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Columbia (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.50
of a force crossing at Kelly's ford, naturally looked for an advance upon Culpeper, and made his dispositions accordingly. It must be borne in mind that those important arteries of supply — the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad and the James River and Kanawha canal — were frequently the objective points which were aimed at by heavy columns of Federal troops during the war. That a large column, or even a mixed column of cavalry and infantry, crossing at Kelly's ford, would aim at Gordonsville, Columbia, or some point nearer Richmond (on the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad), was, therefore, more probable than that they constituted a part of a column of attack on General Lee's position at Fredericksburg. Even though they moved out from Kelly's ford on the Germanna road, they might afterwards move to the right and cross the Rapidan at Raccoon or Morton's ford. Accordingly, we find that General Stuart moved forward from his camps and formed his line of battle between Kelly's ford and Culpeper
Gold Dale (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.50
two squadrons of his regiment (leaving the others under command of Lieutenant-Colonel William R. Carter), towards Fredericksburg, crossing at Raccoon ford, and, if possible, getting in front of the Federal column at Germanna ford. Colonel Owen was a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, a fine swordsman, and as bold and dauntless as any officer in the army. The night was dark and rainy, the men could hardly see their file leaders, and our progress was slow. At midnight we reached Locust Grove, and dispatched two strong scouting parties, one towards Germanna and one towards Ely's ford, with instructions to get as close to the enemy as possible, ascertain his strength and position, then to follow on the line of our march and report. We then moved on until reaching a point on the Plank road, nearly opposite, and only a few miles from Germanna ford. Here we halted, dismounted in the woods, and reclining against trees or in fence corners, slept in a drenching rain for nearly two
Plank (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.50
one towards Germanna and one towards Ely's ford, with instructions to get as close to the enemy as possible, ascertain his strength and position, then to follow on the line of our march and report. We then moved on until reaching a point on the Plank road, nearly opposite, and only a few miles from Germanna ford. Here we halted, dismounted in the woods, and reclining against trees or in fence corners, slept in a drenching rain for nearly two hours. Neither we nor our horses had eaten anythintch to Sergeant Bacon, Company A. The fork of the road was now between our force and the enemy, we having slowly retired before his advance. The first squadron again advanced to the charge, and opened the road. Away galloped our courier up the Plank road, and was soon out of sight. But alas! for him — a squad of Yankees dashed across the angle between the two roads, under cover of woods, and captured him before he had gone a mile. He was smart enough to swallow the dispatch and keep mum.
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.50
Operations of General J. E. B. Stuart before Chancellorsville. By Adjutant R. T. Hubard, of the Third Virginia Cavalry. The following extract was clipped from the Richmond (Virginia) Daily Whig, of July 31, 1879: Mahone at Chancellorsville. Colonel William E. Cameron, in Philadelphia Weekly Times. Meantime, what of the army thus beset and imperilled? We have said that General Slocum's column encountered no opposition in the tedious and circuitous march to Kelly's, or in effectg advised of a force crossing at Kelly's ford, naturally looked for an advance upon Culpeper, and made his dispositions accordingly. It must be borne in mind that those important arteries of supply — the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad and the James River and Kanawha canal — were frequently the objective points which were aimed at by heavy columns of Federal troops during the war. That a large column, or even a mixed column of cavalry and infantry, crossing at Kelly's ford, would aim at Gordons
Gordonsville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.50
ing advised of a force crossing at Kelly's ford, naturally looked for an advance upon Culpeper, and made his dispositions accordingly. It must be borne in mind that those important arteries of supply — the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad and the James River and Kanawha canal — were frequently the objective points which were aimed at by heavy columns of Federal troops during the war. That a large column, or even a mixed column of cavalry and infantry, crossing at Kelly's ford, would aim at Gordonsville, Columbia, or some point nearer Richmond (on the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad), was, therefore, more probable than that they constituted a part of a column of attack on General Lee's position at Fredericksburg. Even though they moved out from Kelly's ford on the Germanna road, they might afterwards move to the right and cross the Rapidan at Raccoon or Morton's ford. Accordingly, we find that General Stuart moved forward from his camps and formed his line of battle between Kelly's ford a
Chancellorsville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.50
rations of General J. E. B. Stuart before Chancellorsville. By Adjutant R. T. Hubard, of the Third VWhig, of July 31, 1879: Mahone at Chancellorsville. Colonel William E. Cameron, in Philadelpssage, General Meade came within sight of Chancellorsville, General Stuart had not yet interposed ance, have allowed Hooker to concentrate at Chancellorsville with the option, when there, of taking hialryman. General Mahone moved at once to Chancellorsville, and it was well he did, for at daybreak rd the entire line from the Blue Ridge to Chancellorsville. Company G, Third regiment, to which I ta large force of infantry, moving towards Chancellorsville. We had sent couriers towards Chancellortch and keep mum. Couriers returning from Chancellorsville reported they had been unable to communic. M We wheeled about and moved on towards Chancellorsville. But finding a strong force in our frontr General Jackson's corps to move towards Chancellorsville. After feeding our horses at Todd's tave[3 more...]
Kelly's Ford (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.50
turned out fit for duty, and with that force the company went into action at Kelly's ford. The regiment had two hundred and forty officers and men in line that day, journal of our cavalry movements. I find I there state that the pickets at Kelly's ford were captured on the 29th April, 1863, but the reserve being stationed furthcked the pickets in rear. Stuart, upon being advised of a force crossing at Kelly's ford, naturally looked for an advance upon Culpeper, and made his dispositions ac a large column, or even a mixed column of cavalry and infantry, crossing at Kelly's ford, would aim at Gordonsville, Columbia, or some point nearer Richmond (on the n General Lee's position at Fredericksburg. Even though they moved out from Kelly's ford on the Germanna road, they might afterwards move to the right and cross the al Stuart moved forward from his camps and formed his line of battle between Kelly's ford and Culpeper Courthouse. Expecting an attack by a largely superior force, i
Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.50
w, rose at his bugle blast, and, though chilled with cold and pinched by hunger, rushed headlong upon the half awakened and confounded divisions of Federal infantry--knew and loved him. His fame is safe in their keeping. He has been blamed for Gettysburg, and yet, with the approval of the Commanding-General, he had gone on an expedition almost unparallelled for the endurance of himself and his command. They crossed the Potomac, marched nearly three days and nights without stopping, except for nearly in collision with a superior force, when his men and horses were nearly worn out for want of rest, compelling him to make a considerable detour, he would have reached our army before the battle on the day preceding the great struggle at Gettysburg. Our cavalry was always made the scapegoat for the disasters that occurred, yet the official statements will show that they rendered most signal service to the army and the country; and that from the constant wear and tear of being always in
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 6.50
tuart had not yet interposed any body of horse between his advance and Fredericksburg. Nor is it possible that General Lee received timely information of the Federal operations. It is incredible that he would, by choice, have allowed Hooker to concentrate at Chancellorsville with the option, when there, of taking his line in reverse, or of moving upon his line of communications and forcing a battle upon unequal terms. Two brigades (Mahone's and Posey's) of Lee's army were stationed at United States ford, and their commander only received notice of the approaching danger when General Meade was crossing at Ely's ford, only six miles distant, and then from a straggling cavalryman. General Mahone moved at once to Chancellorsville, and it was well he did, for at daybreak the following morning the Federals moved upon his outposts. A gallant officer and gentleman, like Colonel Cameron, would not wittingly, I know, cast any unjust reproach upon the memory of that Christian prtriot, th
Raccoon Ford (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.50
egraphed General Lee from Culpeper Courthouse. There was one regiment of cavalry, the Tenth Virginia, Colonel J. Lucius Davis, serving on detached duty with General Lee at Fredericksburg, and picketing the fords at Germana, Ely's, &c. At nightfall of the 29th April, Colonel Thomas F. Owen, of the Third Virginia cavalry, was ordered to proceed, with two squadrons of his regiment (leaving the others under command of Lieutenant-Colonel William R. Carter), towards Fredericksburg, crossing at Raccoon ford, and, if possible, getting in front of the Federal column at Germanna ford. Colonel Owen was a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, a fine swordsman, and as bold and dauntless as any officer in the army. The night was dark and rainy, the men could hardly see their file leaders, and our progress was slow. At midnight we reached Locust Grove, and dispatched two strong scouting parties, one towards Germanna and one towards Ely's ford, with instructions to get as close to the enemy
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