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Decatur (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 113
Tenn., under date of April second, says: Feeling greatly alarmed lest an insurrection of the whites should occur in portions of the country around McMinnville, certain conservators of Southern rights despatched messengers, not long since, to Decatur, praying for confederate aid. In answer to their entreaties, Capts. McHenry and Bledsoe were sent up with two companies of Tennessee cavalry, to dragoon the threatening populace into submission. About the time they reached McMinnville, last Weds paths of their flight. Mr. Ewing's shot-gun was found in a creek, hard by the scene of his great achievement, the barrel separated from the stock by the furious manner in which he threw it away. When he arrived in McMinnville his valor was all gone. Making but a brief stay, to recruit his broken wind, he disappeared, and has not been heard of since. The confederate cavalry who shared his glory on the field, were last seen in Franklin County, on their way back to Decatur by forced marches.
Murfreesboro (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 113
McMinnville, certain conservators of Southern rights despatched messengers, not long since, to Decatur, praying for confederate aid. In answer to their entreaties, Capts. McHenry and Bledsoe were sent up with two companies of Tennessee cavalry, to dragoon the threatening populace into submission. About the time they reached McMinnville, last Wednesday, Capt. Hastings was within four miles of the place, with fifty Ohio cavalry, giving some attention to the railroad between McMinnville and Murfreesboro. Capt. McHenry, who commanded the confederates, will be remembered as Governor Harris's Adjutant, in command at this city last summer and fall. Capt. Hastings, who directed our little band, was a refugee from this place, and is in the quartermaster's department, I believe. When Capt. Hastings's presence was known among the leading secesh at McMinnville, they conceived the brilliant idea of bagging his entire command. Hon. Andrew Ewing, the invincible pike-man, Judge Ridley, and Judg
McMinnville (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 113
tly alarmed lest an insurrection of the whites should occur in portions of the country around McMinnville, certain conservators of Southern rights despatched messengers, not long since, to Decatur, pee cavalry, to dragoon the threatening populace into submission. About the time they reached McMinnville, last Wednesday, Capt. Hastings was within four miles of the place, with fifty Ohio cavalry, giving some attention to the railroad between McMinnville and Murfreesboro. Capt. McHenry, who commanded the confederates, will be remembered as Governor Harris's Adjutant, in command at this city lepartment, I believe. When Capt. Hastings's presence was known among the leading secesh at McMinnville, they conceived the brilliant idea of bagging his entire command. Hon. Andrew Ewing, the invseparated from the stock by the furious manner in which he threw it away. When he arrived in McMinnville his valor was all gone. Making but a brief stay, to recruit his broken wind, he disappeared,
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 113
Doc. 109.-battle of McMinnville, Tenn: fought March 26, 1862. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette, writing from Nashville, Tenn., under date of April second, says: Feeling greatly alarmed lest an insurrection of the whites should occur in portions of the country around McMinnville, certain conservators of Southern rights despatched messengers, not long since, to Decatur, praying for confederate aid. In answer to their entreaties, Capts. McHenry and Bledsoe were sent up with two companies of Tennessee cavalry, to dragoon the threatening populace into submission. About the time they reached McMinnville, last Wednesday, Capt. Hastings was within four miles of the place, with fifty Ohio cavalry, giving some attention to the railroad between McMinnville and Murfreesboro. Capt. McHenry, who commanded the confederates, will be remembered as Governor Harris's Adjutant, in command at this city last summer and fall. Capt. Hastings, who directed our little band, was a refugee f
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 113
tle of McMinnville, Tenn: fought March 26, 1862. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette, writing from Nashville, Tenn., under date of April second, says: Feeling greatly alarmed lest an insurrection of the whites should occur in portions of the country around McMinnville, certain conservators of Southern rights despatched messengers, not long since, to Decatur, praying for confederate aid. In answer to their entreaties, Capts. McHenry and Bledsoe were sent up with two companies of Tennessee cavalry, to dragoon the threatening populace into submission. About the time they reached McMinnville, last Wednesday, Capt. Hastings was within four miles of the place, with fifty Ohio cavalry, giving some attention to the railroad between McMinnville and Murfreesboro. Capt. McHenry, who commanded the confederates, will be remembered as Governor Harris's Adjutant, in command at this city last summer and fall. Capt. Hastings, who directed our little band, was a refugee from this place,
Ohio (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 113
st an insurrection of the whites should occur in portions of the country around McMinnville, certain conservators of Southern rights despatched messengers, not long since, to Decatur, praying for confederate aid. In answer to their entreaties, Capts. McHenry and Bledsoe were sent up with two companies of Tennessee cavalry, to dragoon the threatening populace into submission. About the time they reached McMinnville, last Wednesday, Capt. Hastings was within four miles of the place, with fifty Ohio cavalry, giving some attention to the railroad between McMinnville and Murfreesboro. Capt. McHenry, who commanded the confederates, will be remembered as Governor Harris's Adjutant, in command at this city last summer and fall. Capt. Hastings, who directed our little band, was a refugee from this place, and is in the quartermaster's department, I believe. When Capt. Hastings's presence was known among the leading secesh at McMinnville, they conceived the brilliant idea of bagging his ent
Joseph S. Harris (search for this): chapter 113
le, last Wednesday, Capt. Hastings was within four miles of the place, with fifty Ohio cavalry, giving some attention to the railroad between McMinnville and Murfreesboro. Capt. McHenry, who commanded the confederates, will be remembered as Governor Harris's Adjutant, in command at this city last summer and fall. Capt. Hastings, who directed our little band, was a refugee from this place, and is in the quartermaster's department, I believe. When Capt. Hastings's presence was known among thsecesh at McMinnville, they conceived the brilliant idea of bagging his entire command. Hon. Andrew Ewing, the invincible pike-man, Judge Ridley, and Judge Marchbanks, engineered the plot, and Andrew Ewing, who has determined, I suppose, like Gov. Harris, to take the field, actually got on the outside of a horse, with a single-barrelled shot-gun for his weapon, and personally went with the expedition. They were confident of surrounding the unguarded Hastings, and conveying into captivity all
John H. McHenry (search for this): chapter 113
t an insurrection of the whites should occur in portions of the country around McMinnville, certain conservators of Southern rights despatched messengers, not long since, to Decatur, praying for confederate aid. In answer to their entreaties, Capts. McHenry and Bledsoe were sent up with two companies of Tennessee cavalry, to dragoon the threatening populace into submission. About the time they reached McMinnville, last Wednesday, Capt. Hastings was within four miles of the place, with fifty Ohio cavalry, giving some attention to the railroad between McMinnville and Murfreesboro. Capt. McHenry, who commanded the confederates, will be remembered as Governor Harris's Adjutant, in command at this city last summer and fall. Capt. Hastings, who directed our little band, was a refugee from this place, and is in the quartermaster's department, I believe. When Capt. Hastings's presence was known among the leading secesh at McMinnville, they conceived the brilliant idea of bagging his ent
Andrew Ewing (search for this): chapter 113
as known among the leading secesh at McMinnville, they conceived the brilliant idea of bagging his entire command. Hon. Andrew Ewing, the invincible pike-man, Judge Ridley, and Judge Marchbanks, engineered the plot, and Andrew Ewing, who has determAndrew Ewing, who has determined, I suppose, like Gov. Harris, to take the field, actually got on the outside of a horse, with a single-barrelled shot-gun for his weapon, and personally went with the expedition. They were confident of surrounding the unguarded Hastings, and co, to take position under cover of a thick clump of cedars, and there await the enemy. On came the confederates, with Mr. Ewing in their midst. When they had advanced to the point at which they formed their line of battle, the valiant Nestor hara panic. Sabres, guns, and whatever else impeded the stampede, were scattered along the various paths of their flight. Mr. Ewing's shot-gun was found in a creek, hard by the scene of his great achievement, the barrel separated from the stock by the
ro. Capt. McHenry, who commanded the confederates, will be remembered as Governor Harris's Adjutant, in command at this city last summer and fall. Capt. Hastings, who directed our little band, was a refugee from this place, and is in the quartermaster's department, I believe. When Capt. Hastings's presence was known among the leading secesh at McMinnville, they conceived the brilliant idea of bagging his entire command. Hon. Andrew Ewing, the invincible pike-man, Judge Ridley, and Judge Marchbanks, engineered the plot, and Andrew Ewing, who has determined, I suppose, like Gov. Harris, to take the field, actually got on the outside of a horse, with a single-barrelled shot-gun for his weapon, and personally went with the expedition. They were confident of surrounding the unguarded Hastings, and conveying into captivity all his force they did not slaughter. The attack was to be made in the night. But our boys had timely intimation of the fell intent, and prepared to have a litt
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