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Schenck. Later, as Schenck's skirmish line advanced, it was met on the eastern side of Bull run by that of the Confederates. About 7 Beauregard ordered Jackson's brigade, the nearest reserve force, to move with Imboden's Staunton artillery and Walton's battery to the left to support Cocke as well as Bonham; the brigades of Bee and Bartow, under the former, were also sent to support the left against the threatened attack by Schenck. In the meantime, the main Federal column continued its flavered way up the Henry hill which their infantry took advantage of in supporting their batteries near the Henry house. The lines of battle were now not far apart on the undulating Henry plateau, and the Confederate batteries of Imboden, Stanard, Walton, Pendleton and Alburtis had their innings at short range, cutting fearful gaps in the oncoming lines, which were still more severely punished by the steady fire of the musketry of Jackson's men and of those on his right and left; especially was t
were given to return to camp, and the pickets were called in and the return march begun. At noon of the same day, Col. J. E. B. Stuart, of the First Virginia cavalry, who was in command of the Confederate line of picket posts, informed of this movement, started from his camp at Munson's hill, near Falls church, for Lewinsville, which was one of his picket posts, some 6 miles to the northwest, accompanied by Maj. James B. Terrill with 305 of the Thirteenth Virginia infantry, two pieces of Walton's Washington (La.) artillery under Capt. Thomas L. Rosser, and two companies of the First Virginia cavalry under Capt. William Patrick. Nearing Lewinsville and learning that the enemy was in the act of retiring, Stuart promptly made a skillful disposition of his small force in the surrounding woods, and, deploying his infantry as skirmishers, attacked the flank and rear of the retiring Federals, who were taken by surprise and at once beat a hasty retreat. A battery near the village stood fi
defense and persistent courage than were exhibited by Jackson's men through all that long day of steady contention against fearful odds. The invincible Stonewall had unflinchingly held the left, confident that the equally invincible Lee was not only watching the contest, but would, in the crisis of the day, throw his sword into the scale and decide the unequal contest. After the arrival of Longstreet the enemy charged his position and began to concentrate opposite Jackson's left. . . . Colonel Walton placed a part of his artillery upon a commanding position between the lines of Generals Jackson and Longstreet by order of the latter, and engaged the enemy vigorously for several hours. Soon afterward General Stuart reported the approach of a large force from the direction of Bristoe Station, threatening Longstreet's right. The brigades under General Wilcox were sent to reinforce General Jones [Longstreet's right], but no serious attack was made. While the battle was raging on Jackso
, William P., major; Derrick, Clarence, lieutenant-colonel; Hounshell, David S., major. Twenty-third Infantry regiment: Camden, J. D., major; Coleman, Clayton G., Jr., major, lieutenant-colonel; Crenshaw, James H., lieutenant-colonel; Curtis, George W., lieutenant-colonel; Fitzgerald, John P., major, lieutenant-colonel; Pendleton, Joseph H., major; Richardson, Andrew J., major; Scott, Andrew V., major; Taliaferro, William B., colonel; Taliaferro, Alexander G., lieutenantcol-onel, colonel; Walton, Simeon T., major, lieutenant-colonel. Twenty-fourth battalion Partisan Rangers (disbanded January 5, 1863): Scott, John, major. Twenty-fourth Cavalry regiment: Barham, Theodore G., lieutenant-colonel; Robertson, John R., major; Robins, William T., colonel. Twenty-fourth Infantry regiment: Bentley, William W., major; Early, Jubal A., colonel; Hairston, Peter J., Jr., lieutenant-colonel; Hamrick, Joseph A., major; Hammet, J. P., major; Maury, Richard L., major, lieutenant-colonel; T