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Francis Glass, Washingtonii Vita (ed. J.N. Reynolds), CAPUT OCTAVUM. (search)
llum, præter hoc, præsidium insulâ Eboracesi erat Americanis, idque diutiùs tenere, vacuandiVacuandi, &c., “ was especially repugnant to the plan of evacuating and retreating, adopted, at that time, by Washington. ” recipiendique rationi maxime contrarium fuit. Magna Washingtonium spes tenebat, hocce præsidium defendi posse; navesque Anglicas, quæ fluenta septentrionalia navigare consueverant, ab hoc propugnaculo impediri posse confidebat. Hoc propugnaculo capto, aggerem Lee, Aggerem Lee. “ Fort Lee, ” sitnated on the Jersey shore. litore Cæsareæ situm, vacuare decretum: at priusquam apparatus bellicus amoveri poterat, Cornwallis, Comes Comes, &c. An earl or count; so called because they accompanied the kings on their military expeditions. Britannus, cum sex hominum millibus flumen septentrionale trajecit. Hic fluvius Cæsaream Novam à Neo-Eboraco dividit. Washingtonius pedemPedem, &c., “ retreated. ” retrò tulit, et ad ripas fluminis Hackensackii consedit. Locus, que
able value, including several hundred boxes of new arms of various sorts, for all branches of the service, besides a vast supply of medicines, a few cannon, and countless articles of value. It was about noon ere the pursuit commenced in force; and as our men were now well clothed, and provided with an abundance of all the necessaries and many of the luxuries of life, all were gay and anxious to push forward, and, if possible, drive the enemy into the Potomac. Hurrying forward towards Charleston, we found that Banks Had shaped his course towards Williamsport, and ere he had crossed over to that town, our advance was well up with him; while the number of dead, wounded, and prisoners along the road showed what havoc Ashby had made among the foe with his cavalry. Hats, caps, muskets, boots, wagons, dead, wounded, prisoners, burning stores, sabres, pistols, etc., lined every yard of the road, while hundreds of fatigued and famished Yankees concealed themselves in every wood, making t
ition, besides, was embarrassing. My letters of introduction and recommendation had been destroyed. I did not know a human being in the foreign country whither I was going, nor did I even speak the English language. I was at a loss, therefore, to conjecture how I should carry out my objects. At this juncture, one of my travelling companions, Mr W., readily apprehending my difficulty, gave me the best proof of his friendship by offering to run the blockade with me in the next steamer to Charleston, and accompany me, without loss of time, to Richmond, where he would present me to the authorities. Accordingly we found ourselves, five days after our arrival at Nassau, early on the morning of the 22d May, on board the steamer Kate, and soon Nassau, with its white houses and white streets, and dark laurel thickets, and harbour crowded with steamers, among which I regarded with peculiar interest the well-known Nashville, was far behind us. The first two days of our voyage to Charles
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), How Jefferson Davis was overtaken. (search)
nfirm to the populace the military judgment of the President. He had no reason to thank Mr. Davis for his present command in the forests of North Carolina, where the President had now come to him to ask little less than a miracle at his hands. As for General Beauregard, his painful relations with Mr. Davis had been public gossip ever since the battle of Manassas. There had been, too, a recently unpleasantness, fresh in the minds of both, on account of General Beauregard having evacuated Charleston against the orders of the President, although what idea the latter could have had, within the limits of sanity, in attempting to hold this city after Sherman's army had flanked it, is difficult to imagine. These three men were now to meet to consult of the condition of the country, and the occasion invoked that they should rise above personal feelings in the circumstances of a great public sorrow and anxiety. There was obtained for the interview a mean room on the second floor of a ho
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 35 (search)
we use pins, for buttons. My waistbands of pantaloons and drawers are pinned instead of buttoned. Gen. Jno. H. Morgan arrived this evening, and enjoyed a fine reception, as a multitude of admirers were at the depot. About the same hour the President rode past my house alone, to indulge his thoughts in solitude in the suburbs of the city. January 8 Dispatches from both Beauregard and Whiting indicate a belief of an intention on the part of the enemy to attempt the capture of Charleston and Wilmington this winter. The President directs the Secretary to keep another brigade near Petersburg, that it may be available in an emergency. It snowed again last night, but cleared off to-day, and is bitter cold. A memorial was received to-day from the officers of Gen. Longstreet's army, asking that all men capable of performing military service, including those who have hired substitutes, be placed in the army. To-day I bought a barrel of good potatoes (Irish) for $25,
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 40 (search)
inridge has only 9000 and the enemy 18,000. Lieut.-Gen Holmes sends from Raleigh, N. C., a letter from Hon. T. Bragg, revealing the existence of a secret organization in communication with the enemy, styled the H. O. A.; and asking authority to arrest certain men supposed to be implicated. A letter was received from G. W. Lay, his son-in-law, by the Assistant Secretary of War, Judge Campbell, dated near Petersburg, stating that the Southern Express Company would bring articles from Charleston for him. That company seems to be more potential than ever. Cannonading was heard far down the Chickahominy this morning. And yet Lieut.-Gen. Ewell marched his corps to-day out the Brooke Road, just in the opposite direction! It is rumored that he is marching away for Washington! If he had transportation, and could march in that direction, no doubt it would be the speediest way of relieving Richmond. Gen. Lee, however, knows best. At the conclave of dignitaries, Hunter, Wigfal
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 44 (search)
even to church. The militia are all out, except those hidden in the back rooms of their shops-extortioners; and the city is very quiet. No wonder the women and children were thrown into a panic yesterday. The shelling did some good in the Saturday evening market, as most of the people were eager to get home. A boy sold me apples at 75 cents per quart, instead of $1. The physicians have had a meeting, and agree to charge $30 per visit. The bombardment is still in progress at Charleston, and there has never been any intermission. The enemy's batteries now reach over two-thirds of that devoted city. I see by a Northern paper that Gen. Grant is having his children educated at Burlington, N. J.; perhaps at the same institutions where mine were educated; and I perceive that our next door neighbor, Mrs. Kinsey, has been waving the glorious Stars and Stripes over Gen. G.'s head, from her ample porch. Well, I would not injure that flag; and I think it would never be assail
out, without disturbing one of them. His mind was no doubt unsettled, as it had been before. He lived about an hour after being found. His poor sister was wild with grief and horror, and his other attendants dreadfully shocked. November 23d, 1864. Military movements are kept very much in the dark. Nothing going on about Richmond, except cannonading, particularly at Dutch Gap. Sherman is moving across Georgia in direction of Milledgeville, looking towards Savannah, or perhaps Charleston, or to some intermediate point on the coast, where he may, if necessary, meet with reinforcements and supplies from Federal shipping already there, or on their way down the Atlantic coast for that very purpose. Efforts are being made by the Governors of South Carolina and Georgia to arrest him. Beauregard, too, has made a short, stirring address, assuring them that he was hastening down to their aid, and that with proper exertions which might be made on their part, the destruction of the
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 1: secession. (search)
rills, parades, meetings, bonfires, secession harangues, secession cockades, palmetto flags, purchase of fire-arms and powder, singing of the Marseillaise — there is not room to enumerate the follies to which the general populace, especially of Charleston, devoted their days and nights. There was universal satisfaction; to the conspirators, because their schemes were progressing; to the rabble, because it had a continuous holiday. Amid unflagging excitement of this character, which re, ceivthe Legislature were chosen at an election held on December 6th. The South Carolina Convention met at Columbia, the capital of the State, according to appointment, on December 17, 1860, but, on account of a local epidemic, at once adjourned to Charleston. That body was, like the Legislature, the immediate outgrowth of the current conspiracy, and doubtless counted many of the conspirators among its members. It therefore needed no time to make up its mind. On the fourth day of its term it pass
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 16 (search)
mating the enemy in his present movement fully occupied every one on duty. Grant telegraphed to Halleck to concentrate all the troops about Washington, Baltimore, Cumberland, and Harper's Ferry, bring up Hunter's troops, and put Early to flight. While Grant was thinking only of punishing Early, there was great consternation in Washington, and the minds of the officials there seemed to be occupied solely with measures for defending the capital. Hunter's troops had fallen back to Charleston, West Virginia, and a drought had left so little water in the Ohio River that the ascent of the vessels on which his troops had embarked was greatly delayed. All eyes were, as usual, turned upon Grant to protect the capital and drive back the invading force. On July 5, seeing, as he thought, another opportunity for cutting off and destroying the troops that Lee had detached from his command, Grant ordered one division of Wright's corps and some dismounted cavalry to Washington by steamers.
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