Browsing named entities in John Beatty, The Citizen-Soldier; or, Memoirs of a Volunteer. You can also browse the collection for Willis or search for Willis in all documents.

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signed to a new brigade, to be commanded by Brigadier-General Dumont, of Indiana. The paymaster has come at last. Willis, my new servant, is a colored gentleman of much experience and varied accomplishments. He has been a barber on a Mississthe songs of Zion, the boys are having cotillion parties in other parts of the camp. On the parade ground of one company Willis is officiating as musician, and the gentlemen go through honors to partners and circle all with apparently as much pleasuppily to the better country. October, 12 The parson is in my tent doing his best to extract something solemn out of Willis' violin. Now he stumbles on a strain of Sweet home, then a scratch of Lang Syne ; but the latter soon breaks its neck ovvain and wicked an instrument, and express a hope that the business of tanning skins has not utterly demoralized him. Willis pretends to a taste in music far superior to that of the common nigger. He plays a very fine thing, and when I ask what