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ited States, the following: to wit: Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana (except the parishes of St. Bernard, Plaquemine, Jefferson, St. John, St. Charles, St. James, Ascension, Assumption, Terre Bonne, Lafourche, St. Mary, St. Martin, and Orleans, including the city of New Orleans), Mississippi, Alabama, Florida. Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia (except the forty-eight counties designated as West Virginia, and also the counties of Berkeley, Accomac, Northampton, Elizabeth City, York, Princess Anne, and Norfolk, including the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth), and which excepted parts are, for the present, left precisely as if this proclamation were not issued. And, by virtue of the power and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all person held as slaves within said designated States and parts of States are and henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will
ly wounded, with Col. Chatfield and many noble officers beside; while Cols. Barton, Green, and Jackson, were severely wounded. The remnant of the brigade recoiled under the command of Maj. Plympton, 3d N. H.; while all that was left of the 54th Mass. was led off by a boy, Lt. Higginson. The first brigade being thus demolished, the second went forward, led by Col. H. S. Putnam, 7th New Hampshire, whose regiment, with the 62d Ohio, Col. Steele, the 67th ditto, Col. Voorhees, and the 100th N. York, Col. Dandy, was now required to attempt what a stronger brigade had proved impossible. There was no shrinking, however, until, after half an hour's bloody combat before and upon the fort--Col. Putnam having been killed, and a large portion of his subordinates either killed or wounded — no supports arriving, the remains of the brigade, like the first, fell back into the friendly darkness, and made their way, as they best could, to our lines, as the Rebel yell of triumph from Wagner rose
edge of a wood, with an open field in front, sloping toward Mansfield; and here Gen. Dwight formed his (1st) brigade across the road, with the 3d, Col. Lewis Benedict, Of Albany, N. Y. on his left; the 2d, Gen. McMillen, in reserve; the 16lst N. York, Lt.-Col. Kinsey, being thrown out in advance as skirmishers; Lee's and Franklin's flying columns being allowed to pass through and form (if they would) behind the living rampart thus erected. Hardly was Emory's formation completed when the fow Alexandria, by a large Rebel force, and thoroughly riddled; the Covington being abandoned and burned while the Signal and Warner were compelled to surrender. There were some 400 soldiers on board of these vessels, including Col. Sharp, 156th N. York, and Col. Raynor, 129th Illinois, of whom 150 were captured, and perhaps 100 more killed or wounded. The residue took the shore, and escaped as best they could. Soon afterward, the City Belle, transport, conveying the 120th Ohio, 425 strong, u
r and Ricketts, pushing them back in disorder and with fearful loss; a heavy fire opening on their flank as they surged toward the pass — many regiments utterly broken, their officers fallen, and the battle seemingly lost beyond hope. The 156th N. York had barely 40 men grouped around its colors; Capt. Rigby, 24th Iowa, was seen retreating firmly, deliberately, followed by a sergeant and 12 men who, reaching the assigned rallying-point, Gen,. Sheridan's movements in the Shen Andoah Valley. ad been swelled by other such to a battalion ; while Capt. Bradbury, 1st Maine battery, had, by Grover's order, posted two guns in a gap and opened on the exultant Rebels; who, charging to seize them, received a volley in the rear from the 131st N. York, which Gen. Emory had rallied and posted in a projection of wood, with orders not to fire till the enemy should have passed them. As they staggered under this unexpected salute, a volley from the newly formed line in their front sent them pell-
ength charging over their intrenchments, as Ayres and Griffin, having turned their left out of its works, bore down upon its renewed front, hurling all that remained of the enemy in disorderly flight westward; charged and pursued for miles by our cavalry until long after dark, and until our prisoners exceeded 5,000 ; while our total loss this day was but about 1,000. At this cost, Lee's right wing had been substantially demolished. Among our killed was Brig.-Gen. Fred'k Winthrop (Col. 9th N. York), cousin to Maj. Theo. Winthrop, killed at Big Bethel. Sheridan now directed Griffin to move eastward with two divisions of his infantry to Gravelly church, some miles toward Petersburg, thus reopening his communications with the rest of our army, while Griffin's own division (now Bartlett's) supported McKenzie's cavalry, which had pushed northward up the Ford road to Hatcher's run. And now, as darkness fell, by Grant's order, our guns in position before Petersburg opened from right t
from Harrison's Landing to Acquia Creek, 171; under command of Gens. Burnside and Hooker, 342 to 375; reorganized under Meade, 564; end of Grant's campaign of 1864 and losses of the, 597 Arnold, Gen., occupies Pensacola, 459. arson, during N. York and Brooklyn riots, 505. Asboth, Gen. Alex., 28-9; at Pea Ridge, 30. Ashby, Gen. Turner, killed, 137. Atchafalaya river, Col. Bailey constructs a bridge over the, 551; Banks's army retreats across the, 551. Atlanta, Campaign of Shermn., 283. Coffeeville, Miss., 286. Columbia, Ark., 551. Columbus, Ga., 719. Congaree River, S. C., 699. Coosawhatchie, S. C., 463. Cosby Creek, Tenn., 623. Cumberland Gap,Tenn.,430. Cynthiana. Ky., 624. Dabney's Mill. Va., 726. Dam No. 1, York R., Va.,112. Dandridge. Tenn., 623. Deatonsville, Va., 740. Decatur, Ala., 678. Deep Bottom, Va., 589. Donaldsonville. La., 338. Dover, Tenn., 283. Droop Mountain, Va., 404. Dublin Station. W. Va., 600. Egypt, Miss., 695. Elizabeth
ood's Fourth 52 147 4 203 89th Illinois Wood's Fourth 16 71 67 154 41st Ohio Wood's Fourth 26 70 6 102 15th Ohio Wood's Fourth 19 64 19 102 5th Kentucky Wood's Fourth 14 58 10 82 15th Wisconsin Wood's Fourth 14 41 28 83 1st Ohio Wood's Fourth 10 73 -- 83 Hawes's Shop, Va.             May 28, 1864.             1st N. Jersey Cavalry Gregg's Cavalry 7 53 3 63 5th Michigan Cavalry Torbert's Cavalry 8 42 -- 50 1st Penn. Cavalry Gregg's Cavalry 10 32 -- 42 10th N. York Cavalry Gregg's Cavalry 13 27 2 42 6th Mich. Cavalry Torbert's Cavalry 3 22 8 33 6th Ohio Cavalry Gregg's Cavalry 9 24 2 35 Totopotomoy, Va.             May 29-31, 1864.             36th Wisconsin (4 Cos.) Gibbon's Second 20 108 38 166 7th New York H. A. Barlow's Second 22 97 16 135 2d New York H. A. Barlow's Second 7 77 7 91 Hanover, Va.             May 30, 1864.             2d Ohio Cavalry Wilson's Cavalry 5 50 10 65 Bethesda C
D. 76; speech at Atlanta, Ga., Doc. 268 Cochrane, John, D. 46; speech at N. York, Apl. 20, Doc. 96; anecdote of Bigler and, P. 8 Cocke, Philip St. Georgeln's call for troops, Doc. 155 Ellsworth's Zouaves, departure of, from Now York, D. 50; Doc. 165; anecdotes of P. 81; arrival at Washington, D. 53; enter AlexanD. 43 Hudson, N. Y., meeting at, D. 35 Hughes, John, Archbishop of Now York, letter to the Union meeting, New York, April 20, Doc. 89 Hull, Solomon L.York, April 20, Doc. 89 Hull, Solomon L., Doc. 108 Hunt, Washington, speech at the Union meeting, Doc. 90 Hunt, Wilson G., D. 91 Hunter, —, Senator of Va., D. 49 Huntington, —, artist, Non the march, at Washington, P. 82; Sixth Regiment of Militia passed through Now York, D. 32; attacked in Baltimore, D. 33; the murdered solders of, D. 53; anecdote oailey Aldrich, P. 141 Proudfit, J. W., a rebel, demands accommodation in N. York, P. 97 Providence, R. I., the banks of, D. 27 Pryor, Reger A., tak
of Billerica, 11 May, 1828; Mrs. Elizabeth Stearns of Billerica—Joseph's wife and daughter of George Prentice—d. 26 Sept. 1835, a. 55.—Damon. Zechariah and Rebecca (twins), b. 17, bap. 20 Oct. 1782—the former d. 27 Oct., a. 10 ds., the latter 28 Oct. 1782, a. 11 ds.; had also Mary, m. Abijah Peirce, of Winchendon, 3 Sept. 1826; Rebecca, m. Ebenezer Warren, 31 Mar. 1811—Mary and Rebecca o. c. and bap. here 17 Nov. 1805; John (see par. 9); John (?), d. 22 Nov. 1795, a. 3; Joseph, killed in N. York-buried here 2 July, 1836, a. 44. George the father d. 6 Oct. 1819, a. 73 (resided at Flob-end ). Lydia, his wid., d. 3 Sept. 1822, a. 75. George Prentice was a Pct. committeeman, 1787-90, 1797-1805; Pct. assessor nine years; Pet. collector, 1792, 1795-1801, 1806, 1807. 5. Solomon, s. of Solomon (3), m. Elizabeth Wyeth, of Charlestown, 15 Apr. 1803. He o. c. here 29 Apr. 1804. Had James, bap. 29 Apr. 1804; Elizabeth, bap. 16 Mar. 1806, d. 9 Mar. 1818, a. 12; Mary, bap. 14 Feb. 1808
Twenty thousand Dollars Embezzled. --On the 17th ult., the firm of Carbajose, Ybarzabal & Co., merchants of Havana, Cuba, were robbed of about $20,000, by a man named Pastor Riemus, who had long been employed by them as collector and confidential clerk.--With the funds thus acquired, Riemus set out for New York, arriving there on the 22d ult., in the steamship Bienville. Information of the matter having been sent to Key West, it was thence communicated by telegraph to N. York, and the accused was arrested Monday evening. A search of the apartment occupied by the prisoner resulted in the recovery of about $11,000 of the money, and it is hoped that the balance will be found. Riemus will be detained pending the action of the authorities.
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