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South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
S. C. , V., 119. South Carolina: University of, I., 14; the Hampton legion, I., 295; Fort Walker, in, I.,357; devastation in, by Union troops, III., 244, 246; guns at Morris Island, VIII., 66; adoption of blue flag by, IX., 343. South Carolina troops— Artillery: S. C. Battalion, Charleston, Confederate, I., 366; II., 332. Infantry: First, I, 348; II., 330; VII., 79, 147; losses at Manassas, Va., X., 158; losses at Gaines' Mills, X., 158; Second, I., 348, 350; Third I., 348, 350; Fourth, I., 350; Fifth, I., 350; Sixth, I., 356; losses at Fair South Carolina troops—Continued, Oaks;. Va., X., 158; Seventh. I., 348, 350; losses at Antietam, Md., X., 15S; Eighth, I., 350; Tenth, VII., 249; Twelfth, losses at Manassas, Va., X., 158; Fourteenth, losses at Gaines' Mills, Va., X., 158; Seventeenth, II., 191; losses at Manassas. Va., X, 15S; Twenty-first, X., 150; Twenty-third, losses at Manassas, Va., X., 158: Twenty-fourth, I., 306; Twenty-fifth, X., 156. South Caroli
Stafford Court House (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
, D. C.): I., 141. Spring Hill, Tenn.: II., 330; III., 256, 338. Spring River, Ark. (see also Salem, Ark.), I., 358. Springfield, Ill.: I., 174; Camp Butler, near, I., 175. Springfield, Mass.: Patriot Publishing Company at, I., 18; armory at, V., 146. Springfield, Mo. (see also Wilson's Creek, Mo., and Oak Hill, Mo.): I., 350, 354; II., 330; IV., 152. Springfield rifle, VIII., 82. Sproston, J. G., VI, 92. Stafford, I., A., X., 153. Stafford Heights, Va., II., 80, 83, 127. Stager, A.: VIII., 344, 346 seq,.: X., 237. Stagg, P., X., 125. Stanley. D. S.: II., 150, 178, 324, 340; III., 218, 254, 256, 25S, 262; IV., 254; X., 93, 190. Stanley, T., X., 237. Stanley's Cavalry Troop, Union, I., 350. Stannard, G. J., X., 307. Standard's Vermont brigade, II., 204. Stanton, E. M.: I., 40, 42, 104; IV., 200, 202; V., 100; war secretary, V., 100, 130, 228. 278: VI., 168; VII., 304, 347, 348; VIII., 2
Hilton Head (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
er North in its railway lines, I., 94, 96; its brightest period of the war, II., 106; resources of, nearing exhaustion, III., 278; lack of sanitary commission in, VII, 340; VIII., 20; false rumors regarding strength of, VIII., 22. South Africa, British campaigns in, I., 84. South Anna bridge, Va., III., 320. South Atlantic Squadron Ii., 332; VI., 311. South Battery, Charleston, S. C. , V., 119. South Carolina: University of, I., 14; the Hampton legion, I., 295; Fort Walker, in, I.,357; devastation in, by Union troops, III., 244, 246; guns at Morris Island, VIII., 66; adoption of blue flag by, IX., 343. South Carolina troops— Artillery: S. C. Battalion, Charleston, Confederate, I., 366; II., 332. Infantry: First, I, 348; II., 330; VII., 79, 147; losses at Manassas, Va., X., 158; losses at Gaines' Mills, X., 158; Second, I., 348, 350; Third I., 348, 350; Fourth, I., 350; Fifth, I., 350; Sixth, I., 356; losses at Fair South Carolina troops—Continue
Shiloh, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
18. Sherman's march to the sea: IX., 166 seq.; X., 75-96. Sherrick's House, Sharpsburg road, Md. , II, 73. Sherwood, K. B., IX., 93, 96, 103. Shields, J.: IV., 102, 104; X., 195. Shields, S. A., 306, 309, 310. Shiloh, Tenn.: I., 95, 97, 122, 143, 194 seq., 199, 203, 205, 218, 224, 236,360,367; II., 166; IV., 241; V., 65; entrenchments, Federal lack of, at, V., 204; entrenchments, Federal, increased use of, after, V., 206; VI., 216; VIII., 32, 103, 119, 340; bats at, X., 142. South side Railroad, Va.: III., 208, 280, 293, 294, 305, 307, 311; VIII., 254. Southern Marseillaise, the, A. E. Blackmar, IX., 343. Southern soldier boy, the, T. W. Armstrong, IX., 346. Southerners : at Shiloh, Tenn., I., 199; in a Union prison, VII., 21. Southfield,, U. S. S.: I., 356; II., 352; VI., S7, 199, 320. Southwest Mountain, Va. (see also Cedar Mountain, Va.), II., 320. Southwest Pass, La., VI., 1S9. Southwestern Army X.
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
, X., 15S; Eighth, I., 350; Tenth, VII., 249; Twelfth, losses at Manassas, Va., X., 158; Fourteenth, losses at Gaines' Mills, Va., X., 158; Seventeenth, II., 191; losses at Manassas. Va., X, 15S; Twenty-first, X., 150; Twenty-third, losses at Manassas, Va., X., 158: Twenty-fourth, I., 306; Twenty-fifth, X., 156. South Carolinian,, U. S. S., VI., 308, 310. South Carolinian, Columbus, S. C., IX., 27. South Mills, N. C. (see also Camden, N. C., I., 302. South Mountain (Md. and Pa.): II., 64 seq., 66 seq., 324; IV., 87; V., 27; losses at, X., 142. South side Railroad, Va.: III., 208, 280, 293, 294, 305, 307, 311; VIII., 254. Southern Marseillaise, the, A. E. Blackmar, IX., 343. Southern soldier boy, the, T. W. Armstrong, IX., 346. Southerners : at Shiloh, Tenn., I., 199; in a Union prison, VII., 21. Southfield,, U. S. S.: I., 356; II., 352; VI., S7, 199, 320. Southwest Mountain, Va. (see also Cedar Mountain, Va.), II., 320. Southw
South Dakota (South Dakota, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
, 32, 34, 36, 38, 41, 43, 53, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 92, 93, 96, 100, 106, 108; grave of, IV., 109 seq., 116, 120, 124; death of, at Yellow Tavern, Va., IV., 125, 127, 171, 193, 213, 226, 234, 236, 240, 262, 263, 265 seq., 266 seq., 268, 324; V., 37; VII., 195; cavalry of, reviewed by Gen'l Lee, VIII., 124, 196, 246, 254, 295, 319; IX., 83, 85; X., 62, 145, 252. Sturges, H. L., VI., 312. Sturges rifle Corps, Chicago, Ill. , VIII., 4. Sturgis. S. D.: II. 81, 348; III., 121. Sturgis, T., VII., 18. Sturnbaugh, F. S., X., 291. Submarines origin of, in civil war, VI., 266, 267; first Confederate, VI., 274. Subsistence, expenditures for, VIII., 46. Such is the death the soldier Dies, R. B. Wilson, IX., 76. Sudley Church, Va., I., 155. Sudley Ford, Va.: I, 141, 152, 154, 157; II., 51. Sudley Road, Va., I., 154. Sudley Spring, Va., II., 41. Sudley Sulphur Spring House, Va., I., 155.
Nickajack Creek (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
II, 296, 297, 328; III., 84, 86, 88, 92, 95, 188, 190, 230, 338, 340; V., 31; X., 183, 200, 226. Smith, W. S.: II., 91, 341, 350; X., 237. Smith, W. W.: VII., 29; trial of, for piracy, VII, 34, 47. Smith,, U. S. S., II., 348. Smith Brigs,, U. S. S., II., 348. Smithfarm, Keedysville, Md. : field hospital at, VII., 263. Smithfield, Va.: II., 348; III., 330; VI., 320. Smithsbury, Md., II., 340. Smyrna Camp ground, Ga., L, 353. Smyrna or Nickajack Creek, Ga., III., 326. Smyth, Sarah A. X., 2. Smyth, T. A.: III., 77; VIII., 102; X., 135. Snake Creek Ix., 95. Snake Creek Gap, Ga.: III., 108, 109. Fort Snelling, Minn. (see also Fort Snelling, Minn.), I., 147. Snickers Ferry, Va., III., 148. Snickers Gap, Va., III., 326, 328. Snodgrass Hill, Ga., II., 282. Snow Hill, Tenn., II., 332. Snyder, J. M., X., 292. Snyder's Bluff, Miss., II., 350. Snyder's Mill, Miss., II., 214
Cross Lanes (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
Sugar Creek, Ark., I., 358. Sugar Loaf, Md., VIII., 319, 324. Sullivan, J., VI., 267. Sullivan, J. C.: II., 154; III., 324; X., 203. Sullivan's Island. Charleston Harbor, S. C.: I., 103; VI., 106, 140, 179; Confederate officers at, VIII., 115. Sulphur and saltpeter: lack of, in North, V., V, 144. Sulphur Springs, W. Va.: II., 19; skirmish at, II., 322; bridge it, III., 328. Sultana,, U. S. S., I., 108 seq. Summerville, W. Va. (see also, Cross Lanes, Va.), I., 350. Summit Point, Va., III., 330. Sumner, C.; IX., 28, 301, 303, 305; eulogy on. by I., Q. C. Lamar, IX., 29, 292 seq.; X., 50. Sumner, E. V.: I., 260, 268, 294, 297 seq., 323, 327, 330, 332, 368; II., 53:, 61, 65, 67, 68, seq., 81, 83 84, 86, 92, 94, 97, 100, 324, 328 batteries of, V., 31, 3S; X., 179, 188. Sumner, G. W., VI., 265. Sumner, Sam. VII., 192. Sumner, Win, VIII., 192. Sumter, Fort, S. C. (see also Fort Sumter, S. C.): V.,
Sandersville (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
tine Springs, N. Mex. (see Fort Fillmore, N. Mex.), I., 350. San Jacinto,, U. S. S.: I., 354; VI., 125, 291, 310. San Lucas Spring, Texas, VII, 30. Sanborn., J. B., L, 147. Sanborn, W, X., 217. Sand battery on Gulf Coast Viii., 161. Sand-bag fortifications of Confederates at Yorktown, Va., I., 265. Sanders, Capt. C. S. A., VII., 123. Sanders, W. P., II., 316; X., 139. Sanders, W. W., I., 147. Sanderson, J. M., VI., 45, 55. Sandersville, Ga., III., 338. Sands, B. F. VI., 61. Sandusky Bay, Ohio: prison at, VII., 44; Fort Johnson in, VII., 69. Sanford, E. S., VIII., 344, 346 seq. Sanger, E. F., VII., 77, 149, 167. Sanger, W. D., I., 248. Sanitary Commission (see United States Sanitary Commission), VII., 17 seq. Sanitation: work of, in camp, VIII., 231. Santa Fe, N. Mex., I., 360. Santa Rosa, Fla., I., 352. Santa Rosa Island, Fla.: VI., 111; VIII., 156. Santee,,
Strasburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
. C., Confederate pickets at, VIII., 131. Stono River, S. C., VI, 57, 316, 320. Stony Creek, Va., scene near, IX., 243. Stony Creek Station, Va., III., 340. Storey, M., IX., 303. Storrs, R. S., IX., 334. Story of Civil War, the, John C. Ropes, quoted, I., 282 seq. Stoughton, E. H.: II., 330; IV., 167, 171, 178: X., 307. Stout, S. H.: VII., 256, 284, 288 seq., 351. Stovall, M. A., X., 265. Strahl, O. F., III., 340; X., 157. Strasburg, Va.: I., 308, 364; III., 328, 332; IV., 102. Strategy: its meaning, past and present, I., 112; of the Civil War, I., 112-136; of the war as affected by natural features of river, mountain, etc., I., 110. Stratton, E., IV., 3219. Strawberry Plains, Knoxville, Tenn. : bridge at, II., 339; III., 328. Streights, A. D.: raids of, II., 332; IV., 34, 280, 282; after escape of, from Libby Prison, VII., 145. Stribling, C. K., VI., 120. Strikers at headquarters, V
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