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shall be the same that our fathers fought under in the Revolution. Under this Constitution, the offices of President and Commander-in-Chief were to be separate, and in all cases to be held by different persons. John Brown was chosen Commander-in-Chief; J. H. Kagi, Secretary of War; Owen Brown (son of John), Treasurer; Richard Realf, Secretary of State. Brown returned to the States soon after his triumphal entry into Canada as a liberator, and was at Cleveland from the 20th to the 30th of March. He entered his name on the hotel-book, as John Brown, of Kansas, advertised two horses for sale at auction; and, at the time of the sale, stood in front of the auctioneer's stand, notifying all bidders that the title might be considered defective, since he had taken the horses with the slaves whom he liberated in Western Missouri, finding it necessary to his success that the slaves should have horses, and that the masters should not. But, he added, when telling the story afterward, the
was attributable to causes consistent with the intention to fulfill the engagement; and that, as regarded Pickens, I should have notice of any design to alter the existing status there. Mr. Justice Nelson was present at these conversations, three in number, and I submitted to him each of my communications to Judge Crawford, and informed Judge C. that they had his (Judge Nelson's) sanction. I gave you, on the 22d March, a substantial copy of the statement I had made on the 15th. The 30th of March arrived, and at that time a telegram came from Gov. Pickens, inquiring concerning Col. Lamon, whose visit to Charleston, he supposed, had a connection with the proposed evacuation of Fort Sumter. I left that with you, and was to have an answer the following Monday (1st April). On the first of April, I received from you a statement, in writing, I am satisfied the Government will not undertake to supply Fort Sumter without giving notice to Gov. Pickens. The words I am satisfied were fo
abandoning the heart of the State to rapine. Pegram lacked the audacity to continue the pursuit, as well as the force to justify it, or he might, perhaps, have chased Carter and Wolford across the Ohio. But the Rebels turned here to fly, March 27. thus revealing their weakness; and soon found a dangerous force on their hells. They were sharply chased by Wolford's cavalry through Lancaster, Stanford, and Waynesburg, to within three miles of Somerset, where they were brought to bay: March 30. meanwhile, Gen. Q. A. gillmore had joined the pursuit with 250 of the 7th Ohio cavalry and taken command: swelling the Union force to about 1,200 men. The Rebels are stated, in the reports on our side, to have been twice that number — a statement which is not confirmed by any returns, and is probably a gross exaggeration, explained by the efforts of the enemy to diffuse an extravagant idea of their numbers. At all events, they were very easily driven from their chosen position; and a char
ving been inconsiderately left open-complete the record of notable events in this department for the year 1863. In North Carolina, little of moment occurred in 1863. Gen. D. H. Hill attempted to retake Newbern on the first anniversary March 14. of its recovery to the Union: attacking, with 20 guns, an unfinished earthwork north of the Neuse: but that work was firmly held by the 92d New York until reenforced; when its assailants drew off with little loss. Hill next demonstrated March 30. against Washington, N. C.: erecting batteries at Rodman's and Hill's Points, below the town, which commanded the navigation of Pamlico river and isolated the place. But Gen. Foster had meantime arrived: finding a garrison of 1,200 men, with two gun-boats and an armed transport under Com'r R. Renshaw; while the defenses were well placed and in good condition. Hill had here his corps, estimated by Poster at 20,000 strong, with 50 guns. But he paused three days before assaulting; which pre
passing hurriedly over war-wasted north Alabama, and then spreading out so as to sweep over a broad stretch of the plenteous region watered by the tributaries of the Black Warrior and other main affluents of the Tombigbee river: thus menacing at once Columbus, Miss., Tuskaloosa, and Selma, Alabama. Forrest, commanding the chief Rebel force left in this quarter, was at West Point, near Columbus, Miss.; so that Wilson, moving rapidly on several roads, passed his right and reached Elyton March 30. without a collision; destroying by the way many extensive iron-works, collieries, &c., and pushing the few Rebel cavalry found at Elyton rapidly across the Cahawba at Montevallo; where the enemy was first encountered March 31. in force: Roddy's and Crossland's commands coming up the Selma road, but being routed and driven southward by a charge of Upton's division. The Rebels attempted to make a stand at a creek, after being driven 4 or 5 miles; but they were too weak, and were again ro
third. On the loth of April, 1865, the Twenty-third Corps numbered 14,293 present for duty, and was composed of three divisions — Ruger's, Couch's, and Carter's. It remained in North Carolina while Sherman's Army, with which it had made a junction at Goldsboro, marched northward to Washington. The corps was discontinued on August 1, 1865, many of the regiments having been mustered out before that. Twenty-Fourth Corps. Bermuda Hundred Fort Fisher Petersburg Hatcher's Run, March 30th; Fort Gregg Rice's Station Fall of Richmond Clover Hill Appomattox. The white troops of the Tenth and Eighteenth Corps were assembled in one command, and organized, December 3, 1864, as the Twenty-fourth Corps, with Major-General Edward O. Ord in command. The troops of the Tenth Corps were assigned to the First and Second Divisions, while the regiments of the Eighteenth Corps were placed in the Third Division. The three divisions were commanded by Generals Foster, Ames and Devens,
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 25 (search)
Twentieth Corps, because I regarded him as one of the boldest and best fighting generals in the whole army. His predecessor, General A. S. Williams, the senior division commander present, had commanded the corps well from Atlanta to Goldsboroa, and it may have seemed unjust to replace him at that precise moment; but I was resolved to be prepared for a most desperate and, as then expected, a final battle, should it fall on me. I returned to Goldsboroa from Newbern by rail the evening of March 30th, and at once addressed myself to the task of reorganization and replenishment of stores, so as to be ready to march by April 10th, the day agreed on with General Grant. The army was divided into the usual three parts, right and left wings, and centre. The tabular statements herewith will give the exact composition of these separate armies, which by the 10th of April gave the following effective strength: right wing--Army of the Tennessee--General O. O. Howard. commands.Infantry
Doc. 116.-the trip of the Carondelet. St. Louis Democrat account. on board the gunboat Carondelet, off New-Madrid, April 5. on the thirtieth of March Com. Foote addressed to Capt. Henry Walke, commanding the gunboat Carondelet, the following order: U. S. Flag-steamer Benton, Off Island No.10, March 30, 1862. sir: You will avail yourself of the first fog or rainy night, and drift your steamer down past the batteries on the Tennessee shore and Island No.10, until you reach New-Madrid. I assign you this service, as it is vitally important to the capture of this place that a gunboat should be at New-Madrid, for the purpose of covering Gen. Pope's army while he crosses that point to the opposite or Tennessee side of the river, that he may move his army up to Island No.10, and attack the rebels in rear while we attack them in front. Should you succeed in reaching Gen. Pope, you will confer with him and adopt his suggestions so far as your superior knowledge of what y
.--Firing continued at intervals; rebel batteries replied but seldom. March 25.--Affairs unchanged. March 26.--Main works of the enemy reported overflowed. Operations slackened. March 27.--Firing continued at intervals only. Residents captured report the rebels fifteen thousand strong. March 28.--Heavy firing from the fleet. Upper battery reported silenced; enemy lost sixty killed, and twenty-five wounded. Rebels constructing new batteries. March 29.--Firing very heavy. March 30.--Heavy bombardment, to which the rebels make no reply. March 31.--Same condition of affairs. April 1.--An expedition from the fleet proceeded to the upper rebel fort and spiked six guns. April 2.--Operations not reported. April 3.--Rebel heavy floating battery detached from shore and drifted down the stream. Gunboat Carondelet ran the blockade. April 4.--Firing active, and good execution to the rebel works reported. April 5.--Transports and barges arrived at New-Madrid.
A lady's pass.--The Richmond Dispatch of March 30th publishes the copy of a pass given to a lady whose husband had to flee into Maryland to prevent being pressed into the rebel army. His wife, desiring to cross the river and get some money, received this pass: Mrs. Mcfarlan--Pass. Promises forever to forsake her husband and never to return to him again, unless he crosses the Potomac, acknowledges his errors, and becomes a loyal subject to the Southern Confederacy. O. W. Fosdick, Provost-Marshal.
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