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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Boston, (search)
sent, they regarded it as oppressive. They refused to allow any cargo of tea even to be landed in some of their ports. Vessels were sent immediately back with their cargoes untouched. Two ships laden with tea were moored at a wharf in Boston, and the royal governor and his friends attempted to have their cargoes landed in defiance of the popular will. An immense indignation meeting of the citizens was held in the Old South Meeting-house, and, at twilight, on a cold moonlit evening, on Dec. 16, 1773, about sixty men, disguised as Indians, rushed, by preconcert, to the wharf, boarded the vessels, tore open the hatches, and cast 340 chests of tea into the waters of the harbor. See Hutchinson, Thomas. When intelligence reached London of the destruction of tea in Boston Harbor there was almost universal indignation, and the friends of the Americans were abashed. Ministerial anger rose to a high pitch, and Lord North introduced into Parliament (March 14, 1774) a bill providing for t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Phillips, Wendell 1811-1884 (search)
ed, and yet who believed that either of these great men could have armed the North to avenge his wrong? Why, then, should these pygmies of the South be able to do what the giants I have named could never achieve? Simply because there is a radical difference between the two sections, and that difference is slavery. A party victory may have been the occasion of this outbreak. So a tea-chest was the occasion of the Revolution, and it went to the bottom of Boston Harbor on the night of December 16, 1773; but that tea-chest was not the cause of the Revolution, neither is Jefferson Davis the cause of the rebellion. If you will look upon the map, and notice that every slave State has joined or tried to join the rebellion, and no free State has done so, I think you will not doubt substantially the origin of this convulsion. . . . I know the danger of a political prophecy—a kaleidoscope of which not even a Yankee can guess the next combination —but for all that, I venture to offer my o
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Massachusetts (search)
y from paying duties on tea sent to America, thus encouraging its sale in the colonies......May 10, 1773 Arrival at Boston of the first of the tea-ships, with 114 chests of tea......Nov. 28, 1773 Two others arrive early in......December, 1773 At the close of a spirited meeting of the citizens at Faneuil Hall, between fifty and sixty men, disguised as Indians, take possession of the three tea-ships in the harbor, and empty 340 chests of tea into the bay during the evening of......Dec. 16, 1773 New York and Massachusetts boundary established......1773 Passage of Boston port bill by Parliament......March 7, 1774 [Under this bill nothing could be unloaded at this port but stores for his Majesty's use and fuel and food for Boston. This was to remain in force until the East India Company had been indemnified for the loss of their tea.] Failure to repeal the tax on tea in the British Parliament......April, 1774 Gen. Thomas Gage appointed governor......May 17, 1774