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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 3: military operations in Missouri and Kentucky. (search)
erate batteries, protecting the transports, and covering the re-embarkation. Indeed, to Captains Walke and Stemble, who managed their craft with the greatest skill and efficiency, the country was mostly indebted for the salvation of that little army from destruction or capture. After the transports had departed from before Columbus, and gone some distance up the river, followed by the gunboats, Captain Walke was informed that some of the troops had been left behind. He returned with the Tyler, and met detached parties along the banks. He succeeded in rescuing nearly all of the stragglers from capture. At five o'clock in the afternoon, the flotilla, with the entire force, was on its way back to Cairo, carrying away two of Beltzhoover's heavy guns, the others having been recaptured. Grant had lost four hundred and eighty-five men, Eighty-five killed, 801 wounded, and 99 missing. General Pillow, whose performances on this occasion were the least creditable, with his usual bomba
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 4: military operations in Western Virginia, and on the sea-coast (search)
hen he received intelligence that some National troops were approaching from the direction of Summersville, north of him. These were the Seventh Ohio, under Colonel E. B. Tyler, who, as a fur-trader, had made himself well acquainted with that region. Floyd had been placed in a perilous position in passing over the Gauley, by the cs cavalry and four pieces of artillery being on the southern side of the river, whilst his infantry and a small portion of his cavalry were on the opposite shore. Tyler had information of this affair, and hoped to strike Floyd before he could reunite his troops. But he was a little too late. lie was encamped at Cross. Lanes, noforce of Virginians sent out stealthily by Floyd, severely handled, and dispersed with the loss of about fifty men. General Rosecrans, soon after this defeat of Tyler, marched to the aid of Cox against Floyd. He issued a stirring proclamation to the loyal inhabitants of Western Virginia, and promised them ample protection. Gen
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
hese were the armored gun-boats Cincinnati (flag-ship), Commander Stembel; Carondelet, Commander Walke; Essex, Commander W. D. Porter; and St. Louis, Lieutenant Commanding Paulding; and the wooden gun-boats Lexington, Lieutenant Commanding Shirk; Tyler, Lieutenant Commanding Givin; and Conestoga, Lieutenant Commanding Phelps. (four of them armored), moved up the Ohio to Paducah, and on that evening was in the Tennessee River. He went up that stream cautiously, because of information that therets (Essex, St. Louis, Carondelet, and Cincinnati) were sent forward by Grant, with orders to move slowly and shell the woods on each side of the river, in order to discover concealed batteries, if they existed. At the same time the Conestoga and Tyler were successfully engaged, under the direction of Lieutenant Phelps, in fishing up torpedoes. Information concerning these had been given by a woman living Rear the banks of the river. The Jessie scouts, a daring corps of young men in Grant's
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 8: the siege and capture of Fort Donelson. (search)
ice, 224. the Army mail at Washington, 225. a voyage on the Cumberland River, 226. visit to Fort Donelson, 227. Nashville, 229. The fall of Fort Henry was followed by immediate preparations for an attack on Fort Donelson, on the Cumberland River. Preparatory to this was a reconnoissance up the Tennessee River. Lieutenant-Commander S. L. Phelps was sent up that river on the evening of the day of battle, Feb. 6, 1862. with a detachment of Foote's flotilla, consisting of the Conestoga, Tyler, and Lexington, to reconnoiter the borders of the stream as far toward its upper waters as possible. When he reached the bridge of the railway between Memphis and Bowling Green, he found the draw closed, its machinery disabled, and some Confederate transports just above it, escaping up the river. A portion of the bridge was then hastily destroyed, and the work of demolition was completed the following day by Commander Walke, of the Carondelet, who was sent up by General Grant for. the purp
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 9: events at Nashville, Columbus, New Madrid, Island number10, and Pea Ridge. (search)
ois, Colonel Buford, and some other troops, March 14. and moving down to Hickman, on the same shore of the Mississippi, he took possession of that place. Hickman had been visited by National gun-boats once before. On the day when it was first occupied by the Confederates, Sept. 4, 1861. the Tyer and Lexington approached that place, where they encountered a Confederate gun-boat called The Yankee. With this, and a masked battery of four rifled cannon on the shore, just above Hickman, the Tyler and Lexington fought about an hour, driving 1861. The Yankee to Hickman, silencing the shore battery, burning the tents near it with hot shot, and scattering the insurgents. He did not tarry, but, pressing forward, his fleet appeared in sight of Island Number10 the next day, March 15. when he carefully reconnoitered the Confederate position and prepared for a siege. Under the skillful and energetic management of General Beauregard, Island Number10 had been made the most impregnable to as
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 14: movements of the Army of the Potomac.--the Monitor and Merrimack. (search)
ssed forward to turn and crush his adversary's left. Daum's artillery could not check the movement, and imminent peril threatened the Union army. Informed of this, Shields, who from his bed was in a measure conducting the battle, ordered Colonel E. B. Tyler's brigade The Seventh and Twenty-ninth Ohio, Seventh Indiana, First Virginia, and One Hundred and Tenth Pennsylvania. to the support of Kimball, and directed the latter to employ all of his disposable infantry in an attempt to carry Jacdoubtful, when the Fifth and Sixty-second Ohio and Thirteenth Indiana, of Sullivan's brigade, and the Fourteenth Indiana, Eighty-fourth Pennsylvania, and parts of the Eighth and Sixty-seventh Ohio, of Kimball's brigade, hastened to the support of Tyler. The combined forces dashed on the Confederates, forced them back through the woods, and sent them in full retreat up the Valley, with a heavy loss, Jackson left behind 2 cannon, 4 caissons, many small arms, and about 800 prisoners. He report
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 15: the Army of the Potomac on the Virginia Peninsula. (search)
where in the afternoon he was joined by General E. B. Tyler and his brigade, two thousand strong, wpters. While awaiting orders from Shields, Tyler was informed that the Confederates were on hishat the latter justly felt almost invincible. Tyler quickly counteracted the flanking movement by eral Winder, of Ewell's division, which was on Tyler's right, and where a battle had begun that soona brigade, which had flanked and attacked General Tyler's left, but was driven back, now made a suelming was the number of Jackson's troops that Tyler was compelled to retreat. This was done in gowho ran before the fight was fairly opened. Tyler's Report to Shields, June 12, 1862. He was purroll and his cavalry. Upon him I relied, said Tyler, and was not disappointed. Report of GeneraGeneral Tyler to General Shields, June 12, 1862. The National troops employed in third struggle were theht on the part of the latter. Jackson kept Tyler in check until his main body crossed the bridg
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 16: the Army of the Potomac before Richmond. (search)
ort distance down the river. While he was there a heavy cannonade was commenced on Malvern Hills. The Galena. The National line of battle was formed with Porter's corps on the left, near Crew's house (with Sykes's division on the left and Morell's on the right), where the artillery of the reserve, under Colonel Hunt, was so disposed on high ground that a concentrated fire of sixty guns could be brought to bear on any point on his front or left; and on the highest point of the hill Colonel Tyler had ten siege-guns in position. Couch's division was placed on the right of Porter; next on the right were Kearney and Hooker; next Sedgwick and Richardson; next Smith and Slocum; then the remainder of Keyes's corps, extending in a curve nearly to the river. The Pennsylvania Reserves were in the rear of Porter and Couch, as a reserve. The left, where the weight of attack was expected, was very strong, and the right was strengthened by slashings, Trees cut so nearly off that they fa