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Yazoo Pass (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
r, III., 295, 296. Helena, Miss., Washburne's movement from, i., 131, 132; Yazoo pass expedition, 168. Henry, Fort, position of, i, 23, 28; expedition against, th, 115-117; in command of Seventeenth corps, 161; at Lake Providence 167; at Yazoo pass, 171; movement below Vicksburg 198; crosses the Mississippi, 206; battle of P, 9. Tallahatchie river, Grant's movement to, 127-140; expedition to, from Yazoo pass 169-173. Taylor, General Richard, supersedes Hood, III.; 270; calls for morant's problem, 162-163 Grant's canal, 166-666; Lake Providence, 166-168; Yazoo pass, 168-172; Steele's bayou, 173-177; Grierson's raid, 188; running the batterieeld's movements against, 368, 380; fill of, 381. Wilson, General J. H., in Yazoo pass 168-171; in command of division of cavalry, II., 97; at Wilderness, 98-102: a Wolcott, General, unsuccessfully attacked by rebels at Macon, III., 289. Yazoo pass expedition, II., 16-173. Yazoo river, Sherman's expedition to, i., 133-137
Hatchie River (United States) (search for this): chapter 19
es, 425; in Potomac valley, 497; relieved by Sheridan, 498. Hurlbut, General S. A., at Shiloh, i., 74, 77, 83, 88; Hatchie river, 118; in command of Sixteenth corps, 161 in command at Memphis during Vicksburg campaign, 223-225. Ingalls, Genera its arms, 613. Ohio, Buell in command of department of, i., 23. Ord, General E. O. C., in pursuit of rebels at Hatchie river, i. 118; succeeds McClernand before Vicksburg, 863; in command of Eighteenth corps, II., 465; captures Fort Harrison,ar, 648. Rebel losses.—At Belmont. i., 20; at Fort Donelson, 51; at Shiloh, 92; at Iuka, 115; at Corinth, 117; at Hatchie river, 118; at Arkansas Post, 149; at Port Gibson, 211; at Milliken's Bend, 233; at Raymond, 237 at Champion's hill, 270; aSherman, II., 337, 535. Rosecrans, General William S., at battle of Iuka, i., 111-115: at Corinth, 116-120; on the Hatchie river, 119; in western Tennessee, 418; repulsed at Chickamauga, 421; surrounded at Chattanooga, 421; unwillingness to co-op
Louisville (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
a published document, 635. State rights i., 2. Steadman, Fort, rebel attack on, III., 445 Steamboat men at Vicksburg, i., 190. Steamers manned with soldiers at Vicksburg, i., 190. Steedman, General James B., at Chattanooga, III., 191; at battle of Nashville, 251-269. Steele, General F., in command in Arkansas, i., 31, 58; in Red river campaign, 60, 64-74, 80-84, III., 388; at fall of Mobile, 637. Stoneman, General, George, captured by rebels near Atlanta, II., 543; at Louisville, III., 191; delay of, 411; cuts off Lee's retreat towards Lynchburg, 637. Stanley, General D. S., in Thomas's army, III., 185; at Pulaski, 186; at Spring hill, 208. Stuart, General J. E. B., at Spottsylvania, II., 145; opposes Sheridan's movement to James river, 238; death, 239. Sturgis, General S. D., defeated at Guntown, II., 401. Sumpter, Fort, attack on, i., 3; fall of, 9. Tallahatchie river, Grant's movement to, 127-140; expedition to, from Yazoo pass 169-173. Taylor
Meridian (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
600. Memphis, covered by Columbus, i., 22; covered by Corinth 67; Grant's headquarters after fall of Corinth, 106. Meridian, Sherman's expedition against, i., 552-560. Merritt, General, Wesley, in Valley of Virginia, III., 95, 98, 412; at ba69; battle of Chattanooga, 476-505; movements after battle of Chattanooga, 516; movement to Knoxville of, 533, 543, 547; Meridian expedition, 552-560; letter to Grant on lieutenant-generalcy, 573; in command of Military Division of the Mississippi, I allowed leave of absence for indefinite period, 465; refused a command by Grant, III., 389. Smith, General, W. Sooy, Meridian expedition, 556-559. South Carolina, retributive justice to, III., 424. South, war begun by the, i., 3; devotion a; determination at Chattanooga, 441; magnanimity of, 443; battle of Chattanooga, 463-477; movement to support Sherman in Meridian raid, 554, 562; in command of army of the Cumberland, under Sherman, II., 533; campaign against Atlanta, 534-540, 542-54
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
Fort Harrison, 76; second movement north of James river, 115-122; ordered to New York to preserve ot St. Mary's church, 397 movements north of James river, 511; at Ream's station, 530; at Peeble's f of army of Potomac, in movement across the James river, II., 375. Introduction, i., 1. Iuka,, i., 109; Grant's Headquarters at, 115. James river, geography of, II., 4, 248, 340; strategica, 1864, II., 477. Lee, Admiral, guarding James river, II., 351; in command of gunboat fleet at Winion of 186; at Cold Harbor, 296; crossing James river, 351; in command before Petersburg, 363, 362, 15, 216; in Wilderness campaign, 329; on James river, August 14, 1864, 511; at Kenesaw mountain,ge of orders of; by Meade, 139; movement to James river, 148, 237-241; battle at Hawe's shop, 269; a, II., 145; opposes Sheridan's movement to James river, 238; death, 239. Sturgis, General S. D.0. Weitzel, General G. movement north of James river, October 28, 1864, III., 123; Wilmington ex
Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
; in command of Sherman's left wing in march to sea, III., 283; in front of Savannah, 295; in campaign north of Savannah, 373; at battle of Averysboro, 428; at battle of Bentonsville, 430. Smith, General A. J., in Red river campaign, II., 59-72; beats Forrest in West Tennessee, 459; transferred to Thomas's command, II., 41, 154; delay in movement of, 190; joins Thomas's army, 211; at battle of Nashville, 251. Smith, General C. F., in command at Paducah, i., 12, 13; demonstration in West Kentucky, 14; second demonstration, 25; fort Donelson, 39-54; expedition to Tennessee river, 60-65-67. Smith, General, Giles, at battle of Chattanooga, i., 492. Smith, General John E., at battle of Chattanooga, i., 506. Smith, General Kirby, in command of rebels west of the Mississippi, II., 6; threatens to cross Mississippi river, 509; surrenders all troops west of the Mississippi, III., 639. Smith, General W. F., expedition to Brown's ferry, i., 446; in command of Eighteenth corps,
St. Mary's church (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 19
-654; saves Lee from trial for treason, 654. Gregg, General John I., in Sheridan's expedition to Trevillian station, II., 394; at White House farm 396; at St. Mary's church, 397 movements north of James river, 511; at Ream's station, 530; at Peeble's farm, III., 77; at Hatcher's run, 117, 124; at Dinwiddie, 460. Griffin, GeneRichmond, 240; at Drury's Bluff, 254; at Cold Harbor, 302; in Wilderness campaign, 329; first assaults on Petersburg, 372; movement of June 22, 1864, 384; at St. Mary's church, 398; Wilson's raid, 411; at battle of Darbytown, 471; at Cemetery Hill, 483; at Weldon road, 515; at Ream's station, 531; at Kenesaw mountain, 538; in Atlanss. General, opens a way to the Tallahatchie, i., 17(0. Rosser, General, at battle of Cedar creek III., 92. Sailor's creek, battle of, III. 566-579. St. Mary's church, battle o, II., 397. Savannah, investment of, III., 263; evacuation of 306. Schofield, General John M., n command of department of Ohio, i., 552; pursu
Alexandria (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
miny 347; crossing of James, 50-357; assaults on Petersburg, 360-380; operations of June, 1864, 382-389; Burnside's mine, 460-495; characteristics of high officers in, 487 operations against Deep Bottom and Weldon road, 514-53; Peeble's farm, III., 74-78; Hatcher's run, 115-128; strength and position, March, 1865, 438, 439; Fort Steadman, 445-450; operations prior to Five Forks, 450-484 battle of Five Forks, 484-497; final assaults on Petersburg, 500-529; Appomattox campaign, 544-597. Potomac river, geography of, II., 8; Early's campaign on, 429-441; frozen, III., 368. Potter, General Robert B. before Petersburg, June 30, 1864, II. 4,0. Prentiss, General B. M., at battle of Shiloh, i., 74, 76, 78, 83. Price, General Sterling, captures Iuka, i., 110 in West Tennessee, 109-120; defeated at Big Blue river, III., 388. Providence, lake, expedition, i., 166-173, 178. Raids.—Grierson's, i. 188 189; Sheridan's to Richmond, May, 1864, II., 237-241 to Trevellian station, 392-3
Raymond (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
ize their soldiers to vote, 172. National losses.—At Belmont i., 20; at Fort Henry, 32; at Fort Donelson, 51; at Shiloh, 91; at Iuka, 113; at Corinth, 117; Sherman's attack on Haine's bluff, 145; at Arkansas Post, 149; at Port Gibson, 211; at Raymond, 237; at Jackson, 249; at Champion's Hill, 269; at Black river bridge, 278; Vicksburg campaign 284; assaults on Vicksburg, 304-326; Sherman's movement against Jackson, 397; Vicksburg campaign and siege, 399; at battle of Chickamauga, 433; at Wauof, in every quarter of theatre of war, 648. Rebel losses.—At Belmont. i., 20; at Fort Donelson, 51; at Shiloh, 92; at Iuka, 115; at Corinth, 117; at Hatchie river, 118; at Arkansas Post, 149; at Port Gibson, 211; at Milliken's Bend, 233; at Raymond, 237 at Champion's hill, 270; at Big Black river bridge, 278; in Vicksburg campaign, 284; entire operations at Vicksburg, 386; at Jackson, 397; battle of Wauhatchie, 450; at Ringgold, 521; in Chattanooga campaign, 524; at Knoxville, 541; at Spot
Fort Sumpter (Oregon, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
aign, 60, 64-74, 80-84, III., 388; at fall of Mobile, 637. Stoneman, General, George, captured by rebels near Atlanta, II., 543; at Louisville, III., 191; delay of, 411; cuts off Lee's retreat towards Lynchburg, 637. Stanley, General D. S., in Thomas's army, III., 185; at Pulaski, 186; at Spring hill, 208. Stuart, General J. E. B., at Spottsylvania, II., 145; opposes Sheridan's movement to James river, 238; death, 239. Sturgis, General S. D., defeated at Guntown, II., 401. Sumpter, Fort, attack on, i., 3; fall of, 9. Tallahatchie river, Grant's movement to, 127-140; expedition to, from Yazoo pass 169-173. Taylor, General Richard, supersedes Hood, III.; 270; calls for more troops, 287; surrenders all rebel forces east of Mississippi river, 639. Tennessee, military situation in, November, 1861, i., 23; results in, consequent on capture of Fort Donelson, 55; movements in, after battle of Shiloh, 101-120; occupation and liberation of East, 545; situation in, Novemb
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