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missioned officers 128 Non-commissioned officers 225 Privates 979   Total 1,332 (Equivalent to 2,045 privates.) Aggregate of prisoners of war captured from September 7, 1864, to January 20, 1865, (inclusive) 13,189 Report of Rebel Deserters received outside of Nashville office from September 7, 1864, to January 20, 1865. date of reception. officers. enlisted men. From September 7 to September 30   75 From October 1 to October 31 2 146 From November 1 to November 30   80 From December 1 to December 31   14 From January 1 to January 31 18 558 Total 20 873 Grand total 893 Aggregate of rebel deserters to whom the oath has been administered from September 7, 1864, to January 20, 1865 2,207 Respectfully submitted, J. G. Parkhurst, Colonel and P. M. G. Office Chief of Ordnance, Department of the Cumberland. Nashville, Tennessee, February 6, 1865. General: In compliance with your instructions of the 20th ultimo, I have the honor
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Appendix no. 2: the work of grace in other armies of the Confederacy. (search)
egation of soldiers and citizens. Brother Riddle is a Baptist minister, and manifests the charity that a true minister should. Campaign in Middle Tennessee. The chaplains and other preachers with our corps began a series of meetings at Normandy, on the Chattanooga Railroad. November 26. Chaplain Wexler and I were assisted by Bro. J. G. Bolton. But in three days we marched to Manchester. There we had services nightly, regardless of the unfavorable weather. On Sunday night, November 30, after sermon by Bro. Wexler and exhortation by Bro. Tribble, six soldiers knelt for prayer; my twenty-seventh birthday. December 3. Bro. Bolton preached at night; I followed by exhortation; there were four penitents, and Sergeant-Major E. F. Shropshire, of Thirty-ninth Georgia, Ringgold, Georgia, made a happy profession of faith in Christ. The first public profession of religion I witnessed in the army. December 4. I preached at night; 7 penitents, 2 conversions. Captain Brad
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 2: Barnstable County. (search)
e. August 19th, Voted, to pay volunteers for nine months service a bounty of one hundred and fifty dollars, which, on September 11th, was increased fifty dollars; and Valentine Doane, Jr., and Danforth S. Steele were appointed recruiting officers. The treasurer was authorized to borrow money. 1863. August 11th, Voted, to pay drafted men a bounty of one hundred and fifty dollars. The treasurer was authorized to borrow ten thousand dollars to pay bounties and expenses of recruiting. November 30th, Twenty-five hundred dollars were authorized to be borrowed to pay charges and assist in recruiting fifty men. 1864. March 16th, The selectmen were directed to pay each volunteer belonging to that town one hundred dollars, who has not already received a bounty; also to borrow money to pay State aid to the families of soldiers. June 21st, Voted, that to each drafted man who furnished a substitute there be paid not exceeding three hundred dollars, if he was credited to fill the quota o
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 6: Essex County. (search)
es T. Stevens, and J. Osgood Loring were chosen to act with the selectmen in the disbursement of the money which the treasurer was authorized to borrow. 1862. July 28th, Voted, to pay a bounty of two hundred dollars to each volunteer who shall enlist for three years within twenty days, and be credited to the town. August 25th, Voted, to pay a bounty of two hundred and fifty dollars to each volunteer for nine months service. The treasurer was authorized to borrow the money. 1863. November 30th, The selectmen were requested to call a public meeting at the earliest evening practicable, at Union Hall, and procure gentlemen to address said meeting in relation to filling our quota, and to ascertain and report whether the town can legally offer pecuniary inducement for persons to volunteer their services for suppressing the present Rebellion. 1864. March 8th, Voted, to raise one hundred and twenty-five dollars for each recruit who shall enlist on or before the 15th of June next t
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Roster of the Nineteenth regiment Massachusetts Volunteers (search)
Aug. 21, ‘61; 19; died of disease June 21, ‘62. Fair Oaks, Va. Dunn, Edward, priv., Jan. 9. ‘65; 18; died Jan. 31, ‘65 in hospital. Dunkin, Percy H., priv., (E), Nov. 30, ‘64; 18; M. O. June 30, ‘65; abs. sick; disch. June 24, ‘65. Dunn, James, priv:, (D), Aug. 3, ‘63; 29; sub.; transf. to 20 M. V. Jan. 14, ‘64. Dunn, James, Jd as leader of band, Wellman's Brig., Apr. 7, ‘63; disch. for prom. Apr. 24, ‘64; 2nd Lieut. Co. B, 81, U. S.A., to Apr. 25, ‘64; 1st Lieut. Jan. 20, ‘65; M. O. Nov. 30, ‘66. Newhall, Chas. A., priv., (K), Aug. 13, ‘61; 24; wounded July 3, ‘63; M. O. Aug. 28, ‘64. Newhall, Chas. B., priv., (K), Aug. 8, ‘62; 22; wounded July 3 ‘62. Roberts. Nathan H., priv., (E), May 13, ‘64; 33; drafted; pris. since June 22, ‘64; died July 25 ‘64, Andersonville, Ga. Roberts, Samuel, Jr., priv., (H), Nov. 30, ‘61; 30; disch. disa. May 28, ‘62. Roberts, Sylvester, priv., (I), Aug. 20, ‘61; 22; disch. disa. June 8, ‘63. R
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2, Chapter 50: courts for freedmen; medical care and provision for orphans (search)
received further positive relief. The quartermasters department was directed by Mr. Stanton to turn over to my officers on their requisitions out of their abundance, such quartermaster's stores on hand, and clothing, camp and garrison equipage, unfit for issue to troops, as might be required to enable such officers to perform their public duties and provide for the immediate necessities of destitute refugees and freedmen that were temporarily dependent on the Government. From May to November 30th, the total number of white refugees who had been transported at public charge from distant places to their own homes, or to new homes found for them, had reached 1,778. There had been from May to this date a steady diminution of this class to be moved, so that in the month of November there were but sixteen persons so sent. Correspondingly, for the freedmen for November only 1,946 received formal transportation. The employees, teachers, and agents of benevolent associations receiving
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 10: last days with the tribune (search)
on be really oppressive or unjust to the South --nay, if the South really believes it so-we insist that a decent self-respect should impel the North to say, We think you utterly mistaken, but you have a right to judge for yourselves; so go if you will. A few days later, in another article, these lines occurred: We have no desire to see a single star erased from our Federal flag; but if any insists on going out, we decidedly object to the use of force to keep it in. Again on November 30th: Let us be patient, neither speaking daggers, nor looking daggers, nor using them; stand to our principles, but not to our arms, and all will yet be well. On December 8th: We gain avow our deliberate conviction that whenever six or eight contiguous States shall have formally seceded from the Union, it will not be found practicable to coerce them into subjection. On December 12th it said: We mean to be loyal to the Union, but we will hire nobody, bribe nobody, p
ly, at Madame Mohl's, Madame Lanziel's, and Madame Belloc's. All these salons are informal, social gatherings, with no fuss of refreshments, no nonsense of any kind. Just the cheeriest, heartiest, kindest little receptions you ever saw. A kiss to dear little Charley. If he could see all the things that I see every day in the Tuileries and Champs Elysees, he would go wild. All Paris is a general whirligig out of doors, but indoors people seem steady, quiet, and sober as anybody. November 30. This is Sunday evening, and a Sunday in Paris always puts me in mind of your story about somebody who said, Bless you! they make such a noise that the Devil could n't meditate. All the extra work and odd jobs of life are put into Sunday. Your washerwoman comes Sunday, with her innocent, goodhumored face, and would be infinitely at a loss to know why she should n't. Your bonnet, cloak, shoes, and everything are sent home Sunday morning, and all the way to church there is such whirli
cure, indicating the intention of Thomas to hold Franklin and his strong works at Murfreesboroa. Thus Hood knew that it was all-important to attack Schofield before he could make himself strong, and that if he should escape at Franklin, he would gain his works about Nashville. The nature of the position was such as to render it inexpedient to attempt any further flank movement, and he therefore determined to attack the enemy in front, and without delay. Battle of Franklin. On the 30th November Stewart's corps was placed in position on the right, Cheatham's on the left, and the cavalry on either flank, the main body on the right under Forrest. Johnson's division of Lee's corps also became engaged on the left during the action. The line advanced at 4 P. M., with orders to drive the enemy, at the point of the bayonet, into or across the Big Harpeth River, while Gen. Forrest, if successful, was to cross the river and attack and destroy his trains and broken columns. The troops
C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874., Section Eighth: the war of the Rebellion. (search)
nothing was yet known of the course which the British Government would pursue, Mr. Sumner addressed a few calm words to the Senate, deprecating the hasty presentation of any such Resolution, to which the Senate listened with great respect. Xxiv. The seizure of the Commissioners was no sooner known in England, than a burst of indignation was witnessed, and by the first steamer, despatches were received from Earl Russell to Lord Lyons the British Minister at Washington, dated London, November 30th, which were read to Mr. Seward on the 19th of December. A peremptory demand was made for the liberation of the two Commissioners and their secretaries, and an apology for the aggression which had been committed, with no further delay than seven days; after which, if not complied with, the minister was instructed to leave Washington, with all the members of his legation, taking with him the archives of the legation, and reporting immediately in London. He was also to communicate all in
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