Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 8, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John M. West or search for John M. West in all documents.

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Commercial Refranchisement. --This is the title of a tract, published by Messrs West &Johnston, which should be read both by members of Congress and Legislature, and by every merchant and planter in the Confederate States. Within forty or fifty pages, costing twenty five cents, the reader has as much material for reflection and study as can be found in as many volumes since the questions of an embargo — an exchequer — new weights, measures and coins and tree trade, with novel and brilliant suggestions on an entire charge in all the arrangements respecting the arrival and departure of vessels from our ports, are discussed. The articles respecting a new commercial language is of a truly philosophical and striking character. The facts presented upon our tobacco interests are new, and must be as interesting as almost any matter which can be obtained from any sour
n has been for some time stationed in Suffolk, Virginia, ready to risk their lives in defence of our imperilled rights. Though scattered by the requirements of the service, the different companies composing the Battalion have over preserved the esprit du corps, and remembered that the honor of Richmond was in part confided to their keeping. Most of the companies composing the Battalion have held elections and chosen their officers for the war in conformity with the requirements of recent acts of legislation by the General Assembly of the State and the Confederate States Congress. The third company held an election at Suffolk recently, and chose the following officers, whose names will be recognized as those heretofore in command — a sure sign that the duty assigned them has been well performed. The election resulted as follows: Captain, Edgar F. Mosely, Senior First Lieutenant, John M. West; Junior First Lieutenant, Benjamin H. Smith, Jr., Second Lieutenant, Henry C. Carter.