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Los Angeles (California, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
Butler, Richard 24, sin.; farmer; Franklin Co, Pa. 25 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Butler, William 22, sin.; farmer; Boston. 10 Oct. 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Wounded 30 Nov 64 Honey Hill, S. C. Princeton, Ind cannon, Henry 41, —— seaman; ——. 28 Nov. 64; 20 Aug 65. —— Cebolt, William 27, sin.; farmer; New Bedford. 9 Oct 63; 29 May 65 St Andrews Parish, So. C.; dis. $50. Cezar, Garnet G. Sergt. 18, sin.; seaman; Buffalo, N. Y. 17 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Los Angeles, Cal. Chaney, Cato 34, sin.; farmer; Mercer Co. O. 12 May 63; 13 May 64 Davids Id, N. Y; dis. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Clark, Andrew 30, mar.; farmer; Chester Co, Pa. 19 Mch 63; killed 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Coburn, George E. 41, —— laborer; Boston. 13 Mch 65; 20 Aug 65. $105.99. Cogswell, George E. 18, sin; farmer; Laconia, N. H. 19 Mch 63; died pris. 17 Je 64 Charleston, S. C. $50. craft, Samuel. 20, sin.; boatman; Naponock, N. Y. 29 Mch 63; deserte
Carlisle, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
Galloway, Silas Corpl. 26, sin.; laborer; Carlisle, Pa. 26 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 20 Feb 64 Olids, Ia. Green, John 31, sin.; laborer; Carlisle, Pa. 15 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 18 Apl 65 Bo $50. Green, John S. 25, sin.; laborer; Carlisle, Pa. 15 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Hales, Henry $50. Howard, Robert 18, sin.; laborer; Carlisle, Pa. 15 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Hubbard, Geo0. Russell, James T. 35, sin.; laborer; Carlisle, Pa. 15 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Schenck, Ant$50. Bell, Nathaniel 23, mar.; laborer; Carlisle, Pa. 22 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Bell, William 21, sin.; brickmaker; Carlisle, Pa. 22 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Betenbough, Andrew H. 23, mar.;n, Pa. 29 Apl. 63; 13 Sep 65 Boston. $50. Carlisle, Pa. Carson, George. 21, sin.; laborer; MerceHoward, Charles. Corpl. 26, mar.; waiter; Carlisle, Pa. 29 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Jackson, Frah, Pa. parks, Edward 43, mar.; hostler; Carlisle, Pa. 29 Apl 63; died 3 Oct 63 Morris Id. S. C. [7 more...]
Bradford, N. Y. (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
y 63 Ft Wagner. $50. Lloyd, Willtam 25, sin.; seaman; Boston. 18 Mch 63; killed 18 Jly 63 Ft Wagner. $50. Lucas, George 28, mar.; seaman; Buffalo, N. Y. 27 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Lukes, Edwin 28, sin.; shoemaker; Steuben Co. N. Y. 18 Mch 63; deserted 20 May 63 Readville. —— MacPHERSONherson, John 23, sin.; laborer; Harrisburg, Pa. 16 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Meads, Andrew 21, sin.; laborer; Chambersburg, Pa. 16 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Mills, James H. 23, sin.; laborer; Bradford, N. Y. 17 Mch 63; killed 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50 Moore, George 21, —— farmer; Springfield. 17 Feb 65; 20 Aug 65. $325. Moore, John W. 22, mar.; gunsmith; Dundas, Can. 16 Mch 63; 30 Je 64 Morris Id. S. C; dis. $50. Morris, Moses Corpl. 27, mar.; porter; Lancaster, Pa. 29 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Nelson, James 24 sin.; cook; Chatham, Can. 17 Mch 63; died 15 Mch 65 Charleston, S. C. of disease. $50. Nesbitt, William W. Corp. 20, sin.; barber; Altoon
Concord, N. H. (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
a. 19 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Davis, John E. 28, mar.; cook; Niagara, N. Y. 18 Mch 63; Trsfd 55th Mass. $50. Davis, Thomas 23, sin.; farmer; Oswego, N. Y. 18 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Delaney, Toussaint L'O. 18, sin.; laborer; Chatham, Can. 27 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Dover, John H. Sergt. 18, sin.; waiter; Buffalo, N. Y. 18 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Dustin, Moses N. 33, mar.; farmer; Canterbury, Vt. 19 Aug 63; 25 Aug 64 Morris Id. S. C.; dis. —— Penacook, N. H. Edgerly, William 20, sin.; farmer; Lancaster Co. Pa. 19 Mch 63; killed 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Ellis, Charles L. 30, mar.; barber; Hyannis. 15 Jly 63; 20 Aug 65. —— Evans, Albert 28, mar.; machinist; Springfield, O. 17 Mch 63; killed 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Firman, John 21, sin.; shoemaker; Philadelphia. 19 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Fisher George 25, mar.; farmer; Cumberland Co. Pa. 25 Mch 63; 30 Je 64 Morris Id. S. C; dis. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft Wagner. $50. Gardi
Millbury (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
. 30 Mch. Resigned 21 Feb 65. Wounded 9 Dec 64 Deveaux Neck, S. C. Other service:—Co. F 24th Mass. 7 Oct 61, Sergt. Arlington, Mass. Bridgham, Thomas Sydenham; 1st Lieut. 25 Nov 37 Buckfield, Me;—lawyer; Buckfield, Me. 2d Lt 19 Jly 63, must. 12 Feb 64; 1st Lt 4 May 64, must. 15 Je. Re. signed 16 Aug 65 for disability. Other service:—Co. A. 30th Maine. Apl, May 65 Actg Regtl. Quartermaster. Buckfield, Me. Jewett, Charles jr.; 1st Lieut. 2 Apl 31 E. Greenwich R. I.; single; farmer; Millbury. 2nd Lt 15 Aug 63, must. 17 Mch 64; 1st Lt 3 Dec 64, must. 12 Mch 65. Resigned 17 Je 65. Other service:—Volunteer in suppressing Sioux Indian outbreak Ft. Ridgeley, Minn. 62. Jan to Mch 65 Actg Regtl. Quartermaster. Died 1 Jan 90 Grand View, Tenn. Stevens, Edward Lewis; 1st Lieut. 30 Sep 42 Boston; single; clerk; Brighton. 2d Lt 31 Jan 64, must. 3 Apl; 1st Lt 16 Dec 64, must. 19 Mch 65. Killed 18 Apl 65 Boykins Mills, S. C. Other service:—Co. E 44th Mass. 12 Sep 62 to 18 Je 6
Fairfield, Conn. (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
. 26 Jly. Discharged 20 Aug 65 ex. term. Other service:— Co. E 44th Mass. 12 Sep 62 to 18 Je 63. Apl May 65 Actg Regtl. Adjutant. Conant, John Hobart; 1st. Lieut. 13 Jly 42 Nashua, N. H; single; conductor; Brighton. 2d Lt 1 May 65 must. 1 Jly; 1st Lt 11 Jly 65, must. 27 Jly. Discharged 20 Aug 65 ex. term. Other service:—Co. A 44th Mass. 12 Sep 62; Corpl; re-enld 29th Co. Mass. Hy Arty 19 Sep 64; 1st Sergt. Died 16 Je 68 Cambridge, Mass. McDermott, William; 1st Lieut. —— 1843 Fairfield, Vt. single; farmer; Cambridge. 2d Lt 1 Apl 65, must. 17 Jly 65; 1st Lt 17 Jly 65, must. 12 Aug. Discharged 20 Aug 65 ex. term. Other service:—Co. E 12th Vt. 30 Aug 62. Co. H 59th Mass. 21 Apl 64, trsfd 57th Mass. Died 24 Dec 77 Port Henry, N. Y. Second Lieutenants. Wilder, John; 2nd Lieut. —— 1844; —— Cambridge. 2d Lt 9 Feb 63, must. 10 Feb. Discharged 23 Je 63 for promotion. Other service:— Capt 2nd U. S. C. T. 23 Je 63, Lt. Col. 30 Jly 64. Discharged 5 Jan 66
Erie (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
in.; laborer; Cleveland, O. 29 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Stewart, Henderson 26, sin.; farmer; Fall River. 9 Oct 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Stewart, Jefferson B. 18, sin.; laborer; Brownsville, Mich. 26 Apl 63; 14 Apl 65 Gen. Hos. New York; dis. Wounded 30 Nov 64 Honey Hill, S. C. $50. Terry, Johnson L. Corpl. 22, mar.; barber; Reading, Pa. 19 Dec 63 20 Aug 65. $325. Timms, William H. H. 23, sin.; barber; Galesburg, Ill. 26 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Titus, William R. 19, sin.; laborer; Erie, Pa. 21 Apl 63; died 9 Jly 63 Readville, of disease. $50. Townsend, Charles 24, sin.; laborer; Detroit, Mich. 17 Apl 63; 16 Je 65 Charleston S. C.; dis. $50. Vanderpool, George 18, sin.; laborer; Cocksackie, N. Y. 17 Apl 63; killed 4 Sep. 63 in trenches before Ft. Wagner. $50. Van Valkenberg, Richard 18, sin.; laborer; Cocksackie, N. Y. 17 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Cleveland, O. Vorce, James W. 21, sin.; laborer; Cleveland, O. 29 Apl 63; deserted 27 May 63 Readville. $50 Walker, Davi
Carthagena (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
eer; Peekskill, N. Y. 5 May 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Carroll, Samuel. Corpl. 26, sin.; barber; Nashville, Tenn. 5 May 63; died 3 Mch 64 Jacksonville, Fla. of disease. $50. Carson, Arthur 25, mar.; laborer; Mercersburg, Pa. 6 May 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Champion, John Battis. 22, sin.; laborer; Dominique, W. I. 3 Dec 63; 20 Aug 65. $325. Champlin, Jason 30, sin.; farmer; Shutesbury. 13 Jly 63; missing 20 Feby 64 Olustee, Fla; supposed killed. —— Churchman, John 19, sin.; laborer; Carthagenia, O. 5 May 63; deserted 8 Mch 65 Savannah, Ga. $50. Cooper, Lloyd. 27, mar.; laborer; Cincinnati, O. 5 May 63; 13 Sep 65 Boston. $50. cotton, Asa. Sergt. 21, sin.; farmer; Xenia, O. 12 May 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Craig, Henry 47, sin.; boatman; Cincinnati, O. 5 May 63; killed 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Crosier, Silas 18, sin.; farmer; Bristol, Vt. 15 Jly 63; 20 Aug 65. —— Daniel, Pleasant 21, sin.; drayman; Memphis, Tenn. 5 May 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Darks, Charles H. 18. sin.;
Chelsea (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
melfennig, Edwd. E. Potter, Rufus Saxton, E. P. Scammon, and Jno. P. Hatch. Chelsea, Mass. Tucker, Charles Edward; Captain Co. H. 28 Feb 37, Gardner, Me; single; c to May 65 Actg Assistant Adjutant General, 2nd Brig. Coast Div. Dept. So. Chelsea, Mass. First Lieutenants. Wulff, Erick; 1st Lieut. 1837 Sweden; single; soldie4. Died —— at Boston, Mass. Rogers, Frederick Eugene; 2nd Lieut. 16 Sep 45 Chelsea; single; clerk; Chelsea. 2d Lt 4 Feb 64, must. 3 May. Resigned 12 Je 65. WoChelsea. 2d Lt 4 Feb 64, must. 3 May. Resigned 12 Je 65. Wounded 7 Apl 65 near Kingstree, S. C. Other service:— Co. D. 13th Mass. 24 Mch 62; re-enld. 4 Jan 64. Waco, Tex. Hallett, Charles Olmsted; 2nd Lieut. 21 Nov 42 Bo of wound 6 Sep 63 Morris Id. S. C. $50. Spriggs, Isaiah 19, sin.; laborer; Chelsea. 20 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Stevens, William A. 19, sin.; farmer; Gt. Barrer; Rehoboth. 16 Jly 63; 20 Aug 65. —— Anderson, John H. 32, mar.; barber; Chelsea. 4 May 63; 26 Apl 64 David's Id. N. Y. dis. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner.
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 17
original records in the Department of the Adjutant-General of Massachusetts, verified, so far as practicable, by reference to the records of the War Department, U. S. A., and supplemented by private information obtained through the Association of Officers of the Regiment. Note: In the Roster of Commissioned Officers names are —physician;— Asst. Surg. 8 Aug 64, must. 16 Aug. Discharged 14 Je 65 for promotion. Other service:—Asst. Surg 36th N. Y. 4 Jly to 11 Dec 61. Actg Asst. Surg U. S. A. 18 Feb to 5 Jly 62; 9 Aug 62 to 8 Je 63; 21 Nov 63 to 8 Aug 64. Surgeon 104th U. S. C. T. 14 Je 65. Discharged 5 Feb 66 ex. term. Actg. Asst. Surg. 8th U. S. Inf. 1867 to 1869. Actg. Asst. Surg. U. S. A. 17 Oct to 22 Dec 68. Died 1 Jly 92 McKeesport, Pa. Treadwell, Joshua Brackett; 1st Lieut. and Asst. Surg. 17 Oct 40 New Market N. H; single; physician; Boston. Asst. Surg. 14 Je 65, must. 1 Jly. Discharged 20 Aug 65 ex. term. Other service:—Asst. Surg 45th Mass. 28 Oct 62 to
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