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s, yards, and square sails are shown in the ancient paintings of Eleythya, Egypt. The Bible and other historical authorities agree in giving precedence to the Phoenicians in the matter of maritime navigation. Jacob (1689 B. C.), in assigning prophetically the dwelling of Zebulon, placed him at the haven of the sea, and he shall be for a haven of ships, and his border unto Zidon. Zebulon failed, it may be mentioned, to possess the land assigned to the full extent. The same may be said of Dan, Simeon, and other tribes for a period of nearly five hundred years after Joshua led them across Jordan. The prophecy of Balaam, about 1452 B. C., that Assyria should be destroyed by people who should come in ships from the coast of Chittim, was more than 1,000 years before the accomplishment. The deportation of the Jews to Egypt in ships under the Ptolemies and Titus was foretold by Moses, about 1450 B. C., as the result that follows unfaithfulness on the part of the people whom he led a
age. Caleche.Landau. Camion.Landaulet. Car (varieties; see car).Liquid-manure cart. Caravan.Litter. Cariole.Locomotive-chair. Caroche.Log-sled. Carriage.Lorry. Carryall.Lumber-wagon. Cart.Mail coach. Casemate-truck.Manumotor. Chair. BathMortar-wagon. Chaise.Night-cart. Chaise-cart.Noddy. Chariot.Omnibus. Chariotee.Outside-car. Child's carriage.Palanquin. Clarence.Perambulator. Coach.Petroleum-cart. Corf.Phaeton. Coupe.Pilentum. Curricle.Pony-chaise. Cutter.Post-chaise. Dan.Railway-car. Dearborn.Refrigerating-car. Dennet.Revolving-car. Diligence.Road-locomotive. Dog-cart.Rockaway. Drag.Sailing-carriage. Dray.Sedan. Droitska.Sled. Drosky.Sledge. Dummy-car.Sleigh. Dumping-car.Sling-cart. Dumping-cart.Sociable. Dumping-sled.Spring-wagon. Dumping-wagon.Stage. Earth-car.Stanhope. Fiacre.Steam-carriage. Fire-engine.Street-sprinkling car. Float.Stretcher. Fly.Sulky. Tender.Velocipede. Tilbury.Victoria. Tim-whiskey.Vis-a-vis. Tip-sled.Wagon. T
bling home, in which the ship bulges below, and has less beam at the upper deck than at the water-line. Wall-wash′er. A large plate at the end of a tie-rod to extend the external bearing. They are known as bonnets, stars, S's, according to shape. Wall-washers. Wa′ney. The feather-edge or acute angular edge of a slab-board, cut from a round log without previous squaring, or obtained in the process of squaring. The edges remove the bark and wancy from a board. Want′y. (Dan. Want, cordage.) A rope or strap to bind a load on the back of a horse. Used in hilly countries, and by cavalry when foraging. A surcingle. A wagon-rope. Wapp. (Nautical.) A leader on the end of a pendant, acting as a fair-leader. Ward. (Locksmithing.) a. A curved ridge of metal inside a lock which opposes an obstacle to the passage of a key which is not correspondingly notched. Warded locks were used by the Romans, as the keys found at Herculaneum and Pompeii suffic
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Preface. (search)
I heard of no one man who fully approved my doctrines or defence when my first article appeared; but, before the series that I had contemplated was finished, I turned again to other work — for already the highest talent of the nation was marshalling to the rescue of the conquering prisoner of Charlestown Jail. Like Samson, in a single day, if not with the jawbone of an ass, yet with the help of that of a Member of Congress, the mighty man of valor had smitten his enemies, hip and thigh, from Dan even unto Beersheba, and all the region round about. Now that the most skilful trained soldiers of Freedom were in the field to encounter the reserve forces of the enemy, I withdrew myself from the conflict for a time-for, a guerilla skirmisher only, unfitted both by habit and nature for a place in any regular army, I did not care to fight under any General, or to fire except where I wanted to kill. A publisher of New York asked me to write a Life of John Brown. He wanted it as a Republ
L. P. Brockett, The camp, the battlefield, and the hospital: or, lights and shadows of the great rebellion, The death of John, the West Virginia blacksmith. (search)
arply startling every one with its agonized appeal: For God's sake, give me air! It was the only cry pain or death had wrung from him, the only boon he had asked; and none of us could grant it, for all the airs that blew were useless now. Dan flung up the window. The first red streak of dawn was warming the gray east, a herald of the coming sun; John saw it, and with the love of light which lingers in us to the end, seemed to read in it a sign of hope of help for over his whole face te but the waves of an ebbing tide that beat unfelt against the wreck, which an immortal voyager had deserted with a smile. He never spoke again, but to the end held my hand close, so close that when he was asleep at last, I could not draw it away Dan helped me, warning me, as he did so, that it was unsafe for dead and living flesh to lie so long together; but though my hand was strangely cold and stiff, and four white marks remained across its back, even when warmth and color had returned else
tisfaction beaming in its broad, red face, as it flourished a mug in one hand, an old boot in the other, calling them canteen and knapsack, while it skipped and fluttered in the most unearthly fashion. What to do with the creature I didn't know; Dan was absent, and if I went to find him, the perambulator might festoon himself out of the window, set his toga on fire, or do some of his neighbors a mischief. The attendant of the room was sleeping like a near relative of the celebrated Seven, an than before; and if ever a woman was at he; wit's end, that distracted female was nurse Periwinkle, during the space of two or three minutes, as she vibrated between the three beds, like an agitated pendulum. Like a most opportune reinforcement, Dan, the handy, appeared, and devoted himself to the lively party, leaving me free to return to my post; for the Prussian, with a nod and a smile, took the lad away to his own bed, and lulled him to sleep with a soothing murmur, like a mammoth bumble-
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, chapter 54 (search)
o bear the name of Henry; but, on the other hand, he will find the brief name of Frank carrying all before it-ten Franks, while Francis occurs but four times. In the Sophomore Class it is almost precisely the same-Frank is to Francis as eight to three; while Henry occurs ten times, Harry three times, and Harrie once; there are also two Freds. In the Freshman Class Francis gets the upperhand of Frank at last, and is as seven to three; Henry occurs ten times, Harry three times, Fred once, and Dan once — the latter being probably the old Scriptural name, but possibly a colloquial abbreviation of Daniel. Among the special students Francis and Frank balance each other, one of each, while Henry is found twice and Harry once. To sum up: in the whole undergraduate department Henry is to Harry as forty-eight to thirteen,while Frank is to Francis as twenty-three to nineteen; and there are four Freds, besides Harrie and Bertie. There are thus in these official Harvard lists nearly forty of
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, VI: in and out of the pulpit (search)
musement how carefully good President Quincy used to forbid our showing any political preferences on public occasions, even on the popular side. The watchful mother, who had warned her son against Theodore Parker's radical sermons, thus wrote of his activity in politics:— And so you are fairly entered again on a political career—safe—because on the unpopular side. Therefore I don't complain. And later she wrote to his wife:— I have been thinking of him this winter going from Dan to Beersheba on his Mission and concluded [that] with his utter contempt of all wrappings he must freeze. I am engaged in several new enterprises, wrote Higginson to Samuel Longfellow who was abroad; one is or was the attempt to bring back the Free Soil Party to self-control and consistency from the more fascinating paths of coalition and conquest; this has failed already; and I have only seen my name in many newspapers, with unwelcome Whig compliments and melancholy Free Soil one
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1, Chapter 13: looking toward sunset 1903-1905; aet. 84-86 (search)
o the hackmen on Dartmouth Street corner. She never forgot the hackmen in severe weather. They must have something hot! and tea or coffee would be despatched to the shivering men. They were all her friends; the Journal has many allusions to Mr. Dan Herlihy, the owner of the cab stand, her faithful helper through many a season. January 27, 1904. I was so anxious to attend today's [suffrage] meeting, and so afraid of Maud's opposition to my going, that my one prayer this morning was, Help but I always thought she would send flowers to my funeral. Mrs. Diaz is a loss — a high-strung, public-spirited woman with an heroic history. April 4. To the carriage-drivers' ball. They sent a carriage for me and I took Mary, the maid.... Mr. Dan was waiting outside for me, as was another of the committee who troubled me much, pulling and hauling me by one arm, very superfluous. My entrance was greeted with applause, and I was led to the high seats, where were two aides of the Governor,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, I. List of officers from Massachusetts in United States Navy, 1861 to 1865. (search)
discharged.Actg. Master. Williams, George, Credit, West Roxbury.Mass.Mass.Mass.Aug. 12, 1861.Actg. Master.Young Rover.North Atlantic.Dec. 17, 1864.Resigned.Actg. Master. Williams James S., Credit, Agawam.Mass.Mass.Mass.Dec. 4, 1861.Actg. Master's Mate.Columbia; Dale; Spirea.North Atlantic; South Atlantic; East Gulf.Dec. 7, 1865.Hon. discharged.Actg. Master. Nov. 27, 1862.Actg. Ensign. Dec. 26, 1863.Actg. Master. Williams, John A.,Sweden.Mass.Mass.June 24, 1864.Actg. Ensign.Thistle; Dan barton.Mississippi; No. Atlantic.Sept. 14, 1865.Hon. discharged.Actg. Ensign. Williams, William,Mass.Mass.Mass.Mar. 28, 1862.Actg. Master.Rhode Island; Circassian. Saranac.Supply Steamer. Pacific.Dec. 4, 1868.Hon. discharged.Actg. Master. Wilmuth, George, See Navy Register.Me.Mass.Mass.—--, 1861.Boatswain.Navy Yard.Washington, D. C.--- Officers from Massachusetts in United States Navy—Continued. name.Where Born.State of which a Citizen.State from which Appointed.appointment.Vess
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