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Old Cold Harbor (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.46
ged full two hours before assistance was received. We failed to carry the enemy's lines, but we paved the way for the successful attacks afterward, in which attacks it was necessary to employ the whole of our army on that side of the Chickahominy. Old Cold Harbor Tavern. From a photograph made in 1885. This view is from the south, from the road by which the Confederate left under Stonewall Jackson and D. H. Hill advanced to attack Porter's right. Five roads meet at this point. Old Cold Harbor consists of one or two houses and a smithy. During the battle of Gaines's Mill the tavern was within the Confederate lines. Two years later, during the bloody engagement of General Grant's campaign, it was within the Union lines. The name is sometimes written Cool Harbor, Coal Harbor, or Cool Arbor; but Mr. Burnet, the present owner of the tavern, says that family tradition admits only Cold Harbor.--Editors. Longstreet came into action after 4 o'clock. He thus describes the diff
Jackson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.46
rtified that they would give him a warm reception. Jackson's corps was then at Ashland, within twelve miles ofrossings of the Chickahominy should be uncovered by Jackson's advance down the left bank, so that the other thrance to Loring in ‘61, and later on to Ewell. When Jackson's corps was so strangely left at Winchester after t mysterious orders when he was temporarily absent. Jackson's confidence was well bestowed, and he found in thereet and A. P. Hill might drive in that direction! Jackson's report says: Hoping that Generals A. P. Hill e left and extending to the right, through Ewell's, Jackson's, and Whiting's divisions . . . in the order namedlade his line upon its advance. . . The words of Jackson's report, omitted in the quotation, are as follows:he first break in the Federal line, and quotes from Jackson's report: Dashing on with unfaltering step in the f in coming out of the swamp found themselves behind Jackson's corps and were not engaged. Rodes, Garland, and
Ripleys (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.46
and A. P. Hill became hotly engaged before we could get to his relief. At this time President Davis and staff hurried past us, going to the sound of the firing. Ripley's brigade was pushed forward to the support of three batteries of artillery of Major H. P. Jones's battalion, and the two under Captains R. A. Hardaway and J. W. his engagement was frightful. Dr. Catlin's son says that the slope of the hill was fairly covered with dead and wounded. The Catlin farm was occupied chiefly by Ripley's brigade of D. H. Hill's division, and by Pender's brigade of A. P. Hill's. The 44th Georgia alone lost 335 killed and wounded, and its efforts to reform in the our troops. They could have been halted at Mechanicsville until Jackson had turned the works on the creek, an d all that waste of blood could have been avoided. Ripley's brigade was sent to the assistance of Pender, by the direct order, through me, of both Mr. Davis and General Lee. They both felt pressing upon them the vast im
Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 7.46
. He told us that he had sent Whiting's division to reenforce Jackson, and that at his instance the Richmond papers had reported that large reenforcements had been sent to Jackson with a view to clearing out the Valley of Virginia and exposing Washington. He believed that General McClellan received the Richmond papers regularly, and he (Lee) knew of the nervous apprehension concerning Washington. I do not know how far the Federals were deceived by the announcement of reenforcements sent to Washington. I do not know how far the Federals were deceived by the announcement of reenforcements sent to Jackson, but during the Seven Days battles I read in a Northern paper a letter from Strasburg, Va., of the 25th of June, stating that they were expecting Stonewall Jackson there, and were so well fortified that they would give him a warm reception. Jackson's corps was then at Ashland, within twelve miles of Richmond. He certainly had slipped off without observation.--D. H. H. He then said that he would retire to another room to attend to some office work, and would leave us to arrange the deta
Meadow Bridge (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.46
ot to give yourself more time? When General Lee returned, he ordered A. P. Hill to cross at Meadow Bridge, Longstreet at the Mechanicsville Bridge, and me to follow Longstreet. The conference broke Beaver Dam Creek at the crossing of the upper road from the town. A. P. Hill advanced from Meadow Bridge and along the road in the foreground, his troops deploying at this point on both sides of thd leading to Pole Green Church, communicating his march to General Branch [seven miles above Meadow Bridge], who will immediately cross the Chickahominy and take the road leading to Mechanicsville. covered, General A. P. Hill, with the rest of his division, will cross the Chickahominy near Meadow Bridge. . . . The enemy being driven from Mechanicsville, and the passage across the bridge opened,he failure of the whole plan by longer deferring it. Heavy firing was heard at 3 P. M. at Meadow Bridge, and the Federal out-posts were seen fleeing toward Mechanicsville, pursued by A. P. Hill.
East Bridgewater (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.46
discovered to be Meagher's Irish brigade. We got within thirty yards of the Federals, and must have been seen, but we were not fired upon, probably because we were mistaken for a party of their own men sent up to get water at McGehee's well. We met the party going back, and saw them go into their own lines. Not a word was spoken by them or by us. At such times Silence is golden. After this paper appeared in The century magazine, I received a letter from William H. Osborne, of East Bridgewater, Mass., of which the following is a part: I read your article on the battle of Gaines's Mill, Va. I was especially interested in the circumstances related by you concerning the water party sent out from the Irish Brigade to McGehee's well, and the adventure of yourself and General Lawton. I remember the incident with great vividness, as I was one of the party. I was a member of Company C, 29th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, which was a part of the brigade referred to, but I have
Twymans Mill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.46
lose to the Chickahominy, succeeded in driving off the Federal troops defending the creek at Gaines's Mill, and advanced until he developed their full line of battle at New Cold Harbor, half a mile bl right, and from which a dense and tangled swamp extended westward in an irregular curve to Gaines's Mill. Bondurant's battery was brought up to feel the position. Jackson remained with it for a tson posted my division in the woods to the left of the road, and facing toward the firing at Gaines's Mill, in order to intercept the forces that Longstreet and A. P. Hill might drive in that directients had come to cover up the Federal Charge of a sutler upon G. B. Anderson's Brigade at Gaines's Mill. retreat. They took up their position across the road and showed a determined front, but miaccurate map in the hands of each division commander would have saved many valuable lives at Gaines's mill as well as at Ellerson's, and time enough would have been gained to have brought the whole C
Charles City (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.46
on beyond the creek. Editors. than those of us lower down the stream. On the 25th there was a brisk fight about King's school-house on the Williamsburg road, between Hooker's division and parts of the divisions of Generals T. H. Holmes and Benjamin Huger. That night my division marched across to the neighborhood of Mechanicsville Bridge. To conceal the movement our camp-fires were freshly lighted up by a detachment after the troops had left, and a company was sent some miles down the Charles City road to send up rockets, as though signaling an advance in that direction. General Lee's order, issued on the 24th of June, says: At 3 o'clock Thursday morning, the 26th instant, General Jackson will advance on the road leading to Pole Green Church, communicating his march to General Branch [seven miles above Meadow Bridge], who will immediately cross the Chickahominy and take the road leading to Mechanicsville. As soon as the movements of these columns are discovered, General A. P.
Florida (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.46
as a lieutenant of artillery at Rouse's Point. There his mess entertained some British officers, two of whom were scions of nobility. The visit having been expected, the mess had borrowed or rented gold plate and silver plate, cut-glass ware, rich furniture, and stylish equipages for conveying the noble guests. Prince John assured them that these were but the debris of the former splendor of the regimental mess. Only the debris, my lord; the schooner bringing most of the mess plate from Florida was wrecked. On the second day of the festival one of the dazzled noblemen said to Prince John: We do not wish to be inquisitive, but we have been so much impressed with this magnificence that we are constrained to believe that American officers must be paid enormously. What is your monthly pay? Assuming an indifferent air, Prince John said: Damned if I know ; then, turning to his servant, Jim, what is my monthly pay? The servant was discreetly silent, it may be from a wink, or it may b
Louisa (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.46
d until he could effectually clear up this rumor. The chief mode adopted was characteristic: it was to send out by night an intelligent private citizen, thoroughly acquainted with the Rapidan people and country, as his scout. This gentleman came back, after thorough inquiry, with the news that the rumor was unfounded. About half an hour before sunset on Saturday, the general got into an express car with no one but me and the conductor, and came to Frederick's Hall Station in the county of Louisa, arriving about dawn on Sunday, the 22d. We spent the Sabbath there at the house of Mr. N. Harris, attending camp-preaching in the afternoon. At this house were General W. H. C. Whiting and General Hood, then commanding a Texas brigade. At 1 o'clock that night General Jackson arose, took an orderly whom I had selected for him as, trustworthy and well acquainted with the road, and started for Richmond with impressed horses. He had me wake up General Whiting and make him sign a pass and an
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