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Browsing named entities in Aristotle, Athenian Constitution (ed. H. Rackham). You can also browse the collection for Paris (France) or search for Paris (France) in all documents.

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Aristotle, Athenian Constitution (ed. H. Rackham), Fragments (search)
Fragments Heracleides' Epitome of the first part Heracleides of Lembos in the second century b.c. compiled a book called *(istori/ai which contained quotations from Aristotle's Constitutions. Excerpts made from this book, or from a later treatise by another author based upon it, have come down to us in a fragmentary form in a Vatican MS. of the 8th century, now at Paris, under the title *)ek tw=n *(hraklei/dou peri\ *politeiw=n. These were edited by Schneidewin in 1847 and by others later. For a complete study of these contributions to the reconstruction of The Athenian Constitution readers must consult the standard commentators on the latter; only those fragments which belong to the lost early part of the treatise are given here. Quotations of the same passages of Aristotle made by other writers have been collected by scholars, and are inserted in the text in brackets < > where they fill gaps in Heracleides. *)ek tw=n *(hraklei/dou peri\ *politeiw