the bay, and far into the sea; and we may see thence Cape Cod. Our greatest labor will be fetching of our wood, which is half a quarter of an English mile; them growing ill with colds; for our former discoveries in frost and storms, and the wading at Cape Cod, had brought much weakness amongst us, which increased so every day more and more, and after w
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A book of American explorers, Index. (search)
, Ruins on, 148. Beauhaire, Monsieur, De, 161. Beñalosa, Captain, 77, 81. Bennet, 298, 300, 301. Biarni, 3, 4, 5, 6. Billington, Francis, 332. Birds, American, 352. Bouwensz, Tymen, 307. Bradford, Governor, William, 314, 318. Brereton, John, 202, 203, 213. Brodhead, J. R., 280. Bute, Michael, 300, 301, 302. C. Cabot and Verrazzano, 53-70. John, 55. J. Elliot, 2. Sebastian, 56-59. Cabeza de Vaca, Voyage of, 7r-96. Canada, The French in, 97-118, 267. Cape Cod visited by Standish, 312. Caribbees, The, 21, 23, 28, 29, 35, 39, 50. Cartier, Jacques, 58, 97-118. Carver, Governor, 319, 337. Cassen, George, 237, 238. Castillo, Alonzo del, 77, 90. Champlain, Samuel de, on the war-path, 267-278. Chanca, Dr., 26. Charlesfort, 148, 149, 152. Chemin, John du, 165. Children, Indian, 251. Clap, Captain, Roger, 339, 358-361. Clement, Francis, 301. Cleveland, H. R., 280. Cogswell, J. G., 54. Coleridge's Ancient Mariner, 83. Coligny,