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Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3.48
son of Andrew Hunter, Esq., who conducts the prosecution, was examined as to the murder of Thompson. Although, technically, the record of the evidence for the prosecution should here close, it will be seen, by the subsequent proceedings, that, in consequence of the intentional negligence of the prisoner's Virginia counsel, it was not concluded till the adjournment of the Court. The defence began on the following day. Yet, in this Friday's proceedings, one incident of the conflict at Harper's Ferry, as described by a witness first introduced by the State, is so characteristic of the spirit engendered by slavery,--so faithful a mirror of modern Southern chivalry,--that it deserves to be reported in full, and preserved as a contrast to the conduct of the Liberators. The murder of Thompson. Mr. Green stated to the Court that he desired to bring out testimony relative to the shooting of Thompson, one of the insurgents, on the bridge; but the State objected to it, unless Brown had
Thomas Boerley (search for this): chapter 3.48
there; said that the negroes were placed in the watch house with spears in their hands, but showed no disposition to use them; that he saw Phil making port-holes by the Captain's order, but that the other negroes did nothing, and had dropped their weapons some of them being asleep nearly all the time; that John Brown's rifle was always cocked, and that he believed, although he would not swear, that it was the old man himself who shot the marine. Alexander Kelly described the manner of Thomas Boerley's death. He was armed with a gun when killed. George W. Turner, also, was killed as he was levelling his rifle. Albert Grist described his arrest, by a man armed with a spear, on Sunday night, and his detention in the Armory until he was dismissed by Captain Brown, after delivering a message to the conductor of the train. Brown, he said, declared that his object was to free the slaves. I told him there were not many there. He replied: The good Book says we are all free and equal
Andrew Hunter (search for this): chapter 3.48
before his sufferings compelled him to retire. Mr. Hunter then laid before the Jury the printed Constitutiol that trouble. I am ready to face the music. Mr. Hunter. I prefer to prove them by Mr. Campbell. John rently about twenty-two years of age, the son of Andrew Hunter, Esq., who conducts the prosecution, was examineunless Brown had a knowledge of that shooting. Mr. Hunter said there was a deal of testimony about Brown's circumstances? Shall I mention the names? Mr. Andrew Hunter. Every bit of it, Henry; state all you saw. here belonging to this sharp-shooting band. Mr. Andrew Hunter. Will you allow him to state, before proceedinin which Mr. Beckham's life had been taken. Mr. Andrew Hunter. Is that all, gentlemen? Mr. Botts. Yes, sir. Mr. Andrew Hunter. (To the witness.) Stand aside. This sworn statement of a cold-blooded murder, by onwing morning. But it is due to the reputation of Mr. Hunter to say, that he resolutely resisted this action.
rlestown on Friday, October 28. John E. Cook was brought in as a prisoner, by men who, in a Free State, betrayed and seized him, for the price of his blood, previously offered by Governor Wise. But until this record of the outrage called the trial of John Brown be completed, I will not divert the attention of the reader to the fears and hopes, the crimes and prayers which were agitating the world outside of the Court House and the Jail of Charlestown. On Friday morning, Mr. Hoyt, a young Boston lawyer, arrived as a volunteer counsel for John Brown; and, although declining to act until he obtained a knowledge of the case, was qualified as a member of the bar. The testimony for the prosecution was resumed. Colonel Washington, recalled, stated that he heard Captain Brown frequently complain of the bad faith of the people by firing on his men when under a flag of truce; but he heard him make no threat, nor utter any vindictiveness against them; and that, during the day, one of Bro
Alexander Kelly (search for this): chapter 3.48
se, and various incidents of the fight there; said that the negroes were placed in the watch house with spears in their hands, but showed no disposition to use them; that he saw Phil making port-holes by the Captain's order, but that the other negroes did nothing, and had dropped their weapons some of them being asleep nearly all the time; that John Brown's rifle was always cocked, and that he believed, although he would not swear, that it was the old man himself who shot the marine. Alexander Kelly described the manner of Thomas Boerley's death. He was armed with a gun when killed. George W. Turner, also, was killed as he was levelling his rifle. Albert Grist described his arrest, by a man armed with a spear, on Sunday night, and his detention in the Armory until he was dismissed by Captain Brown, after delivering a message to the conductor of the train. Brown, he said, declared that his object was to free the slaves. I told him there were not many there. He replied: The
William M. Williams (search for this): chapter 3.48
s. Yes, sir. Mr. Andrew Hunter. (To the witness.) Stand aside. This sworn statement of a cold-blooded murder, by one of the perpetrators of it, elicited not one word of condemnation from any journal published in the Southern States. Wm. M. Williams, the watchman, stated the particulars of his arrest and confinement in the watch house. Capt. Brown told the prisoners to hide themselves, or they would be shot by the people outside; he said he would not hurt any of them. He told Mr. Grisown; but if they didn't molest him, he wouldn't molest them; heard two shots on the bridge about the time the express train arrived, but did not see Haywsard killed. Capt. Brown. State what was said by myself, and not about his being shot. Williams. I think you said that if he had taken care of himself, he would not have suffered. Reason Cross. I prepared a proposition that Brown should retain the possession of the Armory, that he should release us, and that the firing should stop. C
William Charles Morris (search for this): chapter 3.48
d save all that trouble. I am ready to face the music. Mr. Hunter. I prefer to prove them by Mr. Campbell. John Brown. Either way you please. The bundle of letters was then opened; each was identified by Campbell, and then handed to the prisoner, who, in a firm tone, replied, Yes-- that is mine, as soon as he recognized his writing. Mr. hunter presented the form of Government established by the insurgents, and read a list of the members of the Convention. It is headed, William Charles Morris, President of the Convention, and II. Kagi, Secretary of the Convention. On handing the list to Brown, he exclaimed, with a groan, That is my signature. 3r. Ball, master machinist of the Armory, one of the prisoners made by Captain Brown, testified as to his arrest, and stated that he was conducted to Captain Brown, who told me his object was to free the slaves, and not the making of war on the people; that my person and private property would be safe; that his war was against t
Lawson Botts (search for this): chapter 3.48
th, and his face up; we then went back for the purpose of getting another one, (Stevens;) but he was sick or wounded, and persons around him, and I persuaded them myself to let him alone; I said, Don't let us operate on him, but go around and get some more; we did this act with a purpose, thinking it right and justifiable under the circumstances, and fired and excited by the cowardly, savage manner in which Mr. Beckham's life had been taken. Mr. Andrew Hunter. Is that all, gentlemen? Mr. Botts. Yes, sir. Mr. Andrew Hunter. (To the witness.) Stand aside. This sworn statement of a cold-blooded murder, by one of the perpetrators of it, elicited not one word of condemnation from any journal published in the Southern States. Wm. M. Williams, the watchman, stated the particulars of his arrest and confinement in the watch house. Capt. Brown told the prisoners to hide themselves, or they would be shot by the people outside; he said he would not hurt any of them. He told Mr. G
and found several around him, but they offered only a feeble resistance; we brought our guns down to his head repeatedly,--myself and another person,--for the purpose of shooting him in the room. There was a young lady there, the sister of Mr. Fouke, the hotel keeper, who sat in this man's lap, covered his face with her arms, and shielded him with her person whenever we brought our guns to bear; she said to us, For God's sake, wait and let the law take its course; my associate shouted to kd would be less dense, to shoot him; after a moment's thought, it occurred to me that that was not the proper place to kill him; we then proposed to take him out and hang him; some portion of our band then opened a way to him, and first pushing Miss Fouke aside, we slung him out of doors; I gave him a push, and many others did the same; we then shoved him along the platform and down to the trestle work of the bridge; he begged for his life all the time, very piteously at first. By-the-by, bef
William Thompson (search for this): chapter 3.48
onducts the prosecution, was examined as to the murder of Thompson. Although, technically, the record of the evidence forntrast to the conduct of the Liberators. The murder of Thompson. Mr. Green stated to the Court that he desired to bring out testimony relative to the shooting of Thompson, one of the insurgents, on the bridge; but the State objected to it, unod the offer, it was to show that one of those men, named Thompson, a prisoner, was despatched after Beckham's death. The n him and the citizens several times after the killing of Thompson. Judge Parker decided that the whole transaction of thel for defence. Q. Did you witness the death of this man Thompson? A. I witnessed the death of one whose name I have been informed was Thompson. Q. The one who was a prisoner? A. Yes, sir. Q. Well, sir, what were the circumstances attendingith me, and they took him prisoner and tied him; this was Thompson, who was afterwards taken out and shot; Brown's treatment
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