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Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 9: Second battle of Manassas. (search)
ed on Martinsburg, which was evacuated on his approach; and then to Harper's Ferry, which he reached on the 13th. McLaws, with his own and Anderson's division, was directed to seize the Maryland heights overlooking Harper's Ferry, while Brigadier-General Walker was instructed to cross the Potomac below Harper's Ferry and seize the Loudoun heights in Virginia. These movements were successfully accomplished, and on the 14th Harper's Ferry was closely invested. The heights were crowned with arti. It was necessary that he should return as soon as possible, so leaving A. P. Hill to manage the details of surrender with his other two divisions, he marched day and night, recrossing the Potomac and reaching Sharpsburg on the 16th, followed by Walker. For the purpose of facilitating this reunion, Lee had retraced his steps from Frederick, directing the only two divisions Longstreet had left under Hood and Jones to move to Hagerstown, west of the mountains, while D. H. Hill with his division
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 10: Sharpsburg and Fredericksburg. (search)
engagement which followed. Jackson reached Sharpsburg that morning from Harper's Ferry, and Walker later. At night Hood was relieved by Lawton's and Trimble's brigades of Ewell's division. Jack. R. Jones, was placed on Lawton's left, supported by the remaining brigades of Ewell, while General Walker with his two brigades was placed on Longstreet's right. The cavalry were located on either back, and again brought up fresh troops. General McLaws arrived just in time to meet them; General Walker brought from the right, together with Early's division, drove the Federals back in confusioniled, McClellan next threw a heavy force on the Southern center, which was repulsed by a part of Walker's division and the brigade of General G. B. Anderson, and Rodes of D. H. Hill's, assisted by a fs of artillery, supported by a few hundreds of men rallied by General D. H. Hill, being parts of Walker's and R. H. Anderson's commands. Colonel John R. Cook, with the Twenty-seventh North Carolina,
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 12: Gettysburg. (search)
aw. Gregg, with a division of Federal cavalry and horse artillery, was in position east of Slocum, and with dismounted cavalry and artillery made Johnson detach Walker's brigade to meet him. When night stopped Johnson he was but a short distance from Meade's headquarters and the Union reserve artillery. A strong night attacre in position from the peach orchard on the right to the woods on the left, where the Third Corps rested, and near by, the other corps had as many more, under R. L. Walker. Salvos by battery were practiced, to secure greater deliberation and power. The Union batteries, under the alert and able chief of artillery, Hunt, were reables as she has. I can not get her to desist, though I have made two special visits to that effect. All the brides have come on a visit to the army-Mrs. Ewell, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Heth, etc. General Meade's army is north of the Rappahannock, along the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. He is very quiet. And again, September 4, 1863:
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
. Valley of Virginia, 104, 107. Van Buren, Martin, 32. Van Dorn, General, 133. Venable, Colonel, 277. Vendome, Marshal, defeated, 288. Vera Cruz, siege of, 33, 35, 36, 37. Verdiersville, 330. Vidaun, General, 62. Vicksburg, surrender of, 305. Vincent, General, killed at Gettysburg, 302. Virginia Convention, 87. Virginia Military Institute, 414. Virginians and Georgians, 336. Volunteer officers, 24. Wadsworth, General, mentioned, 137, 277, 271. Walker, General R. L., 202, 290, 293. Wallace and Bruce, 423. Walton, Colonel, 227. Warren, General Gouverneur K., at Gettysburg, 283; mentioned, 316- 339. Washington Artillery, 214, 227, 230, 233; at Gettysburg, 290. Washington, Augustine, mentioned, 1. Washington, Colonel John A., 116, 117, 121, 122. Washington College, 403, 406, 407. Washington, General, George, mentioned, 1, 6, II, 169, 415. Washington, Lawrence, 1, 10, 11, 13, 26, 71, 80, 137. Washington and Lee University, 281,
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Grand movement of the Army of the Potomac- crossing the Rapidan-entering the Wilderness- battle of the Wilderness (search)
Artillery. Stafford artillery. Alleghany artillery. Cutshaw's Battalion. Charlotteville artillery. Staunton artillery. Courtney artillery. Carter's Battalion. Morris artillery. Orange artillery. King William artillery. Jeff Davis artillery. Nelson's Battalion. Amherst artillery. Milledge artillery. Fluvauna artillery. Brown's Battalion. Powhatan artillery. 2d Richmond Howitzers. 3d Richmond Howitzers. Rockbridge artillery. Salem flying artillery. Col. R. L. Walker's division. Cutt's Battalion. Ross's Battery. Patterson's Battery. Irwin artillery. Richardson's Battalion. Lewis artillery. Donaldsonville artillery. Norfolk light artillery. Huger artillery. McIntosh's Battalion. Johnson's Battery. Hardaway artillery. Danville artillery. 2d Rockbridge artillery. Pegram's Battalion. Peedee artillery. Fredericksburg artillery. Letcher artillery. Purcell Battery. Crenshaw's Battery. Poague's Battalion. Madison artil
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A review of the First two days operations at Gettysburg and a reply to General Longstreet by General Fitz. Lee. (search)
division, First corps, and Stevens' Fifth Maine battery, Wadsworth's command being much shattered by the fight of the 1st. On our extreme left opposed to Wadsworth, were three brigades of Johnson's division, Ewell's corps. One of his brigades, Walker's, was in position faced to the left to guard the flank of our army. In front of Walker lay William's division of the Twelfth corps, and two regiments of Lockwood's independent brigade, and the Fifth corps, except Crawford's division, which arriWalker lay William's division of the Twelfth corps, and two regiments of Lockwood's independent brigade, and the Fifth corps, except Crawford's division, which arrived on the field about twelve o'clock. (Crawford's testimony before Committee on Conduct of the War). The Eleventh corps occupied Cemetery Hill with the artillery attached to the First and Eleventh corps, except Stevens' battery, before mentioned. Doubleday's division of the First corps was massed in rear of Cemetery Hill, while Robertson's division of the same corps extended to the left along Cemetery Ridge, embracing that portion of it assaulted by Longstreet on the 3rd. From the left o
sion of General McLaws, two brigades under General Walker, and Hampton's cavalry brigade, were now dc, and from the latter by the Shenandoah. General Walker took possession of Loudon Heights on the teral Garnett,) Kemper, and Jenkins, (under Colonel Walker,) together with Evans's brigade, was posteps of General McLaws arrived, and those of General Walker could be brought from the right. Hood's bing entirely exhausted. They were relieved by Walker's command, who immediately attacked the enemy great slaughter. Colonel Manning, commanding Walker's brigade, pursued until he was stopped by a sigade retired to the line on which the rest of Walker's command had halted. Upon the arrival of tal D. H. Hill and other officers, and parts of Walker's and R. H. Anderson's commands--Colonel Cookethe Twenty-seventh North-Carolina regiment, of Walker's brigade, standing boldly in line without a crd to seize the position occupied by Lieutenant-Colonel Walker. The latter reserving his fire unti[10 more...]
.officers.N. C. officers and Killed.Wounded.Missing.Killed.Wounded.Missing. II.1st Maryland regiment,    1  Brigadier-General Stewart's brigade, commanded by Colonel Scott, 44th Virginia regiment. In field and staff, both brigade and regimental staff officers are included. 44th Virginia regiment,13 1332   52d Virginia regiment,14 1161   58th Virginia regiment,13 365     310 27159 199  IV.Field and Staff,1      Brigadier-General Elzey's brigade, commanded by Colonel Walker. 31st Virginia regiment,23 12764  25th Virginia regiment, 4  25   12th Georgia regiment,    1     37 121024128  VIII.Field and Staff, 2     Brigadier-General Taylor commanding. 6th Louisiana regiment,12 1053   7th Louisiana regiment,15 7110   8th Louisiana regiment,13 727   9th Louisiana regiment,1  336   Wheat's battalion Louisiana volunteers, 5 214     417 29240 290    1034 68501 617Total loss actio
o halt. I enclose the reports of Generals Early and Trimble, Colonel Walker, and Colonel Stafford. General Trimble furnishes the diagram. lonel Coleman, of the artillery, during the absence of Lieutenant-Colonel R. L. Walker, from sickness, acted as my Chief of Artillery, and wiillery for General A. P. Hill's division during several days, Major R. L. Walker being at the time sick. Colonel Brown became a close spectnt of the Fifteenth Virginia, was cut by a fragment of a shell. Major Walker, of the Fifteenth Virginia volunteers, was soon after killed, whoung gentleman named Field, who was a volunteer on the staff of General Walker, of the Thirteenth Virginia regiment. About sundown, an order Colonel Hill's regiment was absent on duty with the brigade of General Walker. The effective force present was about three thousand. Betwee the Mattapony at Walkerton. Learning, however, that night, from Dr. Walker, who had conveyed to General Lee the intelligence of this suppose
d also heartily indorse his recommendation for the promotion of Colonel Walker, of the Thirteenth Virginia, to the rank of Brigadier-General. D'Aquin's Louisiana battery, Major Courtay, chief of artillery, Colonel Walker, Thirteenth Virginia, Colonel Forno, commanding Hays's brigade, and formed his line immediately in rear of Taliaferro's. Lieutenant-Colonel Walker placed Pegram's and Fleet's batteries in eligible positio opening with canister, soon broke them. At this time Lieutenant-Colonel R. L. Walker coming up with the artillery of Major-General A. P. Hi advanced again in general line across the cornfield, and Lieutenant-Colonel Walker's guns were turned on them exclusively. In a short time r, Colonel Thirteenth Virginia Infantry. Report of Lieutenant-Colonel R. L. Walker. headquarters artillery battalion, March, 1863. I have the honor to remain, Major, Your obedient servant, R. L. Walker, Lieutenant-Colonel, commanding Artillery Division. Report
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