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William Alexander Linn, Horace Greeley Founder and Editor of The New York Tribune 1 1 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 1 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 1 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 1 1 Browse Search
John G. Nicolay, A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln, condensed from Nicolay and Hayes' Abraham Lincoln: A History 1 1 Browse Search
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley 1 1 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 4: The Cavalry (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 1 1 Browse Search
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade) 1 1 Browse Search
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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 14: movements of the Army of the Potomac.--the Monitor and Merrimack. (search)
d, that the movements in Kentucky were to precede any from Washington. McDowell's Notes. This part of the plan of the General-in-Chief (the movements in the West) was soon gloriously carried out, as we have already observed; and before the Army of the Potomac had fairly inaugurated its campaign, in the spring of 1862, the active little army under Grant, and the forces of Buell and Pope, in connection with Foote's gun-boats and mortars, had captured Forts Henry and Donelson, Nashville and Columbus; had driven the Confederates out of Kentucky; had seized the Gibraltar of the Mississippi (Island Number10); and had penetrated to Northern Alabama, and fought the. great battles and won a victory at Shiloh. See Chapters VII., VIII., IX., and X. At that conference, McClellan expressed his unwillingness to develop his plans, always believing, he said, that in military matters the fewer persons knowing them the better. He would tell them if he was ordered to do so. The President then
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 3: political affairs.--Riots in New York.--Morgan's raid North of the Ohio. (search)
opposition thereto was consequently factious and seditious. and closed with the assurance that he should continue to do so much as might seem to be required by the public safety. The Democratic Convention that assembled June 11, 1863. at Columbus, Ohio, and nominated Vallandigham for the chief magistracy of the State, See page 84. also. denounced the Government, and sent a committee The following are the names of the Committee: M. Burchard, David A. Houck, George Bliss, T. W. Bartley entered the Free-labor States three weeks before, excepting a little more than three hundred, who escaped at Belleville, under Colonel Adam R. Johnson, and found refuge in Southwestern Virginia. Morgan and several of his officers were taken to Columbus, the capital of Ohio, and confined in felon cells in the Penitentiary, from which the leader and six of his captains escaped in November following, and succeeded in reaching the Confederate lines in Northern Georgia. Morgan made his way from
Owen Wister, Ulysses S. Grant, V. (search)
sion all the way to New Orleans and the Gulf. Now Kentucky, like Missouri, had loyal citizens, but a Secession governor; and it was the part of the South to secure this state, if possible. But no sooner did General Polk with that aim move upon Columbus on the river, thus threatening Cairo, than Grant secured Cairo himself. The Mississippi was closed from Columbus down. If Polk should get Paducah, the Ohio would be locked up too. Grant saw this, and, telegraphing the futile Fremont, I am nearColumbus down. If Polk should get Paducah, the Ohio would be locked up too. Grant saw this, and, telegraphing the futile Fremont, I am nearly ready to go to Paducah, and shall start, should not a telegram arrive preventing the movement, waited till night, and went. He took Paducah without firing a gun. Through his prompt sagacity the Ohio was locked against Polk. He now wanted to keep moving, according to his view of war; but Fremont could not see that Columbus should be taken, and Polk was allowed to fortify there and to send some forces against a Union command in Missouri. On November 5, Grant wrote to C. F. Smith, who was hol
ent of the United States, for four years from the 4th of March ensuing. Immense crowds surrounded the stations at which the special train halted wherein he, with his family and a few friends, was borne eastward through Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Columbus, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Erie, Buffalo, Albany, New York City, Trenton, Newark, Philadelphia, Lancaster, and Harrisburg, on his way to the White House. He was everywhere received and honored as the chief of a free people; and his unstudied remaray tyrant is conferred on a district of country, with its people, by merely calling it a State? Fellow-citizens, I am not asserting anything. I am merely asking questions for you to consider. And now, allow me to bid you farewell. At Columbus, Ohio, he said: I have not maintained silence from any want of real anxiety. It is a good thing that there is no more than anxiety; for there is nothing going wrong. It is a consoling circumstance that, when we look out, there is nothing that
Gen. A. V., 621. Colcock, C. J., resins as Coll. at Charleston, 336. Collamer, Jacob, of Vt., 308; at Chicago, 321 Collinsville, Conn., John Brown contracts for a thousand pikes at, 283. Colorado Territory, organized, 388. Columbia, Pa., fugitive-slave case at, 216. Columbia, S. C., Legislature convenes at, 330; Chesnut's speech at, 331; Boyce's 332; Ruffin's. 335. Columbus, Christopher, implicated in the Slave-Trade, 26; discovers cotton in the West Indies, 57. Columbus, Ohio, President Lincoln at, 419. Combs, Gen. Leslie, of Ky., letter to, 343-4; 492. Comet, the brig, lost, with cargo of slaves, 176. Concord, N. H.. pro-Slavery mob at, 127. Congregationalists, the, and Slavery, 119. Connecticut, slave population in 1790; troops furnished during the Revolution, 86; 37; first Abolition society in, 107; 108; diminished Republican majority in, 300; Buckingham reflected in, 326. Conner, James, resigns at Charleston, 336. Conway, Gov. Elias W
Phillippi, and Carrick's Ford. Upon the expiration of its three months term, it returned to Columbus, O., where it volunteered for three years, leaving the State on October 4th. Proceeding to Kentu subordinate capacities. It was mustered — in for three years, on the 11th of June, 1861, at Columbus, O., leaving the State in July, and proceeding to West Virginia, where for a time it was divided erasboro, N. C. 1 notes.--Organized at Jefferson in August, 1861, moving to Camp Chase, Columbus, O., on December 25th; it left the State on January 17, 1862, having been ordered to West Virgini, during which time it was engaged on occasional expeditions; also in the demonstration against Columbus, and in a reconnoissance toward Fort Donelson. On the 5th of February it embarked for Fort Henas one of the three-battalion regiments created under this act. Headquarters were located at Columbus, Ohio, the recruits coming principally from Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Illinois. The organi
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 13: aggregate of deaths in the Union Armies by States--total enlistment by States--percentages of military population furnished, and percentages of loss — strength of the Army at various dates casualties in the Navy. (search)
a               2 Virginia 1               Indian Nations 11 1 1       2 111 Colored Troops 106 25 13 52 1 32 86 Penitent Rebels; six regiments, organized from the prison-camps at Point Lookout, Rock Island, Alton, Camp Douglas, and Columbus, and composed of Confederate prisoners who took the oath of allegiance and enlisted in the United States service.3,306 Veteran Reserves 15   11 1   5 47 11 Hancock's Corps 1   2     1 5   United States Sharpshooters     1       2 8 United States Volunteer Infantry Penitent Rebels; six regiments, organized from the prison-camps at Point Lookout, Rock Island, Alton, Camp Douglas, and Columbus, and composed of Confederate prisoners who took the oath of allegiance and enlisted in the United States service. 5   1 2     6 4 Generals and Staffs             1   Miscellaneous, Brigade Bands, &c.       1       12 Regular Army 16 1 27 6   7 63 106 Totals 520 104 391 267 64 313 2,034
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter3 (search)
ing would have been effective, and valuable to the Southern cause. I might have gained the powerful state of Missouri to the Confederacy, and brought sixty thousand of its martial inhabitants into the Southern armies. Such an accession to the Southern Confederacy might, and probably would, have made the northern and eastern borders of that State the seat of war, instead of Mississippi and Tennessee. Among the measures to hold Tennessee and gain Kentucky were intrenched camps, made at Columbus, Island No.10, Forts Henry and Donelson, and Bowling Green; each of which required an army to hold it; and, consequently, a respectable army divided among them, gave each one a force utterly inadequate to its defense. Regular forts, each requiring a garrison of one or two thousand men, and constructed with much less labor than the intrenched camps, would have held the ground much better, and made it practicable to form an active army at the same time, capable of facing those of Buell and G
aring, and indiscriminating hate? If, however, we must try democratic institutions by this new test, we challenge its application with pleasure. Only let it be applied fairly. There are a great many nations under heaven, some of which have lasted long enough to furnish ample materials for comparison. Our own country is one of the most highly favored. Society here is strong, having its roots far back in an immemorial past, long before the date of Bunker's Hill or even the discoveries of Columbus. Yet we have had our civil wars. Not to go back to the time of the Plantaganets, when the claims of rival dynasties swept the land with fire and slaughter for a century together, we have had one great rebellion which sent a monarch to the block, another rebellion which drove another monarch from his throne, and two more rebellions, the last of which saw an army of Highlanders in the heart of the kingdom. Within the memory of men still living we had a great rebellion in Ireland, where bat
Doc. 14. attack on secessionists, at Wayne Court House, Va., August, 1861. Perhaps nowhere in Western Virginia has there been a viler nest of secessionists than at Wayne Court House, the county town of the county, lying on the Kentucky line. Their leader, Ferguson, was some six weeks ago taken by Colonel Zeigler, of Camp Pierpont, and sent to Columbus, Ohio. This, however, did not abate in the least their acts of tyranny and oppression. We are glad now to report that the gang has been broken up and their leaders taken prisoners. On Saturday last, 24th of August, Captain Smith was detailed with fifty-three men from Camp Pierpont, which is at Ceredo, in Wayne County, now under command of Colonel Zeigler. Captain Smith and his men reached the Court House, a distance of twenty miles, about daylight on Sunday morning, and took possession of the place. Some of the troops went to the Court House and rang the bell, which appeared to be the signal for the rebels to rally. Eight of t
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