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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Annual reunion of Pegram Battalion Association in the Hall of House of Delegates, Richmond, Va., May 21st, 1886. (search)
s looking at you—it seems but yesterday that A. P. Hill paused near this flag amid the fiery pang ofbut yesterday that we saw Lee and Gordon and A. P. Hill and Early grouped about this flag as it dallto the official reports of Lee, Jackson, and A. P. Hill) in every general action delivered by the Ar long as men shall read the military reports of Hill, of Jackson, and of Lee. In his case, as in not been disabled, and at daylight rode to General Hill's field Headquarters and applied to hold thseemed to be silenced, and the batteries of General Hill were ordered to cease their fire, which wasseen him immediately on his arrival, said to A. P. Hill, whom he met a few moments after: General HiGeneral Hill, I have good news for you. Major Pegram is up. Yes, said Hill, that is good news. A staff-officHill, that is good news. A staff-officer of Hill's repeated this to Pegram. The compliment could not fail to please the youthful soldier,Hill's repeated this to Pegram. The compliment could not fail to please the youthful soldier, for if ever man weighed his words it was Robert Lee, and Pegram afterwards said to a comrade over t[1 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Ceremonies connected with the unveiling of the statue of General Robert E. Lee, at Lee circle, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 22, 1884. (search)
lellan. Lee determined that the easiest way to remove McClellan from the James would be to threaten the inferior force of Pope, upon which the protection of Washington depended. Accordingly, he dispatched Jackson with twelve thousand men in the direction of Gordonsville to threaten Pope. This left him with only fifty-eight thousand men to confront the ninety thousand of McClellan; but the latter General still remaining inactive, Lee, a week later, further depleted his force by sending A. P. Hill's division to reinforce Jackson. Jackson, with his force of about eighteen thousand men, did not hesitate to attack Pope with thirty-seven thousand at hand, and more in easy reach, and won the victory at Cedar Run. This bold feat had the effect of checking all serious advance on the part of Pope, and of so alarming the Washington authorities for the safety of their capital, that they accomplished the very purpose of Lee, by ordering the transfer of McClellan's army to the support of Pope
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), First Maryland campaign. (search)
on is made of the magnificent blow struck by A. P. Hill in the afternoon, which relieved Longstreet'ished the object in view. During that night A. P. Hill, who was next the Shenandoah, was thrown forseemed to be silenced, and the batteries of General Hill were ordered to cease their fire, which waser, the enemy opened, drawing a rapid fire from Hill's batteries at close quarters. At 8 o'clock, ad little rest on the night of the 14th, left A. P. Hill to dispose of the prisoners and stores at Hae urgency of the occasion. Jackson, leaving A. P. Hill's division, marched back on the evening and s left. It was at this critical moment that A. P. Hill, who had marched seventeen miles from Harpermptness, which cannot be too highly praised, A. P. Hill formed his men in line, and threw them upon nation to check the enemy, but it was mainly A. P. Hill's attack which decided the day at this pointwever, the night to contend with. The vigor of Hill's attack, with hungry and march worn men, is sh[5 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of the conduct of General George H. Steuart's brigade from the 5th to the 12th of May, 1864, inclusive. (search)
that salient which proved so disastrous on the 12th following. By daylight of the 9th, in spite of the fatigue and loss of sleep on the night of the 7th, and the terrible march of the 8th, the entire brigade, with no tool, except the bayonet and tin-plate, was entrenched behind a good defensible rifle pit. This day was spent in strengthening the lines, scouting to the front, and that sleep so much needed. The morning of the 10th found it closed to the right, connecting with the left of Hill's corps, and Jones's brigade occupying the works in the salient. The position now occupied was in rear of the left centre of the army, and so near as to require protection for the backs of the men when that part of the army was assaulted. These assaults were made fast and furious during the day, and the men of this line were, of necessity, compelled to erect works in front and rear at the same time. Late in the afternoon Doles's brigade was pressed back upon Steuart's rear, followed closel
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Death of Stonewall Jackson. (search)
his horse dashed through the woods, were dressed simply with isinglass plaster. About half-past 3 o'clock, Colonel (then Major) Pendleton, the assistant adjutant-general, arrived at the hospital and asked to see the General. He stated that General Hill had been wounded, and that the troops were in great disorder. General Stuart was in command, and had sent him to see the General. At first I declined to permit an interview, but the colonel urged that the safety of the army and success of therve my mind, if possible, to the last. About half-past 1 he was told that he had but two hours to live, and he answered again, feebly, but firmly, Very good, it is all right. A few moments before he died he cried out in his delirium, Order A. P. Hill to prepare for action! Pass the infantry to the front rapidly! Tell Major Hawks ——, then stopped, leaving the sentence unfinished. Presently a smile of ineffable sweetness spread itself over his pale face, and he cried quietly and with an ex
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address of J. C. C. Black, at the unveiling of the Hill statue, Atlanta, Georgia, May 1, 1886. (search)
others fixes our admiring gaze. His crested helmet waves high where the battle is fiercest, the pure rays of the sun reflected from his glittering shield are not purer than the fires that burn in the breast it covers. His clarion voice rang out louder than the din of battle, like the bugle blast of a Highland Chief resounding over hill and mountain and glen, summoning his clans to the defence of home and liberty, and thrilled every heart and nerved every arm It was the form and voice of Hill. Not only is he entitled to the honor we confer upon him by the events of this day, and higher honor, if higher there could be, as a Georgian, but as a son of the South. The great West boasts that it gave Lincoln to the country and the world. New England exults with peculiar pride in the name and history of Webster, and one of her most distinguished sons, upon the recent occasion of the completion of the Washington monument, in an oration worthy of his subject, did not hesitate to say: I
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address before the Virginia division of Army of Northern Virginia, at their reunion on the evening of October 21, 1886. (search)
r's division, afterwards Mahone's and then Wright's. The Army of the Valley and the Army of the Rappahannock—the latter having become, on its march to Richmond, A. P. Hill's Light Division—becoming the Second corps, Jackson's. After General Jackson's death the two corps were reorganized into three—Longstreet's. Ewell's, and A. A. P. Hill's—with but few changes in the division organization. The Army of Northern Virginia was composed principally of troops from the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. There were from Virginia 57 regiments of infantry, and 19 of cavalry—76. From North Carolina, 53 regiments of infantry and 4 oed with the army until the end. I recall a conversation with an English officer, who had joined us just after the Maryland campaign and had been assigned to General A. P. Hill's headquarters, and who had taken part with us in the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg, which struck me very forcibly. He was
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memoranda of Thirty-Eighth Virginia infantry. (search)
One hundred-and-fourth regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers; and though the enemy were strongly posted, and it was necessary to wade through swamps, brush, &c., they were driven from their position with considerable loss. June 18th, the regiment was transferred to General L. A. Armistead, Brigadier Huger's division. Was engaged in the opening of the battle of Malvern Hill, acting as skirmishers of its division, and then remaining in the action until night. July 3d, was transferred to General A. P. Hill's division. On the 11th, crossed to the south of James river, and placed in command of General R. H. Anderson. The division remained in camp until the 16th of August, when a march was ordered. Reached Louisa Courthouse on the 17th; on the 19th at Orange Courthouse; on the 20th at Clark's Mountain; on the 21st to Stevensburg; on the 24th to Jefferson; on the 25th at Fauquier White Sulphur Springs, had a skirmish with the enemy. Left on the night of the 27th; reaching Salem on the 28
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of Chancellorsville. (search)
airly substantial. Facing east were none. Some carelessness was apparent, in that ambulances, ammunition wagons, pack mules and even a drove of beeves were close behind the line. Every one was at ease, though a few were not wanting in anxiety. Little Wilderness Church, near by, endeavored to stamp a peaceful air upon the warlike scene. The general feeling seemed to be that it was too late to get up much of a fight to-day. Jackson, in three lines, Rodes in advance, Colston next and A. P. Hill still coming up, lay close by. He had caught Hooker's right flagrante delicta. At 6 P. M. the order was given, and twenty-two thousand of the best infantry in existence closed rapidly down upon the flank of ten thousand of the least hardened of the troops of the Army of the Potomac. No division in the Army of the Potomac, not the Old Guard, not Frederick's automata, could have changed front under the staggering blow. The fight was short, sharp, deadly, but partial only. But the force on
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 21 (search)
mace; when, amid the colossal fragments of the tottering temple, men recognized the unsubdued spirit of Samson Agonistes. In the demise of this distinguished Georgian we chronicle the departure of another noted Confederate, and this Commonwealth mourns the loss of a son whose fame for half a hundred years was intimately associated with her aspirations and her glory. He was the survivor of that famous companionship which included such eminent personages as Crawford, Cobb, Johnson, Jenkins, Hill, and Stephens. While during his long and prominent career General Toombs was courted, admired, and honored, while in the stations he filled he was renowned for the brilliancy of his intellectual efforts, the intrepidity of his actions, the honesty of his purposes, and for loyalty to his section, while his remarkable sayings, epigrammatical utterances, caustic satires, and eloquent speeches will be repeated, it would seem that he has bequeathed few lasting monuments. Among his legacies will,
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