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Xxiv. The seizure of the Commissioners was no sooner known in England, than a burst of indignation was witnessed, and by the first steamer, despatches were received from Earl Russell to Lord Lyons the British Minister at Washington, dated London, November 30th, which were read to Mr. Seward on the 19th of December. A peremptory demand was made for the liberation of the two Commissioners and their secretaries, and an apology for the aggression which had been committed, with no further delay than seven days; after which, if not complied with, the minister was instructed to leave Washington, with all the members of his legation, taking with him the archives of the legation, and reporting immediately in London. He was also to communicate all information in his power to the British Governors of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Jamaica, Bermuda, and such other of her Majesty's possessions as were within his reach. All this meant war. England saw her opportunity, and she was de
ansportation was taken on the 2d of September for Morganza, where the battery encamped for the winter. The monotony of this encampment was varied by scouting expeditions in which the various sections took part. Meanwhile, Captain Nims had opened recruiting headquarters in the North and soon secured enlistments enough to fill existing vacancies, and in December was on his way back to the seat of action. Lieutenant Snow, who had been weakened by his wounds and captivity, was discharged November 30, and on the 7th of January, 1865, Captain Nims resigned his commission. Lieutenant Marland was promoted to fill the vacancy, the other lieutenants were advanced, and the second lieutenancies were filled by the promotion of First Sergeant Louis W. Swan and Sergeant Jacob M. Ellis, both of Boston. The battery was next ordered to report to General Steele for active service, and accordingly arrived at New Orleans on March 7, where it took transport for Barrancas, Fla., arriving there on
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, Bibliography (search)
an of Ruckert. (In Harbinger, July 4.) Same, entitled Nature's Cradle Song. Def. VI. Two articles on licentiousness. (In Chronotype.) 1847 (Cambridge—Newburyport) Hymn. (In University of Cambridge Exercises at the Thirty-first Annual Visitation of the [Harvard] Divinity School, July 16.) Pph. Def. VI. Ordination Exercises, Sept. 15, with letter about ecclesiastical councils. Pph. 1848 (Newburyport) Man shall not live by bread alone: Thanksgiving Sermon, Newburyport, Nov. 30. Pph. Fugitives' Hymn. (In Liberty Bell.) 1849 (Newburyport) The Twofold Being. [Poem.] (In Peabody, Elizabeth P., ed. Aesthetic Papers.) 1850 (Newburyport) Address to the Voters of the Third Congressional District of Massachusetts. Pph. Birthday in Fairyland. Pph. Same. (In Phillips. Laurel Leaves for Little Folks, 1903.) The Tongue: Two Practical Sermons. Pph. (With C. Cushing and F. L. Dimmick.) Address to the Citizens in Behalf of the Public Library
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 8: early professional life.—September, 1834, to December, 1837.—Age, 23-26. (search)
t you can from the well stocked stores of your head. Your letters are a real treat to me. And again, Feb. 15, 1837, referring to Sumner's proposed visit to Europe: That you are to go will be a great impediment to me, for though you are but young I know how well esteemed you are; and being young you are active for my interest. When you are gone, I shall have no friendly agent in Boston. He wrote, Oct. 23, I don't know how I shall thank you for all your kindness and assistance; and again, Nov. 30, I thank you for the care you have taken of my literary reputation. Judge Story wrote to Sumner, Dec. 2, What poor Lieber will do without you, I know not. He will die, I fear, for want of a rapid, voluminous, and never-ending correspondence. Dr. Lieber wrote, Sept. 23, 1837:— Let me thank you, my dear friend, most heartily for your kind addition of stock to my work in your last. The interest I see you take in my book cheers me much. Contribute more and more. It will all be than
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 30: addresses before colleges and lyceums.—active interest in reforms.—friendships.—personal life.—1845-1850. (search)
f Harvard College which had been informally tendered to him. This is most agreeable to the friends of the college. If he had refused, it would have been difficult to final a person on whom the public sympathies would unite. By this acceptance it Seems to me that Everett renounces two things.—politics, and the opportunity of executing an elaborate work of literature. The duties of his office will absorb the working portion of his time for the remainder of his life. To George Sumner, November 30:— I have just read Conselo. . . . Such a work cannot fail to accomplish great good; it will awaken emotions in bosoms which could not be reached except by a pen of such commanding interest as George Sand's. To Mittermaier, Jan. 12, 1846:— I cannot forget your beautiful town and the pleasant days which I passed there, enriched by your society and friendship. Would that I could fly across the sea, and again ramble among those venerable ruins which hang over your house! <
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 32: the annexation of Texas.—the Mexican War.—Winthrop and Sumner.—1845-1847. (search)
bt if the Whigs of Massachusetts will ever again vote for a slaveholder as President. We have commenced an agitation against the admission of Texas as a slave State, which promises to light a powerful flame. S. C. Phillips has delivered a couple of lectures on the Texas question and on slavery, which present a masterly development of the relations of Massachusetts to these matters. They have elevated immensely my estimate of his character, moral and intellectual. To George Sumner, November 30:— The spirit of Antislavery promises soon to absorb all New England. Massachusetts will never give her vote for another slaveholder. The cotton lords will interfere, but they will at last be borne away by the rising tide; but this cannot be immediately. You will be at home, and an actor in the conflict that approaches. Again, December 31:— I think there will be a strong movement to place some person in Webster's seat who will be true and firm in the assertion of Northern
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 36: first session in Congress.—welcome to Kossuth.—public lands in the West.—the Fugitive Slave Law.—1851-1852. (search)
to be lost to us; and though when here I do not see much of you, still it makes me sad to think I shall no longer have the power when I have the will to get near you for comfort and sympathy when I am sad. God bless and keep you! Longfellow wrote in his diary, November 23:— Sumner takes his last dinner with us. In a few days he will he gone to Washington for the winter. We shall miss him much. He passed the night here as in the days of long ago. We sat up late talking. Again, November 30:— We had a solitary dinner, missing Sumner very much. He is now in Washington, and it will be many days before we hear again his footsteps in the hall, or see his manly, friendly face by daylight or lamplight. He wrote to Sumner, December 25:— Your farewell note came safe and sad; and on Sunday no well-known footstep in the hall, nor sound of cane laid upon the table. We ate our dinner somewhat silently by ourselves, and talked of you far off, looking at your empty chair<
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 45: an antislavery policy.—the Trent case.—Theories of reconstruction.—confiscation.—the session of 1861-1862. (search)
Cabinet, while maintaining the forms of neutrality, was largely influenced against us by the pressure of great interests. This hostile sentiment now saw its opportunity, and showed itself in the bitter and vindictive appeals of the press. The Confederates had enlisted Louis Napoleon in their behalf, and they were now jubilant with the prospect of a British alliance and of the breaking of the blockade. The British government, by Earl Russell, then head of the foreign office, at once (November 30) demanded the surrender of the four persons, with a suitable apology; and as subsequently ascertained, it directed the same day, by private instructions, Lord Lyons, its minister at Washington, after seven days delay in complying with the demand, to break up his legation and leave Washington, and to communicate at once with the British navy in American waters, and with the governors of all British possessions in America. It hastened to despatch troops to Canada and to put the navy in re
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 16: the Tribune and Fourierism. (search)
ll minority. But by association of capital and industry, they might become the lot of all; inasmuch as association tends to Economy in all departments, economy in lands, fences, fuel, household labor, tools, education, medicine, legal advice, and commercial exchanges. My opponent will please observe that his article is three times as long as mine, and devoted in good part to telling the public that the Tribune is an exceedingly mischievous paper; which is an imposition. H. J. Raymond. Nov. 30th. A home, fair wages, education, etc., are very desirable, we admit; and it is the unceasing aim of all good men in society, as it now exists, to place those blessings within the reach of all. The Tribune's claim that it can be accomplished only by association is only a claim. Substantiate it. Give us proof of its efficacy. Tell us in whom the property is to be vested, how labor is to be remunerated, what share capital is to have in the concern, by what device men are to be induced to la
te apt to throw the blame on his subordinates if they failed to perform impossibilities. The defeat at Honey Hill (November 30) was less humiliating than that at Olustee, because there was more object in the battle. It formed a part of an attemt was sufficiently well timed for Lieut.-Col. C. C. Jones, Jr., in his Siege of Savannah to say of it, The engagement [November 30] at Honey Hill released the city of Savannah from an impending danger, which, had it not been thus averted, would havecross bayous of impassable mud,—and this when opposed to an enemy that knew every by-path and held interior lines. On November 30 the 55th Mass. (Colonel Hartwell) lost thirty-one killed and thirty-eight wounded. The list of killed in this battle iay, the 1st Mass. Cavalry had a skirmish; as had the 40th Mass. at Chapin's Farm, where Lieut. J. A. Fitch was killed (November 30) ; and also the 1st Heavy Artillery at Yellow Tavern (October 1-5 ); the 24th Infantry and 4th Cavalry at Darbytown Ro
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