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Cleveland Winslow (search for this): chapter 8.66
derson; 14th U. S. (1st Battalion), Capt. W. Harvey Brown; 14th U. S. (2d Battalion), Capt. David B. McKibbin. Brigade loss: Antietam, k, 4; w, 35 == 39. Second Brigade, Maj. Charles S. Lovell: 1st and 6th U. S., Capt. Levi C. Bootes; 2d and 10th U. S., Capt. John S. Poland; 11th U. S., Capt. De Lancey Floyd-Jones; 17th U. S., Maj. George L. Andrews. Brigade loss: Antietam, k, 8; w, 47; m, 1 == 56; Shepherdstown, k, 1; w, 8 == 9. Third Brigade, Col. Gouverneur K. Warren: 5th N. Y., Capt. Cleveland Winslow; 10th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. John W. Marshall. Brigade loss: Shepherdstown, w, 1. Artillery: E and G, 1st U. S., Lieut. Alanson M. Randol; I, 5th U. S., Capt. Stephen H. Weed; K, 5th U. S., Lieut. William E. Van Reed. Artillery loss: Antietam, w, 3. Shepherdstown, k, 1; w, 2 == 3. Third division (reached the field of Antietam Sept. 18th), Brig.-Gen. Andrew A. Humphreys. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Erastus B. Tyler: 91st Pa., Col. Edgar M. Gregory; 126th Pa., Col. James G. Elder;
William P. Wainwright (search for this): chapter 8.66
14th Militia), Maj. William 11. de Bevoise; 2d U. S. Sharp-shooters, Col. Henry A. V. Post (w). Brigade loss: South Mountain, k, 20; w, 67; m, 8 == 95. Antietam, k, 30; w, 120; ml, 4 == 154. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Abner Doubleday, Col. William P. Wainwright (w), Lieut.-Col. J. William Hofmann: 7th Ind., Maj. Ira G. Grover; 76th N. Y., Col. William P. Wainwright, Capt. John W. Young; 95th N. Y., Maj. Edward Pye; 56th Pa., Lieut.-Col. J. William Hofmann, Capt. Frederick Williams. Brigade loCol. William P. Wainwright, Capt. John W. Young; 95th N. Y., Maj. Edward Pye; 56th Pa., Lieut.-Col. J. William Hofmann, Capt. Frederick Williams. Brigade loss: South Mountain, k, 3; w, 52; m, 4==59. Antietam, w, 10. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Marsena R. Patrick: 21st N. Y., Col. William F. Rogers; 23d N. Y., Col. Henry C. Hoffman; 35th N. Y., Col. Newton B. Lord; 80th N. Y. (20th Militia), Lieut.-Col. Theodore B. Gates. Brigade loss: South Mountain, k, 3; w, 19; m, 1 == 23. Antietam, k, 30; w, 187; mn, 17 == 234. Fourth Brigade, Brig.-Gen. John Gibbon: 19th Ind., Col. Solomon Meredith, Lieut.-Col. Alois 0. Bachman (k), Capt. William W. Dudley: 2
John B. McPhail (search for this): chapter 8.66
gn): k, 16; w, 122; in, 22 = 160. Drayton's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Thomas F. Drayton: 50th Ga., Lieut.-Col. F. Kearse; 51st Ga.,----; 15th S. C., Col. W. D. De Saussure. Brigade loss (in the campaign): k, 82; w, 280; m, 179 = 541. Pickett's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Richard B. Garnett: 8th Va., Col. Eppa Hunton; 18th Va., Maj. George C. Cabell; 19th Va., Col. J. B. Strange (m w), Capt. John L. Cochran, Lieut. William N. Wood; 28th Va., Capt. W. L. Wingfield; 56th Va., Col. William D. Stuart, Capt. John B. McPhail. Brigade loss (in the campaign): k, 30; w, 199; m, 32 = 261. Kemper's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. James L. Kemper: 1st Va.,----; 7th Va.,----; 11th Va., Maj. Adam Clement; 17th Va., Col. Montgomery D. Corse (w), Maj. Arthur Herbert; 24th Va.,----. Brigade loss (in the campaign): k, 15; w, 102; m, 27 = 144. Jenkins's Brigade, Col. Joseph Walker: 1st S. C., Lieut.-Col. D. Livingston (w): 2d S. C. (rifles)----; 5th S. C., Capt. T. C. Beckham; 6th S. C.,Lieut.-Col. J. M. Steedman, Capt. E. B. C
Evan Thomas (search for this): chapter 8.66
a., Lieut.-Col. Richards McMichael. Brigade loss: Antietam, k, 52; w, 244; m, 9 == 305. Artillery: B, 1st N. Y., Capt. Rufus D. Pettit; A and C, 4th U. S., Lieut. Evan Thomas. Artillery loss: Antietam, k, 1; w, 3 == 4. Second division, Maj.-Gen. John Sedgwick (w), Brig.-Gen. Oliver O. Howard. Staff loss: Antietam, w, 2. FH. Collier. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. John Cochrane: 65th N. Y., Col. Alexander Shaler; 67th N. Y., Col. Julius W. Adams; 122d N. Y., Col. Silas Titus; 23d Pa., Col. Thomas X-I. Neill; 61st Pa., Col. George C. Spear; 82d Pa., Col. David H., Williams. Brigade loss: Antietam (Sept. 18th), w, 9. Artillery: 3d N. Y., Capt. William Stu Maj. C. C. Cole; 34th N. C.,----; 38th N. C.,----. Brigade loss: Harper's Ferry, k, 2; w, 20 = 22. Antietam, k, 2; w, 28 = 30. Shepherdstown, k, 8; w, 55 = 63. Thomas's Brigade, Col. Edward L. Thomas: 14th Ga., Col. R. W. Folsom; 35th Ga.,----; 45th Ga., Maj. W. L. Grice; 49th Ga., Lieut.-Col. S. M. Manning. Brigade not at Ant
Charles R. Brundage (search for this): chapter 8.66
Maj. Ario Pardee, Jr. Brigade loss: Antietam, k, 61; w, 308; m, 7 == 376. Second Brigade, Col. Henry J. Stainrook: 3d Md., Lieut.-Col. Joseph M. Sudsburg; 102d N. Y., Lieut.-Col. James C. Lane; 111th Pa., Maj. Thomas M. Walker. Brigade loss: Antietam, k, 32; w, 128; m, 16 == 176. Third Brigade, Col. William B. Goodrich (k), Lieut.-Col. Jonathan Austin: 3d Del., Maj. Arthur Maginnis (w), Capt. William J. McKaig; Purnell (Md.) Legion, Lieut.-Col. Benjamin L. Simpson; 60th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Charles R. Brundage; 78th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Jonathan Austin, Capt. Henry R. Stagg. Brigade loss: Antietam, k, 21; w, 71; m, 7 == 99. Artillery, Capt. Clermont L. Best: 4th Me., Capt. O'Neil W. Robinson-; 6th Me., Capt. Freeman McGilvery; M, 1st N. Y., Capt. George W. Cothran; 10th N. Y., Capt. John T. Bruen; E, Pa., Capt. Joseph M. Knap; F, Pa., Capt. R. B. Hampton; F, 4th U. S., Lieut. E. D. Muhlenberg. Artillery loss: Antietam, k, 1; w, 15; m, 1 == 17. cavalry division, Brig.-Gen. Alfred Pl
Joshua T. Owen (search for this): chapter 8.66
tia), Col. Henry W. Hudson; 1st Co. Mass. Sharp-shooters, Capt. John Saunders (k); 2d Co. Minn. Sharp-shooters, Capt. William F. Russell. Brigade loss: Antietam, k, 134; w, 539; m, 67 == 740. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Oliver 0. Howard, Col. Joshua T. Owen, Col. De Witt C. Baxter: 69th Pa., Col. Joshua T. Owen; 71st Pa., Col. Isaac J. Wistar (w), Lieut. Richard P. Smith, Capt. Enoch E. Lewis; 72d Pa., Col. De Witt C. Baxter; 106th Pa., Col. Turner G. Morehead. Brigade loss: Antietam, k, 93; w,Col. Joshua T. Owen; 71st Pa., Col. Isaac J. Wistar (w), Lieut. Richard P. Smith, Capt. Enoch E. Lewis; 72d Pa., Col. De Witt C. Baxter; 106th Pa., Col. Turner G. Morehead. Brigade loss: Antietam, k, 93; w, 379; m, 73 == 545. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Napoleon J. T. Dana (w), Col. Norman J. Hall: 19th Mass., Col. Edward W. Hinks (w), Lieut.-Col. Arthur F. Devereux (w); 20th Mass., Col. William R. Lee; 7th Mich., Col. Norman J. Hall, Capt. Charles J. Hunt; 42d N. Y., Lieut.-Col. George N. Bomford, Maj. James E. Mallon; 59th N. Y., Col. Wm. L. Tidball. Brigade loss: Antietam, k, 142; w, 652; m, 104 == 898. Artillery: A, 1st R. I., Capt. John A. Tompkins; I, 1st U. S., Lieut. George A. Woodruff. A
James C. Duane (search for this): chapter 8.66
by Maj.-Gen. A. E. Burnside; the center, composed of the Second and Twelfth Corps, by Maj.-Gen. Edwin V. Sumner; and the left wing, comprising the Sixth Corps and Couch's division, of the Fourth Corps, by Maj.-Gen. W. B. Franklin.) Army of the Potomac.--Major-General George B. McClellan. Escort, Capt. James B. McIntyre: Oneida (N. Y.) Cav., Capt. Daniel P. Mann; A, 4th U. S. Car., Lieut. Thomas H. McCormick; E, 4th U. S. Cav., Capt. James B. McIntyre. Regular Engineer Battalion, Capt. James C. Duane. Provost Guard, Maj. William H. Wood: 2d U. S. Cav. (4 co's) Capt. George A. Gordon; 8th U. S. Inf. (4 co's), Capt. Royal T. Frank; G, 19th U. S. Inf., Capt. Edmund L. Smith; H, 19th U. S. Inf., Capt. Henry S. Welton. Headquarters Guard, Maj. Granville O. Haller: 93d N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Benjamin C. Butler. Quartermaster's Guard: 1st U. S. Cav. (4 co's), Capt. Marcus A. Reno. first Army Corps,, Maj.-Gen. Joseph Hooker (w), Brig.-Gen. George G. Meade. Staff loss: Antietam, w, 1. E
John B. Hood (search for this): chapter 8.66
N. C., Col. M. W. Ransom; 49th N. C., Lieut.-Col. Lee M. McAfee; Va. Battery, Capt. James R. Branch. Brigade loss (in the campaign): k, 41; w, 141; m, 4 = 186. Hood's division, Brig.-Gen. John B. Hood. Hood's Brigade, Col. W. T. Wofford: 18th Ga., Lieut.-Col. S. Z. Ruff; Hampton (S. C.) Legion, Lieut.-Col. M. W. Ganz; 1st TBrig.-Gen. John B. Hood. Hood's Brigade, Col. W. T. Wofford: 18th Ga., Lieut.-Col. S. Z. Ruff; Hampton (S. C.) Legion, Lieut.-Col. M. W. Ganz; 1st Tex., Lieut.-Col. P. A. Work; 4th Tex., Lieut.-Col. B. F. Carter; 5th Tex., Capt. Ike N. M. Turner. Brigade loss (in the campaign): k, 69; w, 417; m, 62 = 548. Law's Brigade, Col. E. McIver Law: 4th Ala., Lieut.-Col. 0. K. McLemore (m w), Capt. L. H. Scruggs (w): 2d Miss., Col. J. M. Stone (w), 11th Miss., Col. P. F. Liddell (mn w)Hood's Brigade, Col. W. T. Wofford: 18th Ga., Lieut.-Col. S. Z. Ruff; Hampton (S. C.) Legion, Lieut.-Col. M. W. Ganz; 1st Tex., Lieut.-Col. P. A. Work; 4th Tex., Lieut.-Col. B. F. Carter; 5th Tex., Capt. Ike N. M. Turner. Brigade loss (in the campaign): k, 69; w, 417; m, 62 = 548. Law's Brigade, Col. E. McIver Law: 4th Ala., Lieut.-Col. 0. K. McLemore (m w), Capt. L. H. Scruggs (w): 2d Miss., Col. J. M. Stone (w), 11th Miss., Col. P. F. Liddell (mn w), Lieut.-Col. S. F. Butler (w); 6th N. C., Maj. Robert F. Webb (w). Brigade loss (in the campaign): k, 53; w, 390; m, 25 = 468. Artillery, Maj. B. W. Frobel: S. C. Battery (German Art'y), Capt. W. K. Bachman; S. C. Battery (Palmetto Art'y), Capt. H. R. Garden; N. C. Battery (Rowan Art'y), Capt. James Reilly. Artillery loss (in th
s: South Mountain and Antietam, k, 4; w, 30; m, 3 = 37. reserve artillery, Brig.-Gen. William N. Pendleton. Brown's Battalion (1st Va. Art'y), Col. J. Thompson Brown: Powhatan Art'y., Capt. Willis J. Dance; 2d Co. Richmond Howitzers, Capt. D. Watson; 3d Co. Richmond Howitzers, Capt. Benjamin H. Smith, Jr.; Salem Art'y, Capt. A. Hupp; Williamsburg Art'y, Capt. John. A. Coke. Cutts's Battalion, Lieut.-Col. A. S. Cutts: Ga. Battery, Capt. James Ap Blackshear; Ga. Battery (Irwin Art'y), Capt. John Lane; N. C. Battery, Capt. W. P. Lloyd; Ga. Battery, Capt. G. M. Patterson; Ga. Battery, Capt. H. M. Ross. Jones's Battalion, Maj. H. P. Jones: Va, Battery (Morris Art'y), Capt. R. C. M. Page; Va. Battery (Orange Art'y), Capt. Jefferson Peyton; Va. Battery (Turner's); Va. Battery, Capt. A. Wimbish. Nelson's Battalion, Maj. William Nelson: Va. Battery (Amherst Art'y), Capt. T. J. Kirkpatrick; Va. Battery (Fluvanna Art'y), Capt. John J. Ancell; Va. Battery, Capt. Charles T. Huckstep; Va. Batte
Romeyn B. Ayres (search for this): chapter 8.66
Charles B. Stoughton; 5th Vt., Col. Lewis A. Grant; 6th Vt., Maj. Oscar L. Tuttle. Brigade loss: Crampton's Pass, k, 1; w, 18 == 19. Antietam, k, 1; w, 24 == 25. Third Brigade, Col. William In. Irwin: 7th Me., Maj. Thomas W. Hyde; 20th N. Y., Col. Ernest von Vegesack; 33d N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Joseph W. Corning; 49th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. William C. Alberger (w), Maj. George W. Johnson; 77th N. Y., Capt. Nathan S. Babcock. Brigade loss: Antietam, k, 64; w, 247; mi, 31 == 342. Artillery, Capt. Romeyn B. Ayres: B, Md., Lieut. Theodore J. Vanneman; 1st N. Y., Capt. Andrew Cowan; F, 5th U. S., Lieut. Leonard Martin. Ninth Army Corps, Maj.-Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside (commanded the right wing of the army at South Mountain and exercised general command on the left at Antietam), Maj.-Gen. Jesse L. Reno (k), Brig. Gen. Jacob D. Cox. Staff loss: South Mountain, k, 1. Escort: G, 1st Me. Cav., Capt. Zebulon B. Blethen. first division, Brig.-Gen. Orlando B. Willcox. First Brigade, Col. Benj
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