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Pocotaligo (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
perations against, 127-134; Grant's forces before, March, 1865, 438-444-452; final assaults, 502-533; fall of, 533; Grant enters, 536. Piedmont, battle of II., 418. Pickett, General George E., at Five Forks, III., 467; at battle of Dinwiddie, 470; at battle of Five Forks, 484; narrow escape of, 493; crosses the Appomattox, 518; flight before Sheridan, 547. Pillow General G. J., at Fort Donelson, i. . 48. Pillow, fort, capture of, II., 54-56. Plymouth, capture of, II., 57. Pocotaligo, seizure of, III., 371. Polk, General L., breach of neutrality by, i., 11. Pope, General John, at siege of Corinth, i., 100; ordered to Virginia, 107. Port Gibson, battle of, i., 206-210. Port Hudson, surrender of i., 392. Port Royal, Foster and Sherman at, III., 305. Porter, Admiral, in front of Vicksburg, i., 161; operations in Yazoo river, 175; running Vicksburg batteries, 189; co-operation with Grant 190; urges McClernand to obey orders, 195; bombardment of Grand Gulf
Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 19
ommerce, III., 224. Brown's ferry, W. F. Smith's expedition against, i., 447. Bruinsburg, Grant lands at, i., 200. Buckner, General S. B., at Fort Donelson, i., 47; Grant's message to, 49 surrender of Fort Donelson, 49. Buell, General D. C., in command of department of the Ohio, i., 34; ordered to reinforce Grant, 34; slow movements of, 68; at Shiloh, 82, 86, 88, 89; at Corinth, 105; dispatched after Beauregard, 105; opposes Bragg in Tennessee, 110; outmanoeuvred by Bragg, 431; is r, 416, III., 16-18, 383; political interference at, 12; Early's campaign against, 430-444; telegraphic communication cut off from City Point, 444; Grant protects, 445, 450; Halleck's method of protecting, 450; Grant reinforces, 469, 490. Washington, N. C., capture, II., 57. Waynesboro, battle of, III., 413, 414. Wauhatchie, battle of, i., 449, 450. Weitzel, General G. movement north of James river, October 28, 1864, III., 123; Wilmington expedition 225; at Fort Fisher, 315, 323; at
Pulaski, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
amers manned with soldiers at Vicksburg, i., 190. Steedman, General James B., at Chattanooga, III., 191; at battle of Nashville, 251-269. Steele, General F., in command in Arkansas, i., 31, 58; in Red river campaign, 60, 64-74, 80-84, III., 388; at fall of Mobile, 637. Stoneman, General, George, captured by rebels near Atlanta, II., 543; at Louisville, III., 191; delay of, 411; cuts off Lee's retreat towards Lynchburg, 637. Stanley, General D. S., in Thomas's army, III., 185; at Pulaski, 186; at Spring hill, 208. Stuart, General J. E. B., at Spottsylvania, II., 145; opposes Sheridan's movement to James river, 238; death, 239. Sturgis, General S. D., defeated at Guntown, II., 401. Sumpter, Fort, attack on, i., 3; fall of, 9. Tallahatchie river, Grant's movement to, 127-140; expedition to, from Yazoo pass 169-173. Taylor, General Richard, supersedes Hood, III.; 270; calls for more troops, 287; surrenders all rebel forces east of Mississippi river, 639. Tenn
South Dakota (South Dakota, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
nd in Arkansas, i., 31, 58; in Red river campaign, 60, 64-74, 80-84, III., 388; at fall of Mobile, 637. Stoneman, General, George, captured by rebels near Atlanta, II., 543; at Louisville, III., 191; delay of, 411; cuts off Lee's retreat towards Lynchburg, 637. Stanley, General D. S., in Thomas's army, III., 185; at Pulaski, 186; at Spring hill, 208. Stuart, General J. E. B., at Spottsylvania, II., 145; opposes Sheridan's movement to James river, 238; death, 239. Sturgis, General S. D., defeated at Guntown, II., 401. Sumpter, Fort, attack on, i., 3; fall of, 9. Tallahatchie river, Grant's movement to, 127-140; expedition to, from Yazoo pass 169-173. Taylor, General Richard, supersedes Hood, III.; 270; calls for more troops, 287; surrenders all rebel forces east of Mississippi river, 639. Tennessee, military situation in, November, 1861, i., 23; results in, consequent on capture of Fort Donelson, 55; movements in, after battle of Shiloh, 101-120; occupation and
Dinwiddie Court House (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
heridan ordered against, III., 442; struck by Sheridan, 500. Davies, General H. E., Jr., at Dinwiddie, III., 468-470; at Painesville, 559. Davis, Jefferson, at Lookout mountain, i. 451; bombastriver, 511; at Ream's station, 530; at Peeble's farm, III., 77; at Hatcher's run, 117, 124; at Dinwiddie, 460. Griffin, General, Charles, at battle of Wilderness, II., 106; on North Anna, 228; at , 552-560. Merritt, General, Wesley, in Valley of Virginia, III., 95, 98, 412; at battle of Dinwiddie, 468-472; at battle of Five Forks, 495; pursuit to Appomattox, 524, 547, 552, 560; at battle oont, battle of II., 418. Pickett, General George E., at Five Forks, III., 467; at battle of Dinwiddie, 470; at battle of Five Forks, 484; narrow escape of, 493; crosses the Appomattox, 518; flightRichmond, 382, 442; at Dinwiddie court-house, 453; movement against Five Forks, 457; battle of Dinwiddie, 471-476; battle of Five Forks, 489-494; relieves Warren from command, 494; at Jetersville, 55
Big Black (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
of II., 248; capture of, 248; Butler retreats to, 254; Smith arrives at, 354; battles of June 16 and 17, 1864, 363, 367, 368; fortifications at, III 4, 7. Big Black river, battle of, i., 275, 278. Birney, General D. B., in temporary command of Second corps before Petersburg, II., 369, 382; second movement at Deep Bottom, 505g Mississippi, 205; at Port Gibson, 207; operations in Vicksburg campaign, 214; Grant's distrust of his ability, 231; inefficiency at Champion's hill, 262; at Big Black river bridge, 275; first assault on Vicksburg, 303; second assault, 315, 322, 324-326; insubordination of, 351; issues offensive orders, 362; com-plaints of Sherman 115; at Corinth, 117; at Hatchie river, 118; at Arkansas Post, 149; at Port Gibson, 211; at Milliken's Bend, 233; at Raymond, 237 at Champion's hill, 270; at Big Black river bridge, 278; in Vicksburg campaign, 284; entire operations at Vicksburg, 386; at Jackson, 397; battle of Wauhatchie, 450; at Ringgold, 521; in Chattanooga cam
Goldsboro (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
battle of Drury's Bluff, 253, 254; movement against Petersburg, 343; relieved from command by Butler, 344. Gold, high price of, in August, 1864, III., 12. Goldsboro, Sherman's objective point in Carolina campaign III., 374; meeting of Sherman and Schofield at, 421; march to, 427; Schofield in possession of, 434. Gordon, G214; retires to Nashville, 214; at battle of Nashville, 251, 257; ordered east from Tennessee, 364; in North Carolina, 379; captures Wilmington, 385; movement to Goldsboro, 433, 434. Seddon rebel Secretary of War, correspondence with Lee, II., 388, 389; letter on deficient supplies, 526. Sedgwick, General, John, in command of., 86. Tennesseeans, East, loyalty of, i., 536. Terry, General A. H., at Fort Fisher, 329, 335, 336, 345-347; promotion of, 347; before Wilmington, 381; at Goldsboro, 433. Texas, importance of, to rebels, i., 124. Thomas General George H. in command of army of Cumberland, i. 425; at battle of Chickamauga, 433; determina
Bolton's Depot (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
itude because of Thomas's inactivity 216, 262; reply to Grant's report of Lee's proposition of military convention, 401; visits Grant at City Point, March 1865, 436; waiting for news at City Point, 503; news of battle of Five Forks, 513; congratulates Grant, 526; visits Petersburg, 535; communicates to Grant views on reconstruction, 580; action of government of, after close of war, 625; assassination of; 627. Logan, General John A., at Belmont, i., 15; at battle of Raymond, 236; moves to Bolton, 254; Champion's hill, 64, 266; his division first to enter Vicksburg, 387; loyalty to duty of, II., 462, 541; ordered to Nashville to command army of Cumberland, III., 249. Longstreet, General James, movement against Burnside in Tennessee, i., 460; attack on Fort Sanders, 539; abandons siege of Knoxville, 543; retreats towards Virginia, 543; goes into winter quarters, 548; pursued by Schofield, 562; at battle of the Wilderness, II., 114; wounded, 121; movements north of James, III., 90,
Chicago (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
erman by Hood, III., 153. Chattanooga, battle of orders of battle, i., 479-481; preliminary movements, 481, 482; capture of Orchard knoll, 489; Sherman's movement on Missionary ridge, 495; Hooker's ascent of Lookout mountain, 498-500; Sherman's second assault, 503; Bragg's right weakened, 507; Thomas carries Missionary ridge, 508, 509; utter rout of Bragg, 511; pursuit of rebels, 513; results, 525-530. Cheatham, General B. F., at Spring hill, III., 208; at battle of Nashville, 250. Chicago, plot to release rebel prisoners at, III., 170. Chickahominy bottom lands of, II., 267; advance of Grant towards, 271; army of the Potomac on, 339, 343; army of the Potomac crosses, 347. Cincinnati, the iron-clad, at Vicksburg, i., 344. City Point, seizure of, II., 248; situation and importance of 341; Grant changes his base from White House to, 346; national gunboats at, 351; Grant's Headquarters moved to, 363; central position of, 369; great depot at, 376; telegraph line from Was
Dalton, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
sburg 299; at Canton, raising an army to attack Grant's rear, 308; menacing attitude in Grant's rear, 354; march against Grant, 360; falls back upon Jackson, 394; withdraws across Pearl river 396; in command of rebel army of Tennessee, 560; at Dalton, Ga., II., 5; campaign against Sherman, 533; falls back to Resaca, 534; evacuates Dalton, 534; retreats across the Oostenaula, 535; battle of New Hope church, 536; at Kenesaw mountain, 537; crosses the Chattahoochee, 538 superseded by Hood, 539; rDalton, 534; retreats across the Oostenaula, 535; battle of New Hope church, 536; at Kenesaw mountain, 537; crosses the Chattahoochee, 538 superseded by Hood, 539; recalled from retirement, III., 356; supersedes Beauregard in front of Sherman, 398; plan to unite forces with Lee, 420; at Bentonsville, 429; retreat through Raleigh, 27; first interview with Sherman, 628; final interview with Sherman, 633; surrender of 634. Kautz, General A. V. attack on Petersburg II., 344; at Ream's station, 404: in Wilson's raid, 404-409; at Darbytown, III., 70. Kenesaw mountain, Sherman's assault on, II., 536-538. Kentucky, neutrality of, i., 11; strategical situat
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