Your search returned 13 results in 6 document sections:

. Preparing short-cut straw for feed. See also following patents: — 37,138.Perrin, Dec. 9, ‘62. 37,409.Perrin, Jan. 13, ‘63. 45,115.Baker, Nov. 15, ‘64. 54,061.Anderson, May 15, ‘66. 56,493.Free, July 17, ‘66.69,309.Brown, Oct. 1, ‘67. 57,898.Hasecoster, Sep. 11, ‘66.70,072.Brown, Oct. 29, ‘67. 65,266.Perrin, May 28, ‘67.70,318.Brown, Oct. 29, ‘67. 68,695.Brown, Sep. 10, ‘67.70,945.Angell, Dec. 10, ‘67. 71,852.Chandler, Dec. 10, ‘67.127,318.Devol, May 28, ‘72. 75,500.Walkins, Mar. 10, ‘68.133,332.Murphy, Nov. 26, ‘72. 79,923.Smith, July 14, ‘68.135,427.Hastings, Feb. 4, ‘73. 100,477.Fitts, Aug. 16, ‘70.153,417.Baldwin, July 28, ‘74. 111,343.Hastings, June 31, ‘71. Straw-cutter. Cutting-machine for hay, straw, and vegetables. Straw-hat Mak′ing. Tuscan straw is prepared by pulling the wheat while the ear is in a milky state. The wheat is sown very close, so that the straw is thin and short. The straw is sprea
, shirts drawers &c. Mrs. Lipscomb, shirts and pants. T B Jackson, Gordonsville, $0 00. Disciples' Church, Gordonsville, 14 45. Mrs S E Shaitan, Gordonsville, 10 00. Mrs. Mary Fill, Gordonsville, 10 00. Mr. Cooper, Culpeper, $5. Miss Bettle J. Bibb, Frederick's Hall, 10 pants of drawers, 10 shirts and 10 pants sacks. Math as Altmeyor, $50. Dr. Ellison $5. Mrs. M E Ward, Nottoway, lint, bandages, &c. Dr Stiles, for self, &c., $50. J B Walkins from sundry persons, $10. Lae Mallery, benefit $50. Mrs. R. Murchie $22 50. Q E Word, tracts, papets &c. G J Kelly, $10. Mrs. W H Simmes Halifax, $10. Misses E B and M C Sims, Halifax, 6 pairs socks and I comfort. Misses Mattie and Lou Holladay Louisa lint. P H Mayor 30 copies Dr. Moore's sermon. S A Society, Hanover, through Miss Chewning, 12 pairs socks, 1 comfort and blanket. A lady of Richmond, $10. Mrs Doel Foster, Halifax, lint.
in thigh, badly; F F Chamberlain, thigh slightly; R C Hughes, neck, badly; W T Hankins, fluges; J P Graves, shoulder, badly; J L Williams, breast, badly; Frank Evitts, head, slightly; Thos Bullard, head, slightly; B R Hunter, shoulder and arm; Z Walkins, month, badly; J T Walkins, foot, slightly. Company E.--Wounded: Capt Jas Franklin, in arm, slightly; Privates M L Hurt, chin, slightly; W A Kirkpatrick, Yace, severely; D W Elam, missing and supposed killed. Company F, Capt A Hill comWalkins, foot, slightly. Company E.--Wounded: Capt Jas Franklin, in arm, slightly; Privates M L Hurt, chin, slightly; W A Kirkpatrick, Yace, severely; D W Elam, missing and supposed killed. Company F, Capt A Hill commanding — Wounded: Lieut T L Jennings, arm, badly; Privates M L Bland, hip, badly; G W Dunn, face, slightly; G W Lewis, shoulder, badly; H W Purcell, hand; J R Saunders, head, slightly; L D Strond, arm, slightly; G W Webb, hand; J Turner, hand. Wounded and Missing: T J Hardwick, W U Jones. Company G, Capt Shepherd, commanding — Killed: Private J T Rice, Wounded: B F Sullivan, slightly; W H Davis, shoulder, slight; A J Foster, thigh; W H Robbins, jaw; W H Sullivan, slight; P B Young, sligh
[special Dispatch to the Richmond Dispatch]the Virginians at Vicksburg. Mobile, June 28 --Captain Connell, who came out of Vicksburg on the 17th has arrived here. He gives the following information about some of the Virginians in Vicksburg. He saw all mentioned on the day he left: Gen. Baldwin is wounded slightly. Gen. Stephen Lee is well. He lost three horses under him in the action of Wednesday. Maj. Walkins and brother, from Lewisburg, are well. Gen Reynolds and staff all well.--Young Leftwich, Gregory, and D. Morrie, of Lynchburg, well. Major Mayo, of Richmond, well.
C M Shelley, colonel, 316 men. 23d Alabama, F K Beck, colonel, 261 men. 41st Georgia, W E Curtis, colonel, 283 men. 23d Georgia, M M Granthan, colonel, 290 men. 42d Georgia, R J Henderson, colonel, 495 men. 40th Georgia, Abelia Johnson, colonel, 365 men. 52d Georgia, John J Moore, major, 420 men. 39th Georgia, J F B Jackson, lieutenant colonel, 552 men. 36th Georgia, J A Glenn, colonel, 515 men. 34th Georgia, J A W Johnston, colonel, 484 men. 56th Georgia, E P Walkins, colonel, 485 men. 57th Georgia, Wm Barkaloo, colonel, 335 men. 61st Tennessee, J G Rose, lieutenant colonel, 269 men. 62d Tennessee, J A Rowan, colonel, 328 men. 60th Tennessee, J W Bachman, captain, 281 men. 43d Tennessee, J W Gillespie, colonel, 511 men. 59th Tennessee, Wm L. Eaken, colonel, 394 men. 3d Tennessee, N J Lillard, colonel, 350 men. 31st Tennessee, W M Bradford, colonel, 455 men. 8th Louisiana heavy artillery, F N Ogden, major. 1st Louisiana hea
eneral interest brought before the meeting, the President announced the following standing committees for the ensuing year: Library and Rooms — P. C. Nicholas, chairman; Dr. W. H. Gwathmey, Philip F Howard. Lectures — D B Lucas, chairman; J C Williams, Bev. Weliford, Jr. Publications — George L Bid good, chairman; W B Robina, S B Smith. Ways and Means — Wm Willis, Jr, chairman; Jas Menry, Robt Lancaster, Jr. Nominations — J B Watkins, chairman, B H Mrade, Ro E Richardson, Chas E McClare, Wm H Tyler, Bible Classes — J M Stevens, chairman; Wm B Johnson, Roger Martin. Religions Exercises — J D K Sleight, chairman; W B Bigelow, A P Fox. Sunday Schools--Dr. J Hall Moors, chairman; Dr. George B Steels, C C Calvert. Visiting the Sick — Blackburn Hughes, chairman; Alex McRae, Albert Blair. Statistics — W H Clemmitt, chairman; P J Wright, T C C Drewry. The Army Committee for the ensuing year consists of the following named gentlemen: Wm P Munford, chairman; J B Walkins