Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 1, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Thomas W. Scott or search for Thomas W. Scott in all documents.

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. Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, will be pressed for the office of Provisional President in the contemplated Southern Confederacy, the object being to conciliate the conservatives of the seceded States. The friends of the Pacific Railroad are congratulating themselves that the decided vote by which it passed the Senate secures its approval by the President. The amendments, however, have to be acted on by the House. Quite a scene occurred yesterday between the President and General Scott upon the declination or the former to authorize orders for an increase of the military force on the occasion of the inauguration. Later from key West. Key West, Fla., Jan. 22. --A Spanish man-of-war arrived yesterday from Havana with the Spanish Consul, and returned in the evening. Dr. Cormick, U. S. A., has arrived from Old Point. He has joined Capt. Brannan's company. The following list of officers are attached to Major Arnold's command: Br. Maj. L. G. Arnold, (N. J
a bill authorizing the issue of registered certificates of State stock to Frank Torrey, in lieu of two lost bonds; a bill authorizing payment of a sum of money to Scott and Adams; a bill for the relief of Thos. W. Scott; a bill to incorporate the American Agency; a bill to incorporate the Hebrew Benevolent Society of Alexandria; aThos. W. Scott; a bill to incorporate the American Agency; a bill to incorporate the Hebrew Benevolent Society of Alexandria; a bill for the voluntary enslavement of Jane Horton, of Fairfax county, without compensation to the State; a bill authorizing the payment to Scott and Adams of a sum of money for work done on the Southwestern Turnpike. Relief of Banks.--Mr. Isbell, from the Committee on Banks, to whom the House bill for the relief of the BanksScott and Adams of a sum of money for work done on the Southwestern Turnpike. Relief of Banks.--Mr. Isbell, from the Committee on Banks, to whom the House bill for the relief of the Banks of the Commonwealth was committed yesterday, reported the bill with an amendment. Resolutions of Inquiry.--The following resolutions of inquiry were adopted and appropriately referred: By Mr. Newman, of relieving the securities of Joshua H. Staats, dec'd, late Sheriff of Jackson county; by Mr French, of incorporating a Joint