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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 30: addresses before colleges and lyceums.—active interest in reforms.—friendships.—personal life.—1845-1850. (search)
is a beautiful tribute, and in its kind one of Sumner's best papers. Sumner delivered the orationservice; and it was well performed. Among all Sumner's addresses on special occasions, this one is ciple or right seems to control it. To George Sumner, Paris, March 10:— They all think yo even in favor of the Austrian rule in Italy. Sumner in this as other things was above the spirit aduring the last autumn of his life. To George Sumner, April 4:— We have all been filled wa few days later at No. 4 Court Street between Sumner and the young man of twenty years, to whom thealled himself the victim of circumstances. Sumner, though not connected with Theodore Parker's rTranscript, Feb. 11, 1850. He wrote to George Sumner, February 18:— This order definitelyears to correct his tremulousness of hand; and Sumner continued through life to wear it on his watchwe's. A very pleasant dinner. Palfrey, Adams, Sumner, young Dana, all and several Free Soilers. I,[113 more...
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 31: the prison—discipline debates in Tremont Temple.—1846-1847. (search)
ciety. It was through pressure from Howe that Sumner was drawn into a controversy where he became tnough with the subject to be able to cope with Sumner and Howe. He was of a type of men, then dominient and offensive way; or that when thus met, Sumner and Howe should have been more personal and agr the purpose of upholding an inhuman system. Sumner and Howe, who were on hand, anticipating the crruption was disagreeable to the managers, but Sumner's motion for a committee to revise the report, Philadelphia, was carried without dissent. Sumner explained his first participation in the contrrward in his most dignified style, and said, Mr. Sumner, gentlemen. the speaker took little, if any asked some questions, which were answered. Mr. Sumner entered into the conversation with energy. . Sumner assisted in correcting the proofs. Sumner made ineffectual efforts at business meetings nd-dried character of the public meetings. Sumner spoke an hour at least, making points as to th[12 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 32: the annexation of Texas.—the Mexican War.—Winthrop and Sumner.—1845-1847. (search)
in May, 1846, and consisted of himself, Adams, Sumner, S. C. Phillips, and Wilson. The result was tors, though with no more sympathy than they in Sumner's themes, still welcomed him in his home on B same. In all the writer's intercourse with Sumner the latter spoke of Winthrop only with great r wishes for your prosperity and happiness. Sumner prepared a review of the convention, in which,ea at Dr. H. I. Bowditch's, where were Andrew, Sumner, and others interested in the object of the meed by Andrew, the secretary, had been adopted, Sumner spoke. He had made no preparation, and in tak its substance made it offensive to Winthrop. Sumner said:— Such, sir, is the Act of Congress September 7 Reply to Corwin, who requested Sumner's opinion on resolutions adopted at Corwin's iere signed with a *, but they were known to be Sumner's at the time, with no purpose on his part to had been pitted against each other, wore upon Sumner. The burden of the controversy had been left [127 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 33: the national election of 1848.—the Free Soil Party.— 1848-1849. (search)
ncession to slavery. Giddings, in a letter to Sumner, Sept 8, 1850, considered that the Free Soil msequent appointment as minister to England. Sumner awaited the result of the Whig convention withPhiladelphia. His subsequent course justified Sumner's distrust rather than their confidence but hefree States in a convention for this purpose. Sumner took an active part in obtaining the speakers,, where Giddings made the principal speech; Sumner wrote to Palfrey of this meeting: It was the mter dinner we called on Palfrey. Sept. 17. Sumner passed the afternoon with us. After tea I walks in his hands the lighted torch. Oct. 26. Sumner made a Free Soil speech [in Cambridge]. Ah me!d immediate attention and constant vigilance. Sumner urged, in correspondence with Free Soilers in h at Salem, September 28, probably referred to Sumner when he spoke of Mr. Everett as one who could e which are required to maintain its sway. Sumner was one of the speakers at a Free Soil meeting[43 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 34: the compromise of 1850.—Mr. Webster. (search)
ing her to keep the peace. Dr. Bailey wrote Sumner, July 5, 1850, that General Taylor had been grs signed by President Lincoln, June 28, 1864. Sumner carried the repeal in the Senate against Democeeting, expressing sympathy with its purpose. Sumner was appointed one of the legal committee for ty Free Soilers and Abolitionists took part. Sumner was also counsel in the defence of Sims. Hecipal Court. In March, R. H. Dana, Jr., and Sumner drew a bill to secure the rights of persons cljudicial outburst was received with applause. Sumner insisted on the prisoner's discharge, maintainnst Commissioner Curtis's order of rendition. Sumner, as he began, said that the prisoner, though urse as the representative of the State. See Sumner's letter to John Bigelow, May 22, 1850, post, ter of an earlier period, had already weakened Sumner's confidence in him. Longfellow was hardly surid and did afterwards in the same line, called Sumner, a few months later, into public life, which o
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 35: Massachusetts and the compromise.—Sumner chosen senator.—1850-1851. (search)
mancipator and Republican, August 15, contains Sumner's letter accepting the Free Soil renomination;ant reputation as a public speaker. To George Sumner, January 8:— You will see by the papas sure as God is God must prevail. To George Sumner, June 25— The recent outrageous expedirs than as friends. Acknowledging a gift from Sumner, Sept. 27, 1846, on his second marriage, Feltofts. Felton, however, with all his liking for Sumner's personal qualities, had no natural affinity alse seeming settlement. The speech placed Sumner foremost among the Free Soilers as a candidateState, told him that he would be the senator. Sumner replied that it would not be so; that others wman who must take the place of the Expounder. Sumner vice Webster would be one of those rare good t success had become dependent on his election, Sumner met his supporters in council from time to timnly that he did not take his place with Adams, Sumner, and Wilson, and prolong a public career which[50 more...]<
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 36: first session in Congress.—welcome to Kossuth.—public lands in the West.—the Fugitive Slave Law.—1851-1852. (search)
actical; but that is not practical. To George Sumner, Jan. 5, 1852:— Kossuth produces a gf his timely assistance. The favor shown to Sumner by senators from the Southwest was noted as ane been placed by Sumner's side in the Senate. Sumner's tribute, though brief, was complete,—touchinument in the burial-ground at Beverly was from Sumner's hand. During the session Sumner was occupal mode of appeal would have been resorted to. Sumner felt that the thing to be done was to get the er, appear. It was considered at the time that Sumner had achieved a remarkable success, particularlreedom, and would not accept an explanation of Sumner's reasons for avoiding publicity when made to drew wrote, June 2, of Winthrop's reference to Sumner's silence: This retreating arrow from Winthropharp reflections at this time were prompted by Sumner's including in a recent edition of his Orationd Wendell Phillips. The latter in a letter to Sumner, April 27, said:— I have never, my dear [41 more...
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 40: outrages in Kansas.—speech on Kansas.—the Brooks assault.—1855-1856. (search)
e last speech you will make in this world. Sumner came to Washington, July 5, in order to go Normportant matter Savage altogether ignored what Sumner had said of Butler, treating his charges againation of his signature in a friendly letter to Sumner. The paper he signed unwittingly is given in ges from the State House. The company, taking Sumner in an open barouche with Dr. Perry and Professday following. They are also in part found in Sumner's Works, vol. IV. pp. 368-385. Never was therutumn, printed at this time, paid a tribute to Sumner in these lines:— And he who to the lettered wend walks with an uncertain step. November 14: Sumner is getting on very well; he takes a pretty lonis bill he took no part in the proceedings. Sumner's sole object in going to Washington at this the national territory. Twenty years before, Sumner sailed from New York on a sailing vessel on hi with the Smithsonian Institution, so wrote to Sumner, Nov. 8, 1860, and gave Memminger as authority[99 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 41: search for health.—journey to Europe.—continued disability.—1857-1858. (search)
c men of France, and took pleasure in bringing Sumner into relations with them. He enjoyed Tocqueviod-bye. God bless you! During his absence Sumner kept a journal, the only time he ever kept oneEllis, the reporters, were each old friends of Sumner. Ante, vol. 1. p. 343; vol. II. pp. 64, 65, d'hote of Meurice's Hotel. The summary of Sumner's diary for the month is as follows: Leaving Pface of Pitt after his death. Brougham gave Sumner at this visit a colored print of Edmund Burke e Dowager Lady Hatherton, a faithful friend of Sumner, has lived in London since the death of her huas as yet apparent. A number of friends met Sumner as he left the ship at East Boston, on the aftlater, justified this distrust and suspicion. Sumner wrote to E. L. Pierce from Washington, April 1 his sympathies with the pro-slavery party. Sumner found at once that he must remain a passive sphey left midway to go back to the portfolios. Sumner is insatiable. He will be the death of Thies,[23 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, chapter 14 (search)
me would be required. Dr. Brown-Sequard met Sumner first at the latter's lodgings, Hotel de la Pahe baths which were to follow. Shortly after, Sumner left Paris for Aix-les-Bains, taking on the wath new buildings now connects the two points. Sumner took lodgings at the Hotel Nevet (named from ihe literary and scientific men of the city. Sumner, writing to C. F. Adams, described the club asf Montpellier and whose mother was a negress. Sumner said to Professor Martins at; the time, that searied with the hard work which he put me to. Sumner was sad at leaving Rome, feeling that he shoul tribute to his ability as a lawyer. This was Sumner's last intercourse with Parker, whom he accompRev. S. K. Lothrop, of Boston, was two days in Sumner's company at Havre, and records the latter's pendell Phillips, in which those reformers took Sumner's and Parker's view of him. Pray, get well. G 1859; Tributes to Mr. Mann may be found in Sumner's Works, vol. IV. p. 424; vol. v. p. 288. Dr[94 more...]
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