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England (United Kingdom) (search for this): entry chesapeake
ounded, 146 men, vietory remained with the Shannon. The British lost eighty-four men. Broke sailed immediately for Halifax with his prize, and the day before his arrival there (June 7) Lawrence expired, wrapped in the flag of the Chesapeake. England rang with shouts of exultation because of this victory. An American writer remarked: Never did any victory —not even of Wellington in Spain, nor those of Nelson—call forth such expressions of joy on the part of the British ; a proof that our natain Broke by the corporation; the Prince Regent knighted him; and the inhabitants of his native county (Suffolk) presented him with a gorgeous piece of silver as a testimonial of their sense of his eminent services. the Chesapeake was taken to England and sold to the government for about $66,000, and in 1814 was put in commission. In 1820 she was sold to a private gentleman for a very small sum, who broke her up and sold her timbers for building purposes, much of it for making houses in Por
Boston Harbor (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): entry chesapeake
to the Cape de Verde Islands, and the coast of South America. She accomplished nothing except the capture of four British merchant vessels; and as she entered Boston Harbor, in the spring of 1813, in a gale, her topmast was carried away, and with it several men who were aloft, three of whom were drowned. Among the superstitious sof May the British frigate Shannon, thirty-eight guns, Capt. Philip The Shannon and Chesapeake entering the Harbor of Halifax. Bowes Vere Broke, appeared off Boston Harbor, in the attitude of a challenger. She then carried fifty-two guns. He wrote to Lawrence, requesting the Chesapeake to meet the Shannon, ship to ship, to try combat, without the interference of other vessels. Lawrence accepted the challenge, and, with Lieut. Augustus Ludlow as second in command, he sailed out of Boston Harbor to meet the Shannon, at mid-day, June 1, 1813. The same evening, between five and six o'clock, they engaged in a close conflict. After fighting twelve minute
Annapolis (Maryland, United States) (search for this): entry chesapeake
Chesapeake, The name of a famous United States frigate that will always be memorable because of her interest-absorbing career. In the spring of 1807 a small British squadron lay (as they had lately) in American waters, near the mouth of Chesapeake Bay, watching some French frigates blockaded at Annapolis. Three of the crew of one of the British vessels, Melampus, and one of another, Halifax, had deserted, and enlisted on board the Chesapeake, lying at the Washington navy-yard. The British minister made a formal demand for their surrender. The United States government refused compliance, because it was ascertained that two of them (colored) were natives of the United States, and there was strong presumptive evidence that the third one was, likewise. The commodore of the British squadron took the matter into his own hands. the Chesapeake, going to sea on the morning of June 22, 1807, bearing the pennant of Commodore Barron, was intercepted by the British frigate Leopard, whos
London, Madison County, Ohio (Ohio, United States) (search for this): entry chesapeake
church-yard. The corporation of the city of New York erected a marble monument to Lawrence, which becoming dilapidated, the vestry of Trinity Church erected a handsome mausoleum of brown freestone (1847), neat the southeast corner of Trinity Church, close by Broadway, in commemoration of both Lawrence and Ludlow, and eight trophy cannon were placed around it. Captain Lawrence's coat, chapeau, and sword are now in possession of the New Jersey Historical Society. The freedom of the city of London and a sword were given to Captain Broke by the corporation; the Prince Regent knighted him; and the inhabitants of his native county (Suffolk) presented him with a gorgeous piece of silver as a testimonial of their sense of his eminent services. the Chesapeake was taken to England and sold to the government for about $66,000, and in 1814 was put in commission. In 1820 she was sold to a private gentleman for a very small sum, who broke her up and sold her timbers for building purposes, muc
Halifax (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): entry chesapeake
n't give up the ship, became the battle-cry of the Americans, and the formula of an encouraging maxim in morals for those who are struggling in life's contests. Broke's boarders now swarmed upon the deck of the Chesapeake, and Lieutenant Ludlow, the second in command, was mortally wounded by a sabre cut. After a severe struggle, in which the Americans lost, in killed and wounded, 146 men, vietory remained with the Shannon. The British lost eighty-four men. Broke sailed immediately for Halifax with his prize, and the day before his arrival there (June 7) Lawrence expired, wrapped in the flag of the Chesapeake. England rang with shouts of exultation because of this victory. An American writer remarked: Never did any victory —not even of Wellington in Spain, nor those of Nelson—call forth such expressions of joy on the part of the British ; a proof that our naval character had risen in their estimation. Lawrence fought under great disadvantages. He had been Chesney, in comman
Halifax (Canada) (search for this): entry chesapeake
nted a demand from the captain of the Leopard to allow the bearer to muster the crew of the Chesapeake, that he might select and carry away the alleged deserters. The demand was authorized by instructions received from Vice-Admiral Berkeley, at Halifax. Barron refused compliance, the lieutenant withdrew, and the Chesapeake moved on. the Leopard followed, and her commander called out through his trumpet, Commodore Barron must be aware that the vice-admiral's commands must be obeyed. This ieated broadsides, the Chesapeake struck her colors. The vice-admiral's command was obeyed. The crew of the Chesapeake were mustered by British officers, and the deserters were carried away; one of them, who was a British subject, was hanged at Halifax, and the lives of the Americans were spared only on condition that they should re-enter the British service. This outrage caused fiery indignation throughout the United States. The President issued a proclamation, at the beginning of July, o
New York (New York, United States) (search for this): entry chesapeake
of the former were sick or absent. His crew were almost mutinous because of disputes concerning prize-money, and many of them had only recently enlisted; besides, the feeling among the sailors that she was an unlucky ship was disheartening. The remains of Lawrence and Ludlow were conveyed to Salem, Mass., where funeral honors were paid to them on Aug. 23. Early in September they were conveyed to New York, and were deposited (Sept. 16) in Trinity church-yard. The corporation of the city of New York erected a marble monument to Lawrence, which becoming dilapidated, the vestry of Trinity Church erected a handsome mausoleum of brown freestone (1847), neat the southeast corner of Trinity Church, close by Broadway, in commemoration of both Lawrence and Ludlow, and eight trophy cannon were placed around it. Captain Lawrence's coat, chapeau, and sword are now in possession of the New Jersey Historical Society. The freedom of the city of London and a sword were given to Captain Broke b
Salem (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): entry chesapeake
heir estimation. Lawrence fought under great disadvantages. He had been Chesney, in command of the ship only about ten days, and was unacquainted with the abilities of her officers and men; some of the former were sick or absent. His crew were almost mutinous because of disputes concerning prize-money, and many of them had only recently enlisted; besides, the feeling among the sailors that she was an unlucky ship was disheartening. The remains of Lawrence and Ludlow were conveyed to Salem, Mass., where funeral honors were paid to them on Aug. 23. Early in September they were conveyed to New York, and were deposited (Sept. 16) in Trinity church-yard. The corporation of the city of New York erected a marble monument to Lawrence, which becoming dilapidated, the vestry of Trinity Church erected a handsome mausoleum of brown freestone (1847), neat the southeast corner of Trinity Church, close by Broadway, in commemoration of both Lawrence and Ludlow, and eight trophy cannon were pla
Chesapeake Bay (United States) (search for this): entry chesapeake
Chesapeake, The name of a famous United States frigate that will always be memorable because of her interest-absorbing career. In the spring of 1807 a small British squadron lay (as they had lately) in American waters, near the mouth of Chesapeake Bay, watching some French frigates blockaded at Annapolis. Three of the crew of one of the British vessels, Melampus, and one of another, Halifax, had deserted, and enlisted on board the Chesapeake, lying at the Washington navy-yard. The British minister made a formal demand for their surrender. The United States government refused compliance, because it was ascertained that two of them (colored) were natives of the United States, and there was strong presumptive evidence that the third one was, likewise. The commodore of the British squadron took the matter into his own hands. the Chesapeake, going to sea on the morning of June 22, 1807, bearing the pennant of Commodore Barron, was intercepted by the British frigate Leopard, whose
Suffolk (United Kingdom) (search for this): entry chesapeake
of Trinity Church erected a handsome mausoleum of brown freestone (1847), neat the southeast corner of Trinity Church, close by Broadway, in commemoration of both Lawrence and Ludlow, and eight trophy cannon were placed around it. Captain Lawrence's coat, chapeau, and sword are now in possession of the New Jersey Historical Society. The freedom of the city of London and a sword were given to Captain Broke by the corporation; the Prince Regent knighted him; and the inhabitants of his native county (Suffolk) presented him with a gorgeous piece of silver as a testimonial of their sense of his eminent services. the Chesapeake was taken to England and sold to the government for about $66,000, and in 1814 was put in commission. In 1820 she was sold to a private gentleman for a very small sum, who broke her up and sold her timbers for building purposes, much of it for making houses in Portsmouth, and a considerable portion for the erection of a mill at Wickham, 9 miles from Portsmouth.
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