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The Daily Dispatch: February 3, 1862., [Electronic resource], The Potter investigating Commitee--the Yankees Overhauling Gen. Floyd--interesting particulars. (search)
o show that he received his pay as Captain, and kept the office of District Attorney, given him by a member of a Republican Administration. The committee conclude "that Captain Carrington's sympathies are divided, and that such men can not be trusted to repress the rebellion or to defend the Constitution and the laws." Lloyd Harrison, Second Lieutenant in Sherman's battery. Wm. H. Craig, already quoted more than once, swears that Lloyd Harrison was also appointed lieutenant under the patronage of the Adjutant-General. He went to Alexandria and enlisted in Shafer's company. He came back and boasted that he held a commission, notwithstanding he had enlisted in the rebel army. He was appointed a lieutenant through the influence of General Thomas. Says now he was drunk when he enlisted in the rebel army. T. J. Lugenbeel swears that Lloyd Harrison, second lieutenant in Sherman's battery, is generally regarded as a Secessionist. I have heard him utter Secession sentiments.
Court. --Recorder Caskie presiding.--A youth named Fendall Thomas was brought up on Saturday to answer a charge of steal James Hermans, a small boy, testified in substance that Thomas informed him that he had found a gold chain in an alley, a to whom the chain belonged; but afterwards consented, and Thomas sold it to a countryman, giving witness $3 as his share. a few days ago, when she met Robert Purdy, on associate of Thomas, in the street, and he said he could tell her where the chain was; that Fendall Thomas had sold it, and given part of the money to James Hermans. The latter was questioned, and his d what Purdy had said. Witness then got a warrant and had Thomas arrested. The chain is worth $25. Robert Purdy was tknew about it was that he overheard a conversation between Thomas and little Hermans, the substance of which was that they found the chain, that Thomas sold it for $8, and that they went halves. Never saw the chain or the money. James Hermans
chard Lafont Bohannon was examined for stealing $30 from Edward Norvell on the 25th day of January, and remanded for trial before Judge Lyons. The prisoner was acquitted of the charge of stealing a case of surgical instruments from Dr. Elijah L. Carter, worth $25--an offence for which he had been sent up by the Mayor. Charles, a slave, the property of John Tyler, was tried for stealing $160 in bank notes from. James B. Grant, on the 13th day of January, and ordered 39 lashes. Fendall Thomas was examined for stealing, on the 1st of December, 1861, a gold chain, worth $25, from Geo. Purcell, and acquitted. Joseph Calvin Henry was examined for maliciously cutting and stabbing Pryor, a slave, on the 15th of January, with intent to kill. The prisoner was remanded for trial before Judge Lyons's court. Joseph Wagner was examined for feloniously shooting Norman Green, on the 20th day of January, and remanded for trial before Judge Lyons. Mary E. Allen, charged with
d one who is in the habit of attending there daily can but admire their powers of holding on, though he may regard it as time badly spent. A number of cases were disposed of yesterday, a list of which is subjoined: The case of Oliver Jones, charged with being one of the parties who robbed Francis J. Garaner, a few evenings since, of a coat and revolver, was continued till Thursday, with a view to arrest other parties suspected of complicity. Charles Camp, who is said to have aided Thomas. J. Goodrich in an assault on Louis Zimmer, was directed to report himself before the Mayor this morning. Sebastian Kawbert under went a partial examination on the charge of stealing sixteen car springs, the property of the Virginia Central Railroad, worth $150. The defendant alleges that he bought the iron of a white man, and in order to give him an opportunity to produce the individual, the case was continued until Monday. James Phillips, charged with breaking into the house of
Latest Northern news.the Burnside fleet.the invasion of East Tennessee.&c., &c., &c., Norfolk, Feb. 11. --(Received at 10 o'clock P. M.)--The New York Herald, of the 10th instant, has been received. The Herald says the gun-boats of the Burnside expedition had nine-inch guns, one-hundred-pounder rifled guns, eight-inch shell, and thirty-two-pounders. A dispatch to the Cincinnati Commercial states that General Thomas was about to invade East Tennessee at three different points, simultaneously, and march on to Knoxville, and if successful take possession of the railroad. A letter from the Dominican territory, dated Jan. 13th, says that that Republic is virtually dead, and the island is only a Spanish province. General Santa Anna has ruled as Captain General, in the name of the Queen of Spain. Representatives from Accomac and Northampton counties had arrived at Wheeling, Va. Bennett, in his Herald, says the rascally contractors have pocketed $50,000 of t
as one on his premises, findable under the ordinances of the city, is summoned before his Honor, and if he does not promise an immediate removal of the grievance complained of he is mulatto pursuant to the terms of the ordinances "in such case made and provided." Hardly a day has passed this week but that his Honor has not been called upon to adjudicate and determine the value of a nuisance as affecting the general health. Yesterday sundry cases of this nature were disposed of. Joseph. Thomas, Wm. Irwin, and George Rice, boys, were arraigned for acting in a suspicious manner in Exchange Alley on Wednesday night. The watchmen, suspecting something wrong from the character of the boys, carried them off to the cage, where they spent the night, doubtless like other sojourners there similarly located, in combats with the lilliputian inhabitants of the cells. The Mayor observed to the youngsters that they were bad boys, and had been often before him. He regretted that the Confederate
f October, 1862; Mary Johnson, for felony, (rioting and theft) John Jones, for ditto; John W Butler, for stabbing with intent to kill Albert H. Hardle, on the 16th day of April; Patrick Martin and James Organ, for garroting William H. Hardgrove and robbing him of a gold watch; Elias Vanderlip and Philip Colgow, for stealing a seine belonging to John Hitchcock; David Preston and Philip Reynolds, for breaking into the store of D. Epstin &Co., on the 17th of February, and robbing the same; Fendall Thomas and Charles Porter, for stealing a lot of writing paper from Adolphus Morris; John Murphy, for shooting Martin Callahan, with intent to kill, on the 27th of April; E. D. Kenney, for receiving, on the 20th of March, a watch stolen from Mary A. Herman; John McCabe, for stealing two barrels of whiskey from Jos. Brummel, on the 23d of December, 1863; Patrick Tiernan; for shooting Lafayette Brooks, with intent to kill; Robert Style, for stealing a lot of sugar from John W. Gilliam, on the 21s
burglary pending against him were dismissed by nolle prosequi. John Guiotti was tried for breaking into the storehouse of Dionisio Meoni in November last, with intent to commit larceny. He was sent to the penitentiary for one year. Fendall Thomas and Chas. Porter, newsboys, were tried for stealing three reams of paper from the store of Adolphus Morris. The case of Thomas being first taken up he was convicted and sent to the penitentiary for one year. Proceedings against Porter were the penitentiary for one year. Fendall Thomas and Chas. Porter, newsboys, were tried for stealing three reams of paper from the store of Adolphus Morris. The case of Thomas being first taken up he was convicted and sent to the penitentiary for one year. Proceedings against Porter were stopped by a nolle prosequi, entered on account of his youth. Wm. Sullivan, charged with breaking into J. C. Shafer's and stealing a lot of cloth, was on Thursday awarded 5 years in the penitentiary.