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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays, Literature as an art. (search)
isite and complete perfection, what should I hope for myself, if I had not higher objects in view than fame? These Essays were published in a volume in 1823; and Willis records that when he was in Europe, ten years later, and just before Lamb's death, it was difficult to light upon a person who had read Elia. This brings us to a contemporary instance. Willis and Hawthorne wrote early, side by side, in The token, about 1827, forty years ago. Willis rose at once to notoriety, but Mr. S. G. Goodrich, the editor of the work, states in his autobiography, that Hawthorne's contributions did not attract the slightest attention. Ten years later, in 1837, thesWillis rose at once to notoriety, but Mr. S. G. Goodrich, the editor of the work, states in his autobiography, that Hawthorne's contributions did not attract the slightest attention. Ten years later, in 1837, these same sketches were collected in a volume, as Twice-told Tales ; but it was almost impossible to find a publisher for them, and when published they had no success. I well remember the apathy with which even the enlarged edition of 1842 was received, in spite of the warm admiration of a few; nor was it until the publication of Th