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Frankfort (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 143
atrick, a contract scout, brought in a rebel captain and ten privates the same day. Lieutenant Brown, of company G, Fourteenth, with twenty-five men, left on the eighteenth for Cat's Fork, to break up a thieving band which had been disturbing that quarter. He returned the following day, having killed one and captured two of the marauders. Captain Charles A. Wood, of Louisville, of the Fourteenth, is having fine success in recruiting veterans in this brigade. Lieutenant-Colonel Brown, of Frankfort, is now in command of the Fourteenth. In camp he is jolly, genial, and generous, and his military qualities are best estimated by those who have seen his commanding coolness in the excitement of battle, and his unshrinking intrepidity when exposed to a heavy fire. The regiment is proud of him, and may well be of such a noble Roman. Major Yates, Medical Director of this district, informed the writer to-day that he had seen a deserter from the rebels whom he knew to be reliable. This man
Alton (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 143
stantly sprang toward their guns, whereupon our boys opened on their ranks a scathing fire, which soon brought them to terms. The fight lasted about four minutes, with mortal effect, twelve men being killed, and four others wounded--three of them mortally. Not one of the attacking party was harmed. The only sad feature in the affair was the killing of three Union prisoners who were in the hands of the rebels--Captain Pinckard, Assistant Quartermaster, of General Scammon's staff, from Alton, Illinois; Lieutenant Griswold, of the Thirteenth Virginia; and a private whose name has escaped me. Fifty prisoners were taken, sixteen Union prisoners released, eighty stand of arms captured, with all their ammunition, horses, and subsistance. Colonel Ferguson was captured apart from the command by Stephen Wheeler, a private of company G. In the battle of Rock House such accurate and fatal shooting was done, that of sixteen wounded men, only two are now living, and one must die; the counties
Rock House (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 143
ion prisoners who were in the hands of the rebels--Captain Pinckard, Assistant Quartermaster, of General Scammon's staff, from Alton, Illinois; Lieutenant Griswold, of the Thirteenth Virginia; and a private whose name has escaped me. Fifty prisoners were taken, sixteen Union prisoners released, eighty stand of arms captured, with all their ammunition, horses, and subsistance. Colonel Ferguson was captured apart from the command by Stephen Wheeler, a private of company G. In the battle of Rock House such accurate and fatal shooting was done, that of sixteen wounded men, only two are now living, and one must die; the counties of Wayne and Logan are cleared by it of the plundering guerrillas who had been infesting them. The results of this success are more important than that of Middle Creek, inasmuch as a larger number were killed and captured here than in that engagement — this work gratuitously done by the generous and efficient Colonel Gallup. His command has captured over one tho
West Virginia (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 143
Doc. 132.-Colonel Gallup's expedition into Western Virginia. camp Louisa, Lawrence Co., Ky., Feb. 20, 1864. On the twelfth instant our District Commander, Colonel Gallup, with his usual sympathy for suffering Unionists, sent a scout over into Western Virginia to rid the citizens of the unscrupulous Colonel Ferguson, who, with his plundering band, had pillaged the country until even the women and children were brought to starvation. This impudent rebel, knowing that Virginia was not iWestern Virginia to rid the citizens of the unscrupulous Colonel Ferguson, who, with his plundering band, had pillaged the country until even the women and children were brought to starvation. This impudent rebel, knowing that Virginia was not in this district, and therefore not under the protection of our gallant Colonel, sent him word that he would quarter there until March, but would not molest our troops provided we would let him alone. Colonel Gallup treated the message with that silent contempt it deserved. His silence was taken for acquiescence by the other party. So the wily old fox was allowed to play around until he met with an unpleasant surprise in the capture of himself and command. This happened in the following manne
Prestonburg (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 143
eighty stand of arms captured, with all their ammunition, horses, and subsistance. Colonel Ferguson was captured apart from the command by Stephen Wheeler, a private of company G. In the battle of Rock House such accurate and fatal shooting was done, that of sixteen wounded men, only two are now living, and one must die; the counties of Wayne and Logan are cleared by it of the plundering guerrillas who had been infesting them. The results of this success are more important than that of Middle Creek, inasmuch as a larger number were killed and captured here than in that engagement — this work gratuitously done by the generous and efficient Colonel Gallup. His command has captured over one thousand prisoners in this valley, and he is still pushing the work vigorously along. Lieutenant Preston, of the Thirtieth, who was sent up Sandy on a scout a short time since, returned on the twenty-second with eleven prisoners. Reuben Patrick, a contract scout, brought in a rebel captain and t
Logan County (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 143
nant Griswold, of the Thirteenth Virginia; and a private whose name has escaped me. Fifty prisoners were taken, sixteen Union prisoners released, eighty stand of arms captured, with all their ammunition, horses, and subsistance. Colonel Ferguson was captured apart from the command by Stephen Wheeler, a private of company G. In the battle of Rock House such accurate and fatal shooting was done, that of sixteen wounded men, only two are now living, and one must die; the counties of Wayne and Logan are cleared by it of the plundering guerrillas who had been infesting them. The results of this success are more important than that of Middle Creek, inasmuch as a larger number were killed and captured here than in that engagement — this work gratuitously done by the generous and efficient Colonel Gallup. His command has captured over one thousand prisoners in this valley, and he is still pushing the work vigorously along. Lieutenant Preston, of the Thirtieth, who was sent up Sandy on
Wayne County (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 143
is; Lieutenant Griswold, of the Thirteenth Virginia; and a private whose name has escaped me. Fifty prisoners were taken, sixteen Union prisoners released, eighty stand of arms captured, with all their ammunition, horses, and subsistance. Colonel Ferguson was captured apart from the command by Stephen Wheeler, a private of company G. In the battle of Rock House such accurate and fatal shooting was done, that of sixteen wounded men, only two are now living, and one must die; the counties of Wayne and Logan are cleared by it of the plundering guerrillas who had been infesting them. The results of this success are more important than that of Middle Creek, inasmuch as a larger number were killed and captured here than in that engagement — this work gratuitously done by the generous and efficient Colonel Gallup. His command has captured over one thousand prisoners in this valley, and he is still pushing the work vigorously along. Lieutenant Preston, of the Thirtieth, who was sent up
Louisa, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 143
Doc. 132.-Colonel Gallup's expedition into Western Virginia. camp Louisa, Lawrence Co., Ky., Feb. 20, 1864. On the twelfth instant our District Commander, Colonel Gallup, with his usual sympathy for suffering Unionists, sent a scout over into Western Virginia to rid the citizens of the unscrupulous Colonel Ferguson, who, with his plundering band, had pillaged the country until even the women and children were brought to starvation. This impudent rebel, knowing that Virginia was not in this district, and therefore not under the protection of our gallant Colonel, sent him word that he would quarter there until March, but would not molest our troops provided we would let him alone. Colonel Gallup treated the message with that silent contempt it deserved. His silence was taken for acquiescence by the other party. So the wily old fox was allowed to play around until he met with an unpleasant surprise in the capture of himself and command. This happened in the following mann
Louisville (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 143
hirtieth, who was sent up Sandy on a scout a short time since, returned on the twenty-second with eleven prisoners. Reuben Patrick, a contract scout, brought in a rebel captain and ten privates the same day. Lieutenant Brown, of company G, Fourteenth, with twenty-five men, left on the eighteenth for Cat's Fork, to break up a thieving band which had been disturbing that quarter. He returned the following day, having killed one and captured two of the marauders. Captain Charles A. Wood, of Louisville, of the Fourteenth, is having fine success in recruiting veterans in this brigade. Lieutenant-Colonel Brown, of Frankfort, is now in command of the Fourteenth. In camp he is jolly, genial, and generous, and his military qualities are best estimated by those who have seen his commanding coolness in the excitement of battle, and his unshrinking intrepidity when exposed to a heavy fire. The regiment is proud of him, and may well be of such a noble Roman. Major Yates, Medical Director of t
Abingdon, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 143
ive men, left on the eighteenth for Cat's Fork, to break up a thieving band which had been disturbing that quarter. He returned the following day, having killed one and captured two of the marauders. Captain Charles A. Wood, of Louisville, of the Fourteenth, is having fine success in recruiting veterans in this brigade. Lieutenant-Colonel Brown, of Frankfort, is now in command of the Fourteenth. In camp he is jolly, genial, and generous, and his military qualities are best estimated by those who have seen his commanding coolness in the excitement of battle, and his unshrinking intrepidity when exposed to a heavy fire. The regiment is proud of him, and may well be of such a noble Roman. Major Yates, Medical Director of this district, informed the writer to-day that he had seen a deserter from the rebels whom he knew to be reliable. This man brings news that John Morgan is collecting a force of twenty thousand cavalry at Abingdon, Virginia, preparatory to a raid into this State.
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