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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 11, 1861., [Electronic resource].

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John G. Wade (search for this): article 1
agree on any plan of compromise, the Maryland delegation will press on the Conference the proportion for calling a National Convention, thus transferring the whole question direct to the people. The meetings have thus far been very harmonious, and there is an evident desire not to disagree. The election in Tennessee to-day, for candidates to a Convention, will, should she follow the lead of Virginia, have a favorable effect on the deliberations of the Conference. Senators Collamer, Wade, and other Republican leaders, say that they will vote to submit the proposition of the Conference to a direct vote of the people. From all we can learn, our previously expressed opinion that the Convention will recommend a settlement by a large majority vote from both sections — the South and the North--remains unchanged. We know that members of the body from the North, who came here indisposed to make any concessions whatever, as well as members from the South who came here disposed to
September, 2 AD (search for this): article 1
Holt, published a few days since as a portion of the Hayne correspondence concerning his negotiations for the surrender of Fort Sumter. The offensive and insulting portion of the letter in question is believed to have been an allegation that the Government's possession of Fort Sumter was an unwarranted act of Major Anderson, by and through the President's violation of his faith to South Carolina, &c. The following dispatches from Washington are received by telegraph: Washington, Feb. 9.--The President has approved and signed the twenty-five million loan bill, which passed both Houses as originally reported with amendments pending that the revenue from the loan authorized by the Act of June, 1860, or so much as may be deemed necessary, shall be applied to the redemption of the Treasury notes issued under the Act of last December, and for no other purpose. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to exchange par bonds of the United States for said Treasury notes at l
Peter H. Anderson (search for this): article 1
cter as to make it imperative to return it to him by mail, which was done last evening. It is said to have embraced very ill-tempered comments on the admirable letter of Secretary Holt, published a few days since as a portion of the Hayne correspondence concerning his negotiations for the surrender of Fort Sumter. The offensive and insulting portion of the letter in question is believed to have been an allegation that the Government's possession of Fort Sumter was an unwarranted act of Major Anderson, by and through the President's violation of his faith to South Carolina, &c. The following dispatches from Washington are received by telegraph: Washington, Feb. 9.--The President has approved and signed the twenty-five million loan bill, which passed both Houses as originally reported with amendments pending that the revenue from the loan authorized by the Act of June, 1860, or so much as may be deemed necessary, shall be applied to the redemption of the Treasury notes issued
N. H. Hall (search for this): article 1
has not yet its full complement of members, though it is thought all will have arrived by to-day. The Washington Star, (Union,) of Saturday, gives the following relative to its proceedings: This body sat for a short time only, yesterday, and will wait the report of the Committee of One from each State, to whom all the plans of adjustment have been referred, before acting definitely on any business. The committee consists of the following gentlemen. Guthrie. Ky., Chairman; Fowler, N. H. Hall, Vt.; Ames, R. I.; Baldwin, Conn.; from N. J.; White, Pa.; Bates, Del.; Johnson, Md.; Seddon, Va.; Ruffin, N. C.; Ewing, Ohio. Smith, Ind., Logan, Ill.; Harlan, Iowa. The general impression appears to be that, is case of the Committee failing to agree on any plan of compromise, the Maryland delegation will press on the Conference the proportion for calling a National Convention, thus transferring the whole question direct to the people. The meetings have thus far been very harmon
Benjamin B. Bates (search for this): article 1
l will have arrived by to-day. The Washington Star, (Union,) of Saturday, gives the following relative to its proceedings: This body sat for a short time only, yesterday, and will wait the report of the Committee of One from each State, to whom all the plans of adjustment have been referred, before acting definitely on any business. The committee consists of the following gentlemen. Guthrie. Ky., Chairman; Fowler, N. H. Hall, Vt.; Ames, R. I.; Baldwin, Conn.; from N. J.; White, Pa.; Bates, Del.; Johnson, Md.; Seddon, Va.; Ruffin, N. C.; Ewing, Ohio. Smith, Ind., Logan, Ill.; Harlan, Iowa. The general impression appears to be that, is case of the Committee failing to agree on any plan of compromise, the Maryland delegation will press on the Conference the proportion for calling a National Convention, thus transferring the whole question direct to the people. The meetings have thus far been very harmonious, and there is an evident desire not to disagree. The election
Connecticut (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): article 1
essage and accompanying documents were yesterday ready for transmission to Congress. If the President has deemed proper to answer the rejoinder, it, together with the reply, would have been included in the documents. Colonel Hayne having left the city early yesterday morning, his rejoinder was returned to him through the mail, addressed to Charleston. By reason of the receipt of information today of the seizure of New York ships at Savannah, together with the recent action of the New Orleans Custom-House authorities in obstructing interior commerce, in effect levying tribute, and the declaration of the Montgomery Congress in favor of opening Southern ports free to foreign commerce, Hon. John Cochrane will, on Monday, call up and press to a passage the bill heretofore introduced by him. Alexander W. Russell, District of Columbia, and Samuel A. Cooley, of Connecticut, have been appointed paymasters in the Navy; and Rev. Dabney Ball, of Maryland, a chaplain in the Navy.
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 1
message and accompanying documents were yesterday ready for transmission to Congress. If the President has deemed proper to answer the rejoinder, it, together with the reply, would have been included in the documents. Colonel Hayne having left the city early yesterday morning, his rejoinder was returned to him through the mail, addressed to Charleston. By reason of the receipt of information today of the seizure of New York ships at Savannah, together with the recent action of the New Orleans Custom-House authorities in obstructing interior commerce, in effect levying tribute, and the declaration of the Montgomery Congress in favor of opening Southern ports free to foreign commerce, Hon. John Cochrane will, on Monday, call up and press to a passage the bill heretofore introduced by him. Alexander W. Russell, District of Columbia, and Samuel A. Cooley, of Connecticut, have been appointed paymasters in the Navy; and Rev. Dabney Ball, of Maryland, a chaplain in the Navy.
New Jersey (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): article 1
gh it is thought all will have arrived by to-day. The Washington Star, (Union,) of Saturday, gives the following relative to its proceedings: This body sat for a short time only, yesterday, and will wait the report of the Committee of One from each State, to whom all the plans of adjustment have been referred, before acting definitely on any business. The committee consists of the following gentlemen. Guthrie. Ky., Chairman; Fowler, N. H. Hall, Vt.; Ames, R. I.; Baldwin, Conn.; from N. J.; White, Pa.; Bates, Del.; Johnson, Md.; Seddon, Va.; Ruffin, N. C.; Ewing, Ohio. Smith, Ind., Logan, Ill.; Harlan, Iowa. The general impression appears to be that, is case of the Committee failing to agree on any plan of compromise, the Maryland delegation will press on the Conference the proportion for calling a National Convention, thus transferring the whole question direct to the people. The meetings have thus far been very harmonious, and there is an evident desire not to disa
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
last evening. It is said to have embraced very ill-tempered comments on the admirable letter of Secretary Holt, published a few days since as a portion of the Hayne correspondence concerning his negotiations for the surrender of Fort Sumter. The offensive and insulting portion of the letter in question is believed to have been an allegation that the Government's possession of Fort Sumter was an unwarranted act of Major Anderson, by and through the President's violation of his faith to South Carolina, &c. The following dispatches from Washington are received by telegraph: Washington, Feb. 9.--The President has approved and signed the twenty-five million loan bill, which passed both Houses as originally reported with amendments pending that the revenue from the loan authorized by the Act of June, 1860, or so much as may be deemed necessary, shall be applied to the redemption of the Treasury notes issued under the Act of last December, and for no other purpose. The Secre
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 1
; Johnson, Md.; Seddon, Va.; Ruffin, N. C.; Ewing, Ohio. Smith, Ind., Logan, Ill.; Harlan, Iowa. The general impression appears to be that, is case of the Committee failing to agree on any plan of compromise, the Maryland delegation will press on the Conference the proportion for calling a National Convention, thus transferring the whole question direct to the people. The meetings have thus far been very harmonious, and there is an evident desire not to disagree. The election in Tennessee to-day, for candidates to a Convention, will, should she follow the lead of Virginia, have a favorable effect on the deliberations of the Conference. Senators Collamer, Wade, and other Republican leaders, say that they will vote to submit the proposition of the Conference to a direct vote of the people. From all we can learn, our previously expressed opinion that the Convention will recommend a settlement by a large majority vote from both sections — the South and the North--remai
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