Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 8, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Henrico (Virginia, United States) or search for Henrico (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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Examination of Joseph Bernard. --The examination of Joseph Bernard, for the murder of John O. Taylor, took place yesterday, before the County Court of Henrico--Justices Garnett, Waldrop, Jackson F. Children, J. T. Children, Dickens and Lee presiding. Messrs. Lyons and Crane for the defence--Mr. John B. Young for the Commonwealth. After the opening of the case, Mr. Lyons stated that it was not proposed to make any defence at present, and suggested that the prisoner be at once remanded for final trial, an order for which might be made out in any form the Commonwealth's Attorney thought proper. Mr. Young replied that under the rule adopted by the Court, they could not waive an examination at this time. The Court must be satisfied that the evidence was sufficient to justify the remanding of the prisoner for trial. He would, however, make it as brief as possible. Wm. A. Barnett was then sworn for the Commonwealth. He narrated the circumstances of the shooting of Mr
$20 reward. --I will give $20 reward for the return of my Negro Man, "Washington," who left my house, in the lower end of Henrico county, on the morning of the 17thult., without leave or provocation. Washington is about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, very black, about twenty years old, and has very white teeth, and smiles very pleasantly when spoken to. He will probably have a forged pass in his possession, as he can read and write. I will give the above reward for his return to me at my house, or if he is secured in jail so that I can get him. L. S. Courtney. [fe 7--2w]
The Daily Dispatch: February 8, 1861., [Electronic resource], The Disbandment of Irish military companies in Massachusetts. (search)
Henrico Light Dragoons. --This company will parade at the County Court-House on Wednesday next. A captain is to be elected on the same day.