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California (California, United States) (search for this): chapter 18
Chapter 17: California. General Johnston's ideas of Government. the right of resistance.t among the numerous Southerners resident in California, he kept the fact concealed. His adjutant-gntrance to the bay and harbor of that key of California, in order to set up a Pacific republic. Gengn was made by the Southerners, or others in California, to take the State out of the Union; but thePresident, assumed command of Fort Alcatraz. California was saved to the Union. This is a pretty I did not accompany General Sumner to California in the spring of 1861, and was not there wheed, or had it in contemplation, to surrender California to the cause of the Southern Confederacy. T This slander having been lately revived in California, possibly for some political motive, has cal had made comparatively few acquaintances in California; but, as soon as he ceased to wear the unifo I shall be able to give you some account of California affairs. I think the public sentiment here [5 more...]
West Point (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 18
to have decided opinions on the greater questions that divided the country. Though little bound by prejudice, his opinions were, of course, much influenced by his associations and circumstances. A recapitulation of these will exhibit the conditions under which his ideas took form. His family affiliations, his early associations, and some of his warmest friendships, inclined him, while young, to the principles of the Whig party, then in its best days. The constitutional text-book at West Point in his cadetship was, I believe, Rawle's Commentaries, a book of wholesome doctrine. The military education there had a natural and necessary tendency to inspire affection for the union of the States, and exalt the Federal authority in the youthful mind; and continued service in the army increased the feeling. On the other hand, the temporary severance of his allegiance, and his service under the independent government of Texas, and its formal voluntary annexation to the United States, m
Wells, Me. (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 18
his late adjutant-general and trusted friend, looking at affairs from a Northern point of view, was gradually yielding his conservative views and entering with zeal into the idea of coercing the South. General Johnston, agreeing with neither, did not resent in those he loved that liberty of thought and action which he claimed for himself as his dearest right: San Francisco, California, February 25, 1861. My dear Major: I have received your letter of 22d of January. I found my trunk at Wells, Fargo & Co.'s office. I have no news to give you from this far-off region. Everything is quiet, and the affairs of the department are being conducted quietly and without difficulty from any source; though, without any excuse for it, the Government has allowed every department of the staff here to fall into a state of pauperism, making the military arm as impotent for action here as the greatest enemy of the republic could desire to have it. The district of Oregon owes not less than $200,0
Benicia (California, United States) (search for this): chapter 18
t that precautions would be taken to prevent the success of such an enterprise. He proceeded quietly to remove several thousand stand of arms from the arsenal at Benicia, where they were exposed, to Alcatraz, which was virtually impregnable, and informed the Governor that, in case of any outbreak or insurrection, they could be empno time in dispatching General Sumner to supersede Johnston, and save the State to the Union. General Sumner arrived here incognito, and immediately proceeded to Benicia, where he presented the order assigning him to the command, and demanded possession of the department. Sumner's appearance was like a thunder-clap to the conspire was about all that himself, officers, and men, had to perform on this coast. It was suggested by several citizens to me that there were 75,000 stand of arms at Benicia that might, in those disturbed times, fall into hands that would use them against the Government. I called on General Johnston in relation to these arms. He sai
Panama City (Panama) (search for this): chapter 18
rom General Sumner and General Wright, his successors, thanking me for my aid in helping them to discharge their duties at this very critical period. Neither of these gentlemen believed that General Johnston had any knowledge of any plot on this coast; nor that there was any necessity for the unusual and precipitous manner which the War Department pursued. It is plain that, if the Department of War thought there was any danger, they would not have shipped the arms at Benicia East by way of Panama. They would have kept them here for us to put down rebellion. John G. Downey. This chapter having been submitted by letter to General W. W. Mackall, Assistant Adjutant-General of the Department of California in 1861, he replied January 7, 1876. The following is an extract from the letter of General Mackall: That your father exercised his command honestly for the Government he served in California is thoroughly known to me; but, as a matter of course, my evidence can have no wei
Los Angeles (California, United States) (search for this): chapter 18
resignation. attempted reparation by the Administration. Hon. Montgomery Blair's letter. Los Angeles. advice to citizens. writer's recollections. General Johnston's correspondence. General yet avert impending disasters. In this event he would retire to some small farm, near Los Angeles, California, and, among congenial friends, far from the strife of faction, would pass the evening olves afterward during the war. It was long after this occurrence that General Johnston was in Los Angeles, and I believe still undetermined what course to pursue. So it is plain that the Republican as now again a private citizen. He left San Francisco on the 28th of April, and proceeded to Los Angeles, where he became the guest of his brother-in-law, Dr. John S. Griffin. He had made comparatiect you in the right way! your sister. The following was General Johnston's reply: Los Angeles, California, June 1, 1861. My dear sister: I received your kind and affectionate letter of April
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 18
n passed altogether in the service of the United States. He had been the soldier of Anglo-Saxon fion he would maintain the authority of the United States to the last extremity; and we knew he woulr government for position, while holding a United States commission, he said, Major, I assure you tn, that the officer continued to serve the United States during the war; and so Sumner must have le conspiracy or infidelity to his duty as a United States officer. He said once and again to friendits appointments, to the Government of the United States. My position was a trust which for myselfem that it was not respectful to him, as a United States officer. This statement was substantiatedon as he ceased to wear the uniform of the United States, numbers flocked to him for advice as to won would be arrested if he returned to the United States by the way of New York, determined to apprimagination of the North to encircle the Confederate States. With fair opportunities of knowing [2 more...]
Utah (Utah, United States) (search for this): chapter 18
, careful of the interests of the people, presents so many excellences that it is hard not to wish to see it realized. Such a vision influenced to some extent his imagination, the more so, as he deemed the spirit of personal independence the only effectual check upon the tendency to despotism present in all government. Devotion to the Union, fostered by the conviction of its unnumbered blessings, and by his military service, made him unwilling to consider it otherwise than as perpetual. In Utah, as the exponent of the military power of the Government, he was intrusted with the execution of its orders; its honor and dignity were in his custody; its welfare was the constant motive of his acts; and in his hands the mere symbols of its power had triumphed over the causeless rebellion of that disaffected yet dependent population. But his life had not been passed altogether in the service of the United States. He had been the soldier of Anglo-Saxon freedom, the cabinet officer of a
Shiloh, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 18
Sumner arrived here incognito, and immediately proceeded to Benicia, where he presented the order assigning him to the command, and demanded possession of the department. Sumner's appearance was like a thunder-clap to the conspirators, who had not anticipated such prompt action, and were not prepared to resist, so there was nothing for Johnston to do but submit, and turn over the command to Sumner, which he did, and himself left a few days after for the South, where he fell on the field of Shiloh. To the editor of the Express: The above is taken from an article in the Los Angeles Daily Republican, and is written to subserve the local campaign; but it is at great sacrifice of the truths of history. During the term of General Albert Sidney Johnston I had constant intercourse with him on official business. Up to my term of office we had yearly wars with the Indians, in which the State annually incurred great expense. I took the ground that this was all wrong, that it was a Fede
Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 18
h inward sorrow, the action of the authorities at Washington, General E. V. Sumner suddenly arrived unannouncet by some means leaked out, and the Government at Washington, comprehending the danger, lost no time in dispatcause to know my resignation had been received in Washington, turned over the entire command to the next ranki the efforts of the 4th of February convention at Washington, leading us on to indulge in its illusions a littome from the East. To Dr. John S. Griffin. Washington City, April 18, 1861. My dear General: I take theent in the United States Army, needs no comment: Washington, May 10, 1861. dear Porter: General Johnston hwere not known here till near that time. He left Washington April 1st. Johnston asked that a successor mightril, by the Pony Express. It should have reached Washington on the 25th of April, the day on which General Sutment. I was directed in that order to repair to Washington to receive orders. Presuming that my resignation
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