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enemy probably were not aware of being so close to our lines, as they retired in great haste back towards Vienna. They wounded a Union Captain in the leg, and took him and two of his men prisoners.--One other man who was with him escaped and gave the alarm. On the night before last they (the enemy) threw a six-pound shot into the camp of Col. Kerrigan, without, however, doing any damage. Gen. Rosencranz Addresses "the people." The following address has been issued by Gen. Rosencranz, commander of the Federal troops in Western Virginia, to the people of that section. It strikes us that he adopts a peculiar mode of putting an end to "savage war," when he heads an invading army and goes forth to pillage and destroy. He says: My mission among you is that of a fellow-citizen, charged by the Government to expel the arbitrary force which domineered over you, to restore that law and order of which you have been robbed, and to maintain your right to govern yourselve
Western Virginia Geography. The Northern papers, and many of our own, have very much confounded the movements of our troops in Northwestern Virginia. We have two columns operating in that section of the State at considerable distances apart, over a most mountainous and impassable country.--One column, under Generals Lee and Loring are operating against Rosencranz, in the county of Randolph and on the Cheat Mountain, in the direction of Grafton. The other column, under Generals Floyd and Wisz, is operating against Cox, in the direction of the Kanawha Valley, in the county of Fayette, on the New river, which becomes the Kanawha below the mouth of the Gauley river. At the mouth of Gauley the enemy are posted in fores. The Hawk's Nest is on the right bank of New river, above the confluence of the Gauley. When, therefore, the enemy's dispatches from Cincinnati mix up General Wise in the movements of Generals Lee and Loring that very fact proves that their authors are ignorant
of Napoleon were mere Sunday soldiers. This mighty host is not to be in a hurry. It is to take its own time.--Bennett has allowed it until October. For a month or two, we are told, it will be as much as can be done by Scott, McClellan, Wool, Rosencranz, Anderson, Prentiss, Fremont, and the other Generals, so make the needful preparations, &c. We should suppose it would. At the end of that time all are to advance. A powerful naval armament is to move along our coast, carrying on board forty ederacy is to be seized as lawful plunder. Lord Palmerston will be taught that cotton supplies are to be obtained only by acknowledging the supremacy of the Union. There are several objections to this plan. In the first place, where will Rosencranz and Fremont be by October? In the second place, where is our army to be while all this planning and scheming and plundering and dividing is going on? If the Federalists have not been able in four months to take Richmond, how long will it take
th equal rank--First Lieutenant Tatnali, of the Marines, received one of these documents. The Confederate forces in Western Virginia. We copy the following from the Philadelphia Inquirer of August 30th: It is to be feared that Gen. Rosencranz has not accomplished what the Government expected from him. Not from any want of skill or generalship on his part, but owing to the want of a sufficient number of troops. The indications now are that unless he is speedily and largely reinfoenerals. But it is easy to see that they have immediately followed up this slight success by a further advance into the bowels of the land. It is more than probable that before this time both Gen. Loring and Gen. Jackson have advanced upon Gen. Rosencranz upon one side, while Gens. Lee and Floyd have attacked him upon the other. A Southern merchant in New York. The following, from the New York Herald, shows what befell a Southern merchant who wanted to buy goods in that corrupt city
The Daily Dispatch: September 3, 1861., [Electronic resource], Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. (search)
herever I find Christians, I find friends; they don't seem like strangers. " When you get down and pray with them, all in the room kneel.--What a field, now, for energetic chaplains and colporteurs? The Christians of each town where troops pass, and are stationed, ought to employ a pious colporteur, to talk and pray with these brave defenders of our rights, and to distribute tracts and testaments among them. A Washington. a Vickers; a Lee, a Conrad, show that both Generals and privates are none the less brave and true, when Christians. I do not think it proper to give thus publicly the numbers and movements of our troops in these parts. Nor am I sufficiently posted to give their exploits correctly. Suffice it to say, we believe that Tyler and Cox are trying to get out of the way of Generals Floyd and Wise, and that Rosencranz is alarmed already at the not that is being thrown around him. We also hear of severs skirmishing in the Kanawha, in which our troops are successful.
g over the falls, and landing, perfectly naked, in Camp Joe Holt. He expressed himself as being the property of Colonel Johnston, of Camp Boone, Tennessee. He was this morning return, under a file of soldiery, to the Jefferson county jail. Col. Rousseau has given Colonel Johnston active of the fact. Hon. Emerson Etheridge left for Frankfort this morning. From Washington. The Washington Star, of Tuesday last, says: The Government here have telegraphic advices from Gen. Rosencranz, intimating that all is right with his command, forwarded since the Richmond papers published the account of his alleged surrender to Gen. Lee, which, of course, was utterly false. The President has restated Roger Perry as a commander in the U S Navy. On Saturday last, the President made the following appointments of Brigadier-Generals, viz: Captain George C. Meade, of the Topographical Engineers; Major Lawrence P Graham, of the Dragoons, (a Virginian by birth, and breveted fo
ning commentary of free and easy notes) of all the leading spirits among the secession sympathizers in that city. There are said to be at least seven hundred of such candidates for the Union-saving cells of Fort Lafayette. Movements of Gen. Rosencranz--a Variety of reports from Washington. The subjoined paragraphs are from the Washington Star of Wednesday evening last: This morning the Government received a telegram from General Rosencranz, embracing information that he was thenGeneral Rosencranz, embracing information that he was then, with a considerable portion of his command, at a point half-way between Bulltown and Flatwoods, on his way to attack Wise and Floyd, or either of them who might be in the vicinity of Summerville or Gauley bridge. He started from Clarksburg (his headquarters) upon this expedition, leaving an ample force to protect the Cheat Mountain pass, in Lee's front. By this time he has doubtless joined General Cox, and the thus increased Union force is probably up with the enemy, if the latter has no
The Daily Dispatch: September 10, 1861., [Electronic resource], The New York Herald upon the Situation. (search)
d taken possession of Ball's Cross Roads, having thrown forward two regiments during the night. The Confederates have three regiments posted along Little Creek, near Hunter's Chapel, with four brass howitzers drawn by men. They have no other artillery. They are digging rifle pits west of Hunter's Chapel. The Confederates are briskly engaged in drilling on Munson's Hill, and are occasionally firing at the pickets. Washington, Sept. 9.--The War Department has received advices from Gen. Rosencranz to the 6th inst. All were in comparatively good condition. Gen. McClellan had issued a general order against the performance of all labor on Sunday, or at least all unnecessary labor or unnecessary movements on that day. After a carefully extended observation on the Virginia side, a new and formidable battery was discovered which commands the Leesburg turnpike, seven miles from the Chain Bridge. The Federal pickets advanced a mile into Virginia, and the Confederates retreated
11th inst. We are thus enabled to lay before our readers an exlcuded summary of news from the enemy's country: "the situation." In its daily notice of the situation of affairs, the New York Herald, of Monday, says: From Western Virginia the news is of an important character. General Rosencrans is reported as having crossed the mountain in full force, and the pickets had even been fired upon by the rebels at a distance of four miles from the main camp. This movement of General Rosencranz is one of great moment, and if the rebels will but stand fire, the intelligence of a battle of some consequence may be received very soon. General Fremont's proclamation caused at first some excitement among the members of the Cabinet, but has since been fully endorsed by them. It is expected that the document may have some effect upon the actions of Garibaldi relative to the present contest. Reports were prevalent in the Capital that the rebels had broken camp at Manassas a
The prisoners at Fort Lafayette--arrest — a Herald Canard. Washington, Sept. 12. --The Tribune says that of the 63 prisoners at Fort Lafayette, all but three are guilty of treason. Captain Dane, of the Pocahontas, has been arrested on a charge of maintaining treasonable correspondence with the enemy. The Herald says the Government has a dispatch from Rosencranz, in which he states that he drove Floyd to his earthworks, and will fight him again to-morrow.
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