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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., McDowell's advance to Bull Run. (search)
Fourth Division (9 regiments not brigaded); and Miles's Fifth Division, containing 2 brigades (Blenker's and Davies's),--10 batteries of artillery, besides 2 guns attached to infantry regiments, 49 reached it. Hence when the men of Hunter's and Heintzelman's divisions got back to Uniform of Blenker's 8th New York volunteers. Centreville, they had walked about 25 miles. That night they walked not there. Their tents, provisions, baggage, and letters from home were upon the Brigadier-General Louis Blenker Colonel Louis Blenker, commanding the first Brigade of miles's division, coveredColonel Louis Blenker, commanding the first Brigade of miles's division, covered the retreat of the army from Centreville, which he describes as follows: in this position the Brigade remained until about 4 o'clock P. M., when I received orders to advance upon the road from Centrovereigns in uniform, not soldiers. McDowell accepted the situation, detailed Richardson's and Blenker's brigades to cover the retreat, and the army, a disorganized mass, with some creditable except
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing armies at the first Bull Run. (search)
yon. Militia: 1st N. J., Col. A. J. Johnson; 2d N. J., Col. H. M. Baker; 3d N. J., Col. Wm. Napton; 4th N. J., Col. Matthew Miller, Jr. Volunteers: 1st N. J., Col. W. R. Montgomery; 2d N. J., Col. Geo. W. McLean; 3d N. J., Col. George W. Taylor; 41st N. Y., Col. Leopold von Gilsa. Fifth division. [in reserve at Centreville and not engaged in the battle proper. It had some skirmishing during the day and while covering the retreat of the army.] Col. Dixon S. Miles. First Brigade, Col. Louis Blenker: 8th N. Y. (Vols.) Lieut.-Col. Julius Stahel; 29th N. Y., Col. Adolph von Steinwehr; 39th N. Y. (Garibaldi Guards), Col. F. G. D'Utassy; 27th Penna., Col. Max Einstein; A, 2d U. S. Arty., Capt. John C. Tidball; Bookwood's N. Y. battery, Captain Charles Bookwood. Brigade loss: k, 6; w, 16; m, 96 = 118. Second Brigade, Col. Thomas A. Davies: 16th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Samuel Marsh; 18th N. Y., Col. W. A. Jackson; 31st N. Y., Col. C. E. Pratt; 32d N. Y., Col. R. Matheson; G, 2d U. S. Arty.,