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B. A. Trick (search for this): chapter 51
. H. O'NeillPrivateCharleston Light DragoonsWounded severely. J. M. PrioleauPrivateCharleston Light DragoonsWounded severely. J. D. PorcherPrivateCharleston Light DragoonsWounded slightly. SkinnerLieutenantCo. A, 1st Bat. S. C. V.Wounded painfully. A. S. DukesPrivateCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. V.Killed. P. D. RushLieutenantCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. V.Wounded slightly. J. P. DautzlerPrivateCo. A, 1st Bat. S. C. V.Wounded slightly. J. S. FunchesPrivateCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. V.Wounded slightly. B. A. TrickPrivateCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. V.Wounded slightly. S. B. NiasPrivateCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. V.Wounded slightly. J. D. RickenbackerPrivateCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. V.Wounded slightly. J. W. ThomasPrivateCo. A, 1st Bat. S. C. V.Wounded slightly. R. H. WannamakerPrivateCo. A, 1st Bat. S. C. V.Wounded slightly. H. E. CriseePrivateCo. C, 1st Bat. S. C. V.Wounded mortally. A. O. BanksLieutenantCo. C, 1st Bat. S. C. V.Missing. J. G. ReaphartCorporalCo. C, 1st Bat. S. C. V.Missing. H. P. HyserPriv
W. W. Lang (search for this): chapter 51
B. McDanielPrivateCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S.Killed. J. B. AllstonCaptainCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S.Wounded slightly. M. StuartLieutenantCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S.Wounded slightly. CapersLieutenantCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S.Wounded slightly. J. B. AttawayPrivateCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S.Wounded slightly. W. BrounPrivateCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S.Wounded slightly. E. BootwrightPrivateCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S.Wounded severely. S. M. SmithPrivateCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S.Wounded. W. W. LangPrivateCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S.Missing. J. WaldenPrivateCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S.Missing. J. F. ChapinSergeantBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded slightly. Wm. ThompsonSergeantBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded severely. N. B. FullerCorporalBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded severely. E. E. BurbanCorporalBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded severely. J. J. BrownCorporalBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded severely. J. E. TrippPrivateBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded since died. R. F. SamsPrivateBeau
C. T. Bowling (search for this): chapter 51
tonSergeantNelson Va. BatteryWounded severely J. W. EgglestonSergeantNelson Va. BatteryWounded severely C. W. CoffeyPrivateNelson Va. BatteryWounded severely W. W. WrightPrivateNelson Va. BatteryWounded severely B. W. WrightPrivateNelson Va. BatteryWounded slightly. B. W. GolsbyPrivateNelson Va. BatteryWounded severely. E. W. ThackerPrivateNelson Va. BatteryWounded severely. G. W. PughPrivateNelson Va. BatteryWounded severely. John AllenPrivateNelson Va. BatteryWounded severely. C. T. BowlingPrivateNelson Va. BatteryWounded slightly. Sam WoodPrivateNelson Va. BatteryWounded slightly. Salath WoodCorporalNelson Va. BatteryWounded slightly. R. W CampbellPrivateNelson Va. BatteryWounded slightly. S. FenbrilCorporalCo. C, 7th Bat. S. C. V.Killed. F. TurnipseedPrivateCo. C, 7th Bat. S. C. V.Wounded, since died. S. F. TolsonPrivateCo. F, 7th Bat. S. C. V.Killed. G. HalePrivateCo. F, 7th Bat. S. C. V.Killed. G. BrucePrivateCo. F, 7th Bat. S. C. V.Wounded, since died. G. McGo
J. E. Tripp (search for this): chapter 51
ounded severely. S. M. SmithPrivateCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S.Wounded. W. W. LangPrivateCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S.Missing. J. WaldenPrivateCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S.Missing. J. F. ChapinSergeantBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded slightly. Wm. ThompsonSergeantBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded severely. N. B. FullerCorporalBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded severely. E. E. BurbanCorporalBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded severely. J. J. BrownCorporalBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded severely. J. E. TrippPrivateBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded since died. R. F. SamsPrivateBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded severely. John JenkinsPrivateBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded slightly. Daniel JenkinsPrivateBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded slightly. A. BuddenPrivateBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded slightly. E. B. TrescottPrivateBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded slightly. T. E. CuthbertPrivateBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded severely. S. A. SamsPrivateBeaufort Light ArtilleryWounded slightly. J. D. Ric
A. J. SmokeSergeantCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Killed. S. CrosleyPrivateCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Wounded. Wm. O. BeganPrivateCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Wounded. H. ValentinePrivateCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Wounded. G. W. WayPrivateCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Wounded. James WarrenPrivateCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Wounded. G. P. WarrenPrivateCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Wounded. James YarleyPrivateCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Wounded slightly. E. B. LoylessLieutenantCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Missing. R. RillerPrivateCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Missing. J. HiersCorporalCo. H, 11th S. C. V.Wounded in shoulder. J. M. HickmanPrivateCo. H, 11th S. C. V.Wounded in shoulder. J. PolkPrivateCo. H, 11th S. C. V.Wounded severely. W. J. CarterPrivateCo. H, 11th S. C. V.Wounded slightly. P. B. McDanielPrivateCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S.Killed. J. B. AllstonCaptainCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S.Wounded slightly. M. StuartLieutenantCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S.Wounded slightly. CapersLieutenantCo. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S.Wounded slightly. J. B. AttawayPrivateCo.
W. W. Elliott (search for this): chapter 51
ompany officers. I am satisfied, from my own observation, they fired with care and judgment; and yet some of our men expended eighty rounds of cartridges in the battle. The close vicinity of the ordnance train under its energetic chief, Captain W. W. Elliott, enabled me to keep up the supply. I beg to express my admiration of the remarkable courage and tenacity with which the troops held their ground. The announcement of my determination to maintain my position until reinforcements arriven, fired with effect upon their crowded decks. To the following gentlemen, acting as my personal staff, I desire to express my thanks for their zeal, gallantry, and intelligent discharge of duty: Captain Hartstene, C. S. N., Naval Aid, Captain W. W. Elliott, Ordnance Officer, Captain George P. Elliott, Captain John H. Screven, Corporal D. Walker, and privates Tripp and Martin, of the Rutledge Mounted Riflemen, and private E. B. Bell, of the Seventeenth Battalion, S. C. V. Privates F. F. Dava
G. E. Stanley (search for this): chapter 51
valryWounded in arm. W. D. JordanPrivateCo. F, 3d S. C. CavalryMissing. J. J. TrippPrivateRutledge Mounted RiflesWounded severely. Sanders GloverPrivateRutledge Mounted RiflesWounded slightly. T. G. BucknerLieutenantCo. K, 3d S. C. V. CavalryWounded severely. J. J. HarrisonMajorCo. K, 11th S. C. V.Killed. G. W. MonroePrivateCo. C, 11th S. C. V.Wounded slightly. C. RushPrivateCo. B, 11th S. C. V.Crushed by railroad train, dead. C. CookSergeantCo. D, 11th S. C. V.Wounded slightly. G. E. StanleyPrivateCo. D, 11th S. C. V.Wounded slightly. F. E. GrantSergeantCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Wounded. J. P. CampbellPrivateCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Killed. A. J. SmokeSergeantCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Killed. S. CrosleyPrivateCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Wounded. Wm. O. BeganPrivateCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Wounded. H. ValentinePrivateCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Wounded. G. W. WayPrivateCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Wounded. James WarrenPrivateCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Wounded. G. P. WarrenPrivateCo. I, 11th S. C. V.Wounded. James Yarle
W. T. Specs (search for this): chapter 51
cavalry.--Wounded, Major Morgan, severely; Lieutenant R. M. Skinner, acting Adjutant, severely. Company A, one enlisted man wounded. Company B, one enlisted man killed; wounded, Lieutenant P. D. Rush, slightly; and eight enlisted men. Company C, enlisted men; one wounded and one missing. Company D, enlisted men; one killed and two wounded. Charleston Light Dragoons.--Enlisted men; eight wounded. Rutledge Mounted Riflemen.--Enlisted men; two wounded. Partisan Rangers.--Second Lieutenant W. T. Specs killed; wounded, Third Lieutenant P. E. Terry, severely; one enlisted man. Marion men of Combahee.--Wounded, six enlisted men, and one missing. Report of Colonel C. J. Colcocke. headquarters Third regiment cavalry, S. C. V., Grahamville, November 4, 1862. Lieutenant Ed. H. Barnwell, A. A. A. General: Sir: A little after nine o'clock on the morning of the twenty-second of October, it was reported to me unofficially that about daylight that morning the Abolition fleet
the morning of the twenty-second of October, I was informed by my pickets that the enemy were landing in force at Mackey's Point, from twelve gunboats and transports. I was notified, at the same time, that they were ascending the Coosawhatchie River with four transports. The command was immediately ordered under arms, to march to Old Pocotaligo. I moved in advance to the telegraph office; and made the following disposition of my forces: The Lafayette artillery, four pieces, under Lieutenant LeBleur, and a section of the Beaufort volunteer artillery, under Lieutenant N. M. Stuart, were ordered to Coosawhatchie, a town two miles distant from my headquarters in McPhersonville, and five from Old Pocotaligo. Captain Wyman's company, stationed near Coosawhatchie, and five other companies of the Eleventh regiment of infantry, from Hardeeville, were ordered to support this artillery. Colonel Colcocke's command of five companies of cavalry, and two companies of sharpshooters, had been r
Edward H. Barnwell (search for this): chapter 51
pany D, enlisted men; one killed and two wounded. Charleston Light Dragoons.--Enlisted men; eight wounded. Rutledge Mounted Riflemen.--Enlisted men; two wounded. Partisan Rangers.--Second Lieutenant W. T. Specs killed; wounded, Third Lieutenant P. E. Terry, severely; one enlisted man. Marion men of Combahee.--Wounded, six enlisted men, and one missing. Report of Colonel C. J. Colcocke. headquarters Third regiment cavalry, S. C. V., Grahamville, November 4, 1862. Lieutenant Ed. H. Barnwell, A. A. A. General: Sir: A little after nine o'clock on the morning of the twenty-second of October, it was reported to me unofficially that about daylight that morning the Abolition fleet, consisting of fourteen steamers, with numerous barges attached, had proceeded up Broad River. Prostrated by a protracted spell of fever, from which I had just began to convalesce, I was too weak to take the field, but resumed the command of my post. I ordered Lieutenant-Colonel Johnson to
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