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Browsing named entities in Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them.. You can also browse the collection for New Market (Virginia, United States) or search for New Market (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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the accuracy of fire from a vessel that the enemy exhibited yesterday. Many thanks for the loan of fuses. I am, very truly, your obedient servant, J. F. Missroom, Com. To Maj.-Gen. G. B. McClellan. Washington, April 18. To Gen. G. B. McClellan: Your despatch of this morning received and communicated to the President. He directs me to ask you whether the indications do not show that they are inclined to take the offensive. Banks has moved to Mount Jackson yesterday, and to New Market to-day; has taken some locomotives and prisoners. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War headquarters, Army of the Potomac, April 18, 10 P. M. Hon. E. M Stanton, Secretary of War: Despatch received. I cannot hope such good-fortune as that the enemy will take the offensive. I am perfectly prepared for any attack the enemy may make. He will do nothing more than sorties. I beg that the President will be satisfied that the enemy cannot gain anything by attacking me; the more he does
y's operation was the passage of the trains across the swamp, and their protection against attack from the direction of New Market and Richmond, as well as the immediate and secure establishment of our communications with the gunboats, I passed the dsion to Glendale ( Nelson's farm ). Gen. McCall's division (Pennsylvania reserves) was halted during the morning on the New Market road, just in advance of the point where the road turns off to Quaker church. This line was formed perpendicularly to the New Market road, with Meade's brigade on the right, Seymour's on the left, and Reynolds's brigade, commanded by Col. S. G. Simmons, of the 5th Penn., in reserve; Randall's regular battery on the right, Kern's and Cooper's batteries opposite the cfront of the infantry line. The country in Gen. McCall's front was an open field, intersected towards the right by the New Market road and a small strip of timber parallel to it; the open front was about eight hundred yards, its depth about one thou
Keep all things ready to move out should we be attacked. I shall not return before dark, and may remain all night; will send in for my blankets and ambulance if I stay. I am now starting to look over the ground. I have sent a party to communicate with Averill, directing him to take post to-night near Nelson's farm. Will send in again as soon as I return from my ride. Excuse the illegibility of this, as it is written on horseback, and the flies trouble Dan. The enemy in strong force at New Market. Better send a special despatch to Halleck and tell him that I hate to give up this position. Secesh is under cover, and, though he is in strong force, I can beat him if they will give me reinforcements. Send this to Nell if I do not get back in time for mail. Aug. 7, 11 P. M. . . . I have been so situated for the last two days that I could not write to you. Spent night before last at Malvern, and had no means of writing. I came in from there yesterday, and was up nearly all nig
mpetency of guides. On the 4th Gen. Hooker was reinforced by Gen. Sedgmick's division, and, having obtained a knowledge of the roads, he succeeded in turning Malvern Hill and driving the enemy back towards Richmond. The following is my report of this affair at the time: Malvern Hill, Aug. 5, 1862, 1 P. M. Gen. Hooker at 5.30 this morning attacked a very considerable force of infantry and artillery stationed at this place, and carried it handsomely, driving the enemy towards New Market, which is four miles distant, and where it is said they have a large force. We have captured 100 prisoners, killed and wounded several, with a loss on our part of only three killed and eleven wounded; among the latter two officers. I shall probably remain here to-night, ready to act as circumstances may require after the return of my cavalry reconnoissances. The mass of the enemy escaped under the cover of a dense fog; but our cavalry are still in pursuit, and I trust may succeed in
Murphy, Capt W., 130. Myer, Maj. A., 134. Myers, Lieut.-Col. F., report on supplies, 636, 637. Naglee, Gen. H. M., 81; at Williamsburg. 331; Fair Oaks, 363, 377, 379, 380 ; White Oak Swamp, 428, 430. Napoleon, Prince, 83-85. Navy in Peninsula, 247, 264, 269, 291-293. 296, 437. Neff, Lieut.-Col., 65. Negroes, educated to emancipation, as prisoners offered alternatives, idea of liberty, 34 ; as guides, 253. New Berne, N. C., 203. 244. 245. New Market, Md., 553, 554, 557. New Market, Va., 426, 430. New Bridge, Va., 348, 349, 360, 366, 394-403. Newport News, Va., 254, 259. Newton, Gen. J., at West Point, Va., 301, 336; Crampton's Gap, 563 ; Antietam, 600; after Antietam, 635. Newton, Col., 65. Nicholson, Capt. (navy), 292. Norfolk, Va., 203, 246, 247, 249, 252. North, people of, ill-treated in the South, 29, 37 ; loyalty, 30. 31, 33 ; enthusiastic over W. Va. campaign, 56. Occoquan river, Va., 106, 231-233. Old Tavern, Va., 392, 405. Ord, Gen. O. C., 81,