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Lynchburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
hreatens the gateway from Georgia. Why is it that you make no report of your position and movements? We are left entirely in the dark in regard to your army. October 24th.—It now appears pretty certain that Ewell's corps has gone to Tennessee, and its probable object is Abingdon. His force is estimated at from twenty to twenty-five thousand. It is reported that he left Lee's army on Monday last, but did not pass through Richmond. It is therefore most probable that he passed through Lynchburg taking the road to Abingdon. The following telegrams were sent by Mr. Lincoln to General Burnside: Washington, D. C., September 21st., 2 A. M. To General Burnside, Knoxville: Go to Rosecrans with your full force without a moment's delay. A. Lincoln. September 21st.—If you are to do any good to Rosecrans, it will not do to waste time with Jonesboro. It is already too late to do the most good that might have been done, but I hope it will still do some good. Please d
Ringgold, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
, with the rest of his command, did not arrive till midnight after the first day's battle. A brief extract from his official report is pertinent: headquarters near Chattanooga, October, 1863. Our train reached Catoosa platform, near Ringgold. about two o'clock in the afternoon of the 19th of September. As soon as our horses came up, about four o'clock, I started with Colonel Sorrel and Colonel Manning of my staff to find the headquarters of the Commanding General. We missed our wfrom right to left as follows: Stewart's, Johnson's, Hinman's, and Preston's divisions, Hood's division (of which only three brigades were up), was in rear of Jackson, Kenshaw's and Humphries' brigades. McLaws' division was ordered forward from Ringgold the night before, but did not get up. General McLaws had not arrived from Richmond. The impression sought to be created that Rosecrans' army was driven off the field is erroneous. Soon after four o'clock of the second day, General Thomas h
Bristol (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
e: Dispatch of 18th received. You may be sure that I will do all I can fox Rosecrans. Arrived here last night, and am hurrying troops in his direction. I go up the road to-night for a day. September 21st he telegraphed General Halleck from Morristown: Before I knew of the necessity of sending immediate assistance to Rosecrans I had sent a considerable portion of my force to capture or drive out a large force of the enemy under General Sam. Jones, stationed on the road from Bristol to Jonesboro, * * * * when the urgent dispatches from Rosecrans and yourself caused me to send back Brigadier-General Whick's division and Colonel Woolford's brigade of cavalry, with orders to move as rapidly as possible until they joined Rosecran's left flank. * * * When you remember the size of our forces, and amount of work we had to do, and the length of line occupied, you will not be surprised that I have not helped General Rosecrans, more particularly as I was so far impressed with t
Knoxville (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
usand men by the most practicable route on East Tennessee, making Knoxville or its vicinity your objective point. * * * * You will report by the aid in your power. September 9th, Major-General Burnside, Knoxville. General Rosecrans is on the Chickamauga River, twenty mileWashington, D. C., September 21st., 2 A. M. To General Burnside, Knoxville: Go to Rosecrans with your full force without a moment's delanot wait a moment. A. Lincoln. September 27. To Burnside, at Knoxville. Your dispatch just received. My orders to you meant simply tleck will answer you fully. September 27. To General Burnside, Knoxville. It was suggested to you, not ordered, that you move to Rosecrever aiding Rosecrans. September 6th he telegraphed Halleck from Knoxville: We are making some movements to aid Rosecrans. A bearer ofavailable man in Kentucky to be sent down. On the 20th, from Knoxville: Dispatch of 18th received. You may be sure that I will do
Newsome Springs (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
leck: Chattanooga, October 26, 2 P. M. Major-General Halleck. General-in-chief: I have sent orders to General Sherman to move east toward Stevenson, leaving every thing unguarded, except by way of the Army of the Cumberland east of Bear Creek. The possibility of the enemy breaking through our lines east of this, and the present inability to follow him from here if he should, is the cause of this order. Sherman's forces are the only troops I could throw in to head such a move. U. ities at Washington. The railroad was in fair condition from the start as far as Corinth, as General Sherman says, and one of his divisions had reached that point on the 2d of October, as he also relates. On the 27th of that month he was at Bear Creek, only thirty miles east of Corinth, where he was still busy in pushing forward the repairs to the railroad bridge, and patching up the many breaks between it and Tuscumbia, when he received the dispatch from General Grant at Chattanooga, by wa
Pigeon Mountain (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
es, guns, and cartridge-boxes on two or three rails, and pushing the whole over before them as they swam the half mile of deep water. The three ranges were all difficult in the extreme; but finally the main part of the army came down from Lookout Mountain into McLemore's Cove, in rear of Chattanooga, and Bragg, giving up the city without a blow, being unable to hold it and at the same time confront Rosecrans with any portion of his force, evacuated it and retreated to Lafayette, behind Pigeon Mountains. Here, he was virtually reenforced by Longstreet from Virginia, although the forces of the latter were still only within supporting distance, and not, as General Sherman writes, before he evacuated Chattanooga. And because he was thus reenforced he set out to re-occupy the city he had abandoned, and which he knew to be Rosecrans' objective point. Then occurred the widely misunderstood and misrepresented battle of Chickamauga. Bragg, strengthened by Longstreet, started to interpose
Florence, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
and the transportation of supplies toward Decatur. H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief. October 2d, Hurlbut telegraphed Halleck: A supply train of four hundred wagons is ready at Corinth, and thirty days rations for twenty thousand men. War Department, October 4, 1863. Major-General Hurlbut, Memphis. As fast as troops arrive they should be pushed forward, first to Corinth and then to Tuscumbia, repairing the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. * * * * From there you will move by Florence on Athens or Decatur, on the north side of the river, or directly to Decatur, repairing the railroad according as it may be found most practicable or expeditious. Time is all important. The railroad must be kept up and guarded in order to secure the supplies of your army. * * * * Should General Sherman be assigned by General Grant to the command, you will furnish him with this and all other orders. H. W. Halleck, Major-General. On the 10th of October Sherman, then near Corinth, re
Kingston (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
he passes against his return. October 3d.—General Rosecrans reports that enemy's cavalry have crossed the river below Kingston, for a raid upon his connections. I can only repeat what I have so often urged, the importance of your communicating wition was deemed safe and of great importance. The condition of affairs may now be different. You certainly should hold Kingston, and as far below as may seem prudent. Hood will probably send a part of his army to the south-west. Whether to Bragg or by Abingdon is uncertain. I think your available force at Kingston and above should be held in readiness to move up the valley, should the enemy appear in force in south-west Virginia. A copy of this is sent to General Grant. October 18th.—General Rosecrans still calls for your cooperation with him at Chattanooga, and again suggests that Kingston should be made your main point of defense. In this I agree with him. If he can not hold Chattanooga, you can not hold East Tennessee, as tha
Chattanooga Creek (United States) (search for this): chapter 6
ovement from that point was caused by a portion of the line starting on without orders, and thus leading the whole toward the summit. General Grant, however, in his report states the character of the orders he gave General Thomas, and shows that the storming of the ridge was intended from the first: His (Hooker's) approach was intended as the signal for storming the ridge in the center with strong columns, but the time necessarily consumed in the construction of the bridge near Chattanooga Creek detained him to a later hour than was expected. * * * * Thomas was accordingly directed to move forward his troops, * * * * with a double line of skirmishers thrown out, followed in easy supporting distance by the whole force, and carry the rifle pits at the foot of Missionary Ridge, and when carried to reform his lines in the rifle pits, with a view of carrying the top of the ridge. The form in which General Thomas communicated this order to his own troops, is shown by a paragrap
Louisville (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
he Memphis and Charleston Railroad east of Corinth, an able commander like Sherman or McPherson should be selected. H. W. Halleck, Major-General. On the 29th of September Hooker reported the head of his column passing from Cincinnati to Louisville, and on the 2d of October he telegraphed Mr. Stanton from Nashville: The last of the infantry of the Eleventh Corps reached their destination yesterday. The Twelfth are now passing through this city. Washington, September 30, 1863. Majal. Sherman was instructed on the 14th, by Halleck in reply, to take care of his railroad. General Grant, during all this time, had been absent in New Orleans. He reached Memphis on his return October 5th, proceeded to Cairo, and thence to Louisville to receive orders, where he was directed to take command at Chattanooga, relieving Rosecrans by Thomas. He started at once for the front, and shortly after his arrival, ordered Sherman to drop every thing on the railroad, and come on with disp
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