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ffective stroke is also aided by the dead weight of the cross-head, which weighs over ninety tons, and by the weight of the pistons and rods of the engine. Each engine has two air-pumps of forty inches diameter, and five feet stroke. The steam is cut off in the small cylinder at from one fourth to two thirds of its stroke, according to the load, and is then farther expanded in the large cylinder. When working with the net power of 350 horses, the average consumption is 2 1/4 pounds of Welch coal per horse-power per hour, or 75,000,000 pounds of water raised one foot high with 94 pounds of coal. The duty of the engines has been as high as 87,000,000. See duty. The Lynden and Cruquius engines work eight pumps, each of seventy-three inches diameter and ten feet stroke. The Leeghwater works eleven pumps of sixty-three inches diameter, ten feet stroke, each engine being calculated to lift sixtysix cubic meters of water per stroke. Annular wheel and pinion. The three e
is the sole. N, dam; a stone at the end of the fire-hearth. Tap-hole; an opening cut away in the hardened loam of the dam. O, tymp-arch, working-arch, folds, faulds; the arch of the mantle which admit to the firehearth. P, tuyere-arch, twyer-arch; arch of the mantle which leads to the tuyeres. Q, tuyere, twyer, twere; the cast-iron pipe which forms the nozzle for the blast. R, S, arches for ventilation. T, channels in the masonry for the escape of moisture. A large Welch blast-furnace contains 150 tons of ignited material (iron-ore, coke, and limestone-flux), and requires 20,000 cubic feet of air per minute. The weight of the air thrown into the furnace every 24 hours is nine times the weight of the charge of fuel, ore, and flux. Blast-furnaces are now built as much as 103 1/2 feet high, 27 1/2 feet at the bosh, and 8 feet at the hearth. The average make of such a furnace is 550 tons weekly. The consumption of coke is 16 cwt. per ton of iron made, and
eight pumps each, of 73 inches diameter and with 10 feet stroke; each engine is calculated to lift 66 tons of water per stroke. In testing the capacity of the engine for working in emergencies, using the eleven pumps simultaneously without regard to the consumption of fuel, the engine was found to lift per stroke 109 tons net of water to a hight of 10 feet. At an economical working-rate the engine performed a duty of 75,000,000 pounds, raised one foot high by a consumption of 94 pounds of Welch coal. The net effective force was 350-horse power, the consumption of fuel 2 1/4 pounds of coal per horse-power per hour. The accompanying sketch is a representation of the interior of the Lynden engine and enginehouse, on the upper floor; the Cruquius is on the same model; but the Leeghwater has the inner ends of its eleven pump-beams arranged under the great cross-head, instead of over it. Each engine has two steam-cylinders, placed concentrically, the one within the other, the out
aid that he was a master of thirty-two other instruments. This was about 1063 B. C. The magadis of the Thracians was a three-cornered harp, with twenty strings arranged in octaves. It was used among them in the time of Xenophon. A band of 300 harpers was in the great procession of Ptolemy Philadelphus, preceding a column of 2,000 yellow bulls, with gilded horns and frontlets, crowns, necklaces, and breastplates of gold. Egyptians, Jews, Persians, Thracians, Greeks, Romans, Saxons, Welch, Irish, all had their harps. The number and material of the strings differed, and also the shapes of the frames. Irish harp. The Welsh harp was strung with gut. The Irish harp was strung with wire. Donagh, the son of Brian Boiroimhe, a king of Ireland who was slain 1014, sought protection at Rome, carrying the harp and regalia of his father, and presented them to Pope John XVIII. in order to obtain absolution for the murder of his brother Teig. Adrian IV. urged this as a title
engine. At the present day the Cornish pumping-engine stands at the head of the list in effective economical performance, and the duty is reported in tabulated form, monthly. See duty. The useful effect of the Cornish pumping-engine has been more closely observed and recorded than that of any other engine. When Boulton and Watt's patent expired, the best of their engines in Cornwall were doing an average duty of 24 millions of pounds of water raised 1 foot high by 112 pounds of Welch coal. The rate deteriorated for a while, owing, it is said, to the absence of Mr. Murdoch and some other highly skillful men. Mr. Murdoch will be recollected as the great gas-engineer, and a successful builder of a locomotive in early times. Captain Lean is credited with a general advance which soon afterward took place. The tabulated results for the years 1812-1843 are as follows: — Year.No. of engines.Average duty.Average duty of the best engine.Year.No. of engines.Average du
e Christian era, came to be written from left to right like the Sanscrit and the other languages to which it — not its characters — was allied. The number of letters in the following alphabets is thus given in Ballhorn's Grammatography, Trubner & Co., 1831: — Hebrew22Ethiopic202 Chaldaic22Chinese214 Syriac22Japanese73 Samaritan22Dutch26 Phoenician22Spanish27 Armenian38Irish18 Arabic28Anglo-Saxon25 Persian32Danish28 Turkish33Gothic25 Georgian38French28 Coptic32German26 Greek24Welch4 Latin25Russian35 Sanscrit328 The letter J was introduced into the alphabets by Giles Beye, a printer of Paris, 1660. Short-hand writing was known to the Greeks and Romans. Its invention was ascribed to Xenophon. It was introduced into Rome by Cicero. Pliny employed a short-hand amanuensis. The Chinese dictionary shows 43,496 words: of these 13,000 are irrelevant, and consist of signs which are ill-formed and obsolete. For ordinary use 4,000 signs suffice. Kung-fu-tze can be<
n et al.Jan. 22, 1861. 31,325NivelleFeb. 5, 1861. 31,411SmithFeb. 12, 1861. 31,691JuengstMar. 12, 1861. (Reissue.)1,154HoweMar. 19, 1861. 32,297Jones et al.May. 14, 1861. 32,315SherwoodMay. 14, 1861. 32,385SmithMay. 21, 1861. 34,081WelchJan. 7, 1862. 34,789StebbinsMar. 25, 1862. 34,906SingerApr. 8, 1862. 36,084HallAug. 5, 1862. (Reissue.)1,388Atkins et al.Jan. 20, 1863. 37,913HoweMar. 17, 1863. 37,985SmithMar. 24, 1863. 38,740HalliganJune 2, 1863. 39,256LangdonJuly 14 9, 1874. 152,241MortonJune 23, 1874. 153,728Sloan et al.Aug. 4, 1874. 158,436PlankJan. 5, 1875. 161,624McEwenApr. 6, 1875. class I. — motors. 1. Hydraulic Engines and Water-Wheels. No.Name.Date. 120,975JenningsNov. 14, 1871. 121,441WelchNov. 28, 1871. 128,615GreenleafJuly 2, 1872. 131,616HydeSept. 24, 1872. 136,452PalmerMar. 4, 1873. 142,551AtwellSept. 9, 1873. 146,120BackusJan. 6, 1874. 2. Steam, Air, and Gas Engines. See gas-engine, pp. 947-949; air-engine, pp. 35-45. 1
ch the finger-keys are moved; and when the types are no longer required they are either melted up, instead of being distributed, or else they may be distributed and used in the ordinary way, if desired. Type-dis-trib′ut-ing ma-chine′. A companion machine to the type-setter. See type-set-ting machine. Type-dress′ing ma-chine′. One forming a substitute for the usual mode, which is to rub the type by hand upon the plane surface of a stone, using as an auxiliary a scraper or file. Welch's machine passes the type set up in rows between a pair of knife-blades set in exact parallelism. Type-found′ing. The early history of type is that of printing; for though the art of engraving blocks and seals in cameo and intaglio for stamping and sealing had been known for 2,000 years, they only became type when adapted for association together for printing and for subsequent distribution. As stated under printing, the earliest form of printing was from a block engraved with th